
Apartments instead of land for large families. The procedure for obtaining. What documents are required

Is it possible to issue an apartment instead of land for large families? Today, the state offers various programs to improve the living conditions of citizens. And there is a desire to encourage those with many children. Thanks to this, the idea of ​​giving them land plots came up.

Occurrence of a problem

Russia has a lot of land that is empty. In this regard, the government proposed to give citizens land that they could build up. Many (especially families with children) were ready to go for it. Building a house on an existing plot is easier than finding a finished one yourself. And the state, having solved the housing problem, receives along the way a source of income in the form of taxes.

apartments instead of land for large families

But not in every region there is an opportunity to issue a land plot. The reason is the lack of land resources or the fact that the territories where the plots are located are not landscaped, there is no proper infrastructure. The legislation was amended, so that the state began to issue large families apartments instead of land since 2015.

Normative regulation

What acts to rely on to give out apartments instead of land for large families? Here are some of them:

  1. Housing Code.
  2. Land Code.
  3. The Law on Promotion of Housing, adopted in 2011.
  4. Laws of subjects on registration of persons in need of housing.
  5. Laws of subjects on the list of citizens entitled to housing on preferential grounds (partially overlap with the provisions of federal law).

The significance of regional legislation, for example, is reflected in the number of children in a family that must be considered to be large.

Acquisition of housing under the new rules

Which large families receive apartments instead of land? In the last 5 years, before applying, they should not have committed actions that led to their worsening living conditions. What exactly is it about:

  • there was no alienation of living space;
  • there was no alienation of the owned land;
  • in their housing were not registered third parties without housing space.
apartments instead of land for large families 2015

The choice is made for families whose members actually need to improve their living conditions. So, citizens may be the owners of housing, but its size is not enough to provide a standard of living.

Who is eligible to apply for the program?

Apartments for large families instead of land are issued under the following conditions:

  • own housing is in poor condition or unsuitable for living;
  • according to the legislation of the region, the family belongs to the category of poor citizens;
  • for at least 5 years the family has been living in the territory of the municipality or region;
  • The program is valid only for citizens of the Russian Federation.

Where to go

Documents are submitted to the municipal administration. In cities of federal significance, papers are accepted by city authorities. It should be borne in mind that the replacement is made in relation to those who are accepted in the queue.

apartments instead of land

How to write a statement:

  • Name and position of the head of the decision-making body;
  • information about the applicant (name, address of residence, mobile phone number, other means of communication);
  • circumstances and facts that ensure the right to housing instead of land;
  • signature and date of acceptance of the application;
  • list of attached documents.

The application review procedure provides for the adoption of a decision no later than 30 days later.

What documents will be needed

An application for an apartment instead of land is filled out on a special form or in a form approved by the local authorities. It is provided when a person contacts the administration or is posted on the official website.

Attached to it:

  • a copy of the applicant’s passport;
  • copy of marriage certificate;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • papers confirming the fact of residence over the past 5 years;
  • income statements are issued at work, in the tax service, entrepreneurs provide tax reporting.
large apartments instead of land

A family is considered to be low-income if the income per person is lower than the minimum set by the local government.

At the reception they will advise about the documents, taking into account the specific situation.

Some nuances

What difficulties do people face? For example, when moving, they were not registered at the new place of residence. The only document that officially confirms the fact of residence within a particular territory is a passport registration note and a certificate from the police registration department (formerly FMS).

The solution is to go to court. There, at the request of the citizen, they establish the fact of permanent residence in a certain period.

Apartments with many children instead of land - help. However, we must not forget that the provision of documents that do not correspond to reality will lead to liability.


Those who are in the queue for obtaining a land plot have the right to agree to an apartment if the plots are not issued. What is the best way to proceed? It depends on the region.

The list of documents for exchange depends on the local authorities, while obtaining papers is not a complicated process.

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