
Preferential dental prosthetics for labor veterans. The right to preferential dental prosthetics

In the article we will consider preferential dental prosthetics for labor veterans.

In our state, certain categories of citizens are provided with social guarantees. Veterans of the war, pensioners, the disabled, orphans and other groups of people have certain benefits, including medical ones.

removable dentures

Dental prosthetics

The most common need for citizens of retirement age is the need for dentures. This dental service in the Russian Federation can be provided with some discounts or even absolutely free. The list of these persons is defined in the Federal Law "On Social Protection of the Population", however, in some regions the procedure for obtaining such benefits is determined in a special manner. Moreover, the terms and conditions are prescribed in the regulatory acts of regional legislation.

In certain cases, the service may be provided to the patient out of turn. In addition, there are situations when, with the help of the local budget, preferential dental prosthetics are performed in full for veterans of labor.

Who should receive such assistance from the state?

Dentures are made and inserted in each dental clinic, at least in a private, at least in a state, but exclusively on a paid basis. To restore teeth is quite expensive, and not every patient can afford such a medical procedure at a high price. Therefore, the state, taking into account the analysis of socio-economic factors, decided to provide certain categories of people with preferential dental prosthetics. Labor veterans fell into this category.

Let's consider this question in more detail.

labor veteran in rf

Beneficiary List

The primary list of such citizens is as follows:

  • labor veterans of the Russian Federation;
  • invalids of the Second World War;
  • veterans of World War II;
  • people with 1 or 2 disability groups;
  • unemployed old age pensioners;
  • disabled children who are under 18 years old.

There is also a so-called second-order queue, which includes the following persons:

  • participants in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident;
  • low-income citizens with an income below the subsistence level in a certain region 2 times;
  • military pensioners and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • queued patients before 2005.

This applies to the general list of beneficiaries, however, full funding from the state budget is required:

  • invalids and veterans of the Second World War, home front workers;
  • disabled people with an officially confirmed group;
  • labor veterans;
  • rehabilitated and repressed persons;
  • old age pensioners.

Public Service Terms

Speaking specifically about the provision of preferential dental prosthetics to labor veterans, in this case it is necessary to take into account the features and the order of this process in a particular region separately. A similar privilege is assigned differently in the territorial body of social protection: somewhere, the list of such citizens is expanded taking into account additional points, and in some regions it is significantly reduced, often forcedly, which depends mainly on the state of the regional budget. And in certain regions of our country this program is not provided at all.

the right to preferential dental prosthetics for labor veterans

So, for example, in the Krasnodar Territory, the state reimburses labor veterans only half of the cost of the procedure. That is, dental prosthetics are carried out at a discount.

The budget St. Petersburg is ready to pay for prosthetics only to certain categories of beneficiaries, including labor veterans and widows of WWII veterans. And in the legislative documents of Kamchatka, all members of families in which a disabled child is brought up are also added to the standard list of beneficiaries. In Moscow and the Moscow Region, for example, only an employed pensioner is entitled to a benefit. Preferential dental prosthetics for certain categories of citizens are provided exclusively by state dental clinics. Some private medical facilities also provide this service, but this must be specified separately. In most cases, this implies a certain discount on the medical service in the amount determined by the contractor.

What is needed to obtain the right to preferential dental prosthetics for labor veterans?


To join the line of dental prosthetics for free, you should contact the department of social protection at the place of residence. A labor veteran must provide the following documentation to this state body:

  • relevant statement;
  • passport;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • a certificate of income for each family member for the past 3 months (form 2NDFL);
  • health insurance policy;
  • medical certificate confirming the need for dental prosthetics;
  • SNILS.

In cases where it is necessary to register a person who is not able to move independently, then all the relatives are allowed to deal with everything, either guardians and trustees, or social workers.

who should receive preferential prosthetics

The mechanism for obtaining social services

The mechanism for implementing such a documentary procedure is as follows: a labor veteran receives a coupon and is sent to a designated dental clinic to provide medical services. For prosthetics, materials that are financed from the regional budget are used. If the patient is allergic to the prescribed medications and materials, then he has the right to pay the difference in cost between the consumables provided and those necessary specifically for him.

One year warranty

A dental design in the form of a removable denture is subject to a one-year warranty, that is, if a denture malfunctions within a given period, it will be replaced or repaired. For such a procedure, as a rule, the first priority is provided. At the same time, there is no money investment for a labor veteran, however, a very important condition here is proof that only a dental clinic is to blame for the failure of a removable prosthesis. Each case is evaluated by a special commission.

So, what are the benefits of a labor veteran certificate?

Varieties of program services

You can use the state dental prosthetics service once every five years. After this period and the repeated need for the procedure, you must queue again.

In addition to dental prosthetics, labor veterans can count on other dental services free of charge:

  • examination of the dentist and receiving recommendations for upcoming therapy;
  • rehabilitation and diagnosis of the oral cavity;
  • caries treatment, restoration of damages and dental filling;
  • cleaning the oral cavity of dental plaque;
  • therapy of inflammatory processes and pathologies of the mucous membrane;
  • operative manipulations to remove tumors in the jaw area;
  • installation of removable prostheses of any degree of complexity.
labor veteran certificate what benefits

The law states that the provision of the following services is not provided for free:

  • installation of prostheses made of ceramics and cermets;
  • dental implantation;
  • manufacturing and repair of orthodontic equipment for the treatment of periodontal disease and the prevention of intense tooth decay;
  • manufacturing, subsequent installation, as well as maintenance of prostheses made of precious and other expensive metals.

How is preferential dental prosthetics performed in Moscow?

The provision of services in Moscow

In the capital, as well as in other cities, in addition to the standard promotion of labor veterans in turn, there are some exceptions. In cases where there are any additional factors affecting the health status of a labor veteran, he moves to the very beginning of the queue automatically. Today, Moscow offers many private dental clinics a preferential program of therapy and prosthetics for labor veterans, both on credit and by installments.

This helps to obtain such fixed and removable prostheses that are not done in state clinics for free. As you know, the most significant costs that arise during dental therapy, labor veterans bear with prosthetics. Accordingly, the relevance of such discounts on dentures is most obvious. In private clinics working on preferential programs in Moscow, this category of citizens has higher-quality prostheses than in ordinary public institutions. Such dentures have special requirements:

  • hypoallergenicity;
  • increased hygiene;
  • less weight compared to other dental designs.

Different versions of removable dentures, such as nylon, acrylic and clasp, are especially popular. Given the processes of bone resorption, which often occurs due to periodontitis and the mobility of the remaining teeth, all prosthetic structures must be hygienic and lightweight.

The volume and parameters of free services in state clinics in Moscow are determined by the Department of Social Protection and the Department of Health of the Government, based on the annual budget of this city.

discount dental prosthetics

How much does prosthetics cost in a clinic?

Prices for dentures in Russia can vary very widely, they depend on several points, such as the type of material, the features of the manufacture of the prosthesis and its installation. The lowest price is for plastic options - from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. From 20,000 to 30,000 rubles. will have to pay for dentures made of nylon.

Clasp constructions are the most expensive, they will cost the customer 30,000-80,000 rubles, and the specific price depends on how the prosthesis is fixed.

Priority Features

In addition to the general order of priority, there are also some additional factors that contribute to more rapid advancement in the queue of labor veterans, disabled people and pensioners. Sometimes such a movement is noted at the beginning of the queue:

  • with deformities of the jaw caused by severe trauma to the facial zone;
  • with oncological diseases of the blood;
  • with malignant pathologies of the digestive organs;
  • in the presence of malignant maxillofacial system;
  • after heavy surgical interventions on any of the digestive organs.
preferential dental prosthetics in Moscow

State compensation for dental prosthetics is possible in accordance with the conditions of the tax deduction. To do this, you must regularly pay tax on personal income to the state budget. In this case, the need to install a removable denture must be confirmed. Benefits for prosthetics and the establishment of specialized designs greatly facilitate the life of labor veterans who need such procedures, because the oral cavity must be in order, since the state of internal organs depends on this. State protection of certain categories of citizens is a guarantee of providing the population with the necessary services.

We examined who should receive preferential prosthetics.

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