
Benefits on the train: to whom and what should be. Train fare

According to statistics, almost forty percent of Russians use rail. Especially for socially unprotected categories of citizens, the state provides benefits for the use of electric trains. Each region independently determines to whom exactly to provide a discount, which depends on the level of the local budget. About who and what privileges for the train are provided, will be discussed below.

train travel

Features of the provision

The train discount is provided at the local level, however, regional authorities can only supplement the federal list of relevant citizens. Preferential travel is considered the acquisition or booking of a free ticket in one direction, as well as round trip on the basis of a special document.

The fare in the train for today one kilometer is 2.76 rubles.

Free ticket can be taken:

  • At the train station at the box office.
  • On self-service terminals.
  • In an electric train.

It should be noted that a one-way ticket operates only one day according to the date plus another hour of the next day. In the event that passengers are traveling back, the ticket is valid for the next day. Weekends and holidays are not considered. Reservation is carried out ten days before the trip.

privileges for students on trains

Confirmation of benefits at the federal level

What are the benefits of the train? Certain groups of citizens have the right to issue free travel, which is valid in any regional subject of Russia. These include:

  • Veterans or invalids of World War II.
  • Heroes of the Soviet Union or labor.
  • Juvenile prisoners of fascism with an established disability, as well as without it.
  • Citizens who worked in wartime on the territory of facilities associated with air defense, and in addition, the construction of airfields.
  • Citizens who were members of the crew of the transport fleet.
  • The liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident.
  • Citizens who lived in besieged Leningrad.

Confirm the right to certain privileges is possible through the following documents:

  • Certificate of a veteran of labor.
  • The certificate of the veteran of the Great Patriotic War.
  • Certificate of Hero of the Soviet Union or labor.
  • Certificate of Chernobyl.
train fare

Based on all the above documents, the Pension Fund, as a rule, issues a certificate on the provision of social benefits within ten days.

What are the privileges for federal beneficiaries?

Electricity benefits are set at the federal and regional levels. To obtain benefits for traveling on an electric train, you must have a document that will confirm the right to receive privileges in the form of free travel.

Now consider the issue of state support for citizens with disabilities.

State support for disabled citizens

The following citizens have one hundred percent railway discount provided by the state, regardless of their place of residence:

benefits for pensioners on the train
  • Disabled citizens of the war.
  • Disabled citizens who were held captive by the Nazis in childhood.
  • Children and grandchildren of disabled people who died during the hostilities.
  • Persons with disabilities of the third degree.
  • Children with disabilities, as well as those who accompany them.

Persons with persistent health problems and the parent of such a person, in addition to a disability pension, has the right:

  • To apply for a social package at the Pension Fund, including privileges for using trains.
  • To refuse this service in order to replace it with monetary compensation.

Such a privilege for traveling in electric trains for a minor is confirmed by a disability certificate, and an adult is required to have a third-group invalid certificate. It should also be emphasized that a disabled child and his parent can travel for free on vacation and back.

Reduced travel for military personnel

Thanks to the service certificate and transport requirement, military personnel with their families can use the railway transport free of charge. The reasons for obtaining the privilege are as follows:

  • A soldier goes on a business trip as part of a transfer to a new official position.
  • A soldier is sent to a place of rehabilitation leave.
  • A soldier moves to another place of residence.
reduced fare

Soldiers on military service and military cadets use free access to the place of additional leave. Contractors who serve in the Far North and in the Urals, Siberian or Far Eastern districts can go free of charge to the place of their main vacation and return back.

The military medical commission has the right to appoint an accompanying person for the military if his state of health requires it. This person can also use the train for free, accompanying a military citizen home or for treatment.

Who else uses the free commuter train?

Suburban fare can be paid from the state treasury in the event that passengers belong to the following categories of citizens:

  • Members of the Federation Council.
  • Deputies of the Duma.
  • Citizens who lived in Leningrad during the blockade.
  • Veterans of labor along with rear officers who have been working under military conditions for at least six months.
  • Citizens who were exposed to radiation due to the Chernobyl accident.
  • Railway staff.
  • Citizens who work in the transport prosecutor's office.
  • Private security on the railway.
  • Citizens who suffered during political repression.
current benefits for trains

How to get electric train benefits? The basis for travel at the expense of the state are the following documents:

  • Certificate of Member of Parliament.
  • Certificate of a railway employee.
  • Book of the Hero of Labor.
  • The certificate of the Leningrad blockade.

Regional railway discounts for senior citizens

Electricity benefits are also provided to pensioners. At the regional level, retirees can purchase tickets for free or at a fifty percent discount. This requires:

  • In Moscow or St. Petersburg, a social transport card is presented.
  • In other regions of Russia, a pension certificate is required. Laid benefits for students on trains. About it below.

The transport card is issued by the social security authority. This is done for five years on the basis of an application and the presentation of a passport and a pension certificate. Also, to reduce the cost of travel by train, you will need an insurance policy. Pensioners who do not use trains have the right to refuse reduced fare. In exchange, each month they can receive additional cash to their pension. Many do not know about the current benefits for electric trains.

electric train benefits for schoolchildren

Until 2015, this privilege extended not only to commuter trains, but also to the metro. In the coming year 2018, underground electric trains should be fully paid by pensioners in the event that they do not have federal benefits. As for St. Petersburg pensioners, they are not required to pay for the metro. To do this, they need to present a passport and a pensioner's certificate at the cash desk.

In the event that a pensioner is registered in the Far North, he has the right to apply to the Pension Fund once a year for the following purposes:

  • For receiving monetary compensation for a ticket that was purchased for a vacation trip.
  • With a statement on how to get a travel document at the expense of the local budget.

Electricity benefits for schoolchildren and students

The procedure for providing directly depends on the subject of the Russian Federation departure station, as well as the route of the trip.

The benefit rate of 50% from September 1 to June 15 is standard for most regions.

It can be used by students and pupils of educational institutions at the age of 7 years (a child ticket is issued for a child aged 5 to 7 years), as well as students. Form of study should be full-time.

What are the benefits for students on electric trains?

Registration of such travel is made according to student certificates and student IDs (student IDs) on the day of the trip. In Moscow, a student’s social card is often used for these purposes.

We considered the benefits of travel by train.

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