
DM is ... Key Features

The decision maker stands for "decision maker." However, the abbreviation is more concise and concise, so it is more convenient to use it. The term is popular among marketers, sales managers, and negotiators. That is, among those specialists who somehow participate in the conclusion of transactions that bring profit to the company.

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Who is the decision maker?

It is worth noting that this abbreviation can hide both a specific person and the entire board of directors. The difference is that in the first case the decision is taken solely, and in the second - at the general meeting.

In fact, the decision maker is the one on whom the outcome of the negotiations depends. That is why managers prefer to discuss all important issues with him, and not with his representatives.

It is the DM who has sufficient authority to put a confident point on any issue and at the same time bear responsibility for the decision made.

What do you need to know?

So, now you know that the decision maker is the one on whom the final decision depends. That is why it is worth contacting him to conclude a deal.

This is especially important to consider when developing a business proposal. Thinking over the argument, imagine the person on whom the decision depends, and try to convince him. However, it is equally important to find out who acts as a decision maker in a particular company. How to do this, read below.

DM search

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This may not be easy. For the reason that not only the head of the organization, but also his deputy, the head of the sales department, etc. can be a decision-maker.

In each case, the decision-maker may differ. It all depends on the question you are addressing, as well as on the hierarchy built in the particular company to which your offer is addressed.

The decision of the decision maker can be very blurry in the style of "we will contact you." However, most are well aware that this is a polite refusal.

How to enter a decision-maker?

The statistics of experts assures that with effective work the sales manager manages to contact the decision maker in seventy cases out of a hundred. If contact occurs only in half the cases, this is the result that the average telemarketer provides. If the results are lower, this indicates that the company has poorly structured work of employees who are engaged in cold calling.

Meanwhile, it is very important to establish contact because the decision-makers play an important role in sales. What is it, you now know.

LPR stands for

So, in order to increase the efficiency of reaching the decision-maker, you can try different methods. For example, to give young employees more experienced mentors, conduct master classes, write scripts for telephone conversations, etc.

That is, it all comes down to the competent organization of the work of employees. To this end, scripts are made, that is, scripts of telephone conversations, conduct staff training and periodically arrange checks. An equally important condition is the development of a motivation system that involves rewards for employees for each appointment.

Search algorithm

There are various options for contacting, starting from personal meetings and ending with the purchase of a decision-making base. However, the effectiveness of the latter option is very doubtful. The quality of the sold bases is usually low. And those people who are indicated in them are tired of constant calls and are reluctant to contact, even if your proposal may be potentially beneficial to them.

This is how the approximate algorithm looks like according to which managers who, in one way or another, gathered contacts of potential decision makers.

  • Cold call.
  • Establishing contact.
  • Negotiations with the decision maker.
decision making

Cold call

This is an attempt to establish contact with an unfamiliar interlocutor. As a result of a cold call, you need to identify those who can provide detailed information about the decision-maker. For example, you can find out from the secretary who decides on procurement. It is also important to find out the name of the person you need. This will certainly come in handy at the next step of the algorithm for establishing contact with the decision maker. Be prepared that the employee will be reluctant to give out information, so you need to have good communication skills.

Making contact

Perhaps at this step you still will not be able to contact the decision maker, but will have to communicate with his representative, who is also competent in your matter. The task of the negotiator at this stage is to obtain as much information as possible. In particular, you need to find out who makes the final decision. If this is the board of directors, then who plays the key role, etc. The more information you manage to collect, the more effective the conversation with the decision maker.

Negotiations with the DM

So, if you have passed the previous stages, now you will find the finish line in the negotiations. Communicating by telephone with a decision maker, in no case can you sell anything. Your task is only to make an appointment at which you can interest a potential client with your own proposal.

LPR in sales what is it

However, prior to the decision of the decision maker, it is advisable to provide a commercial proposal describing the benefits of your proposal.

It is important to use your own commercial offer, rather than ready-made templates, for two reasons. First, decision makers often receive similar offers, so yours should not merge with the others, but rather stand out from their background. Secondly, the standard offer will not reflect the features of your product or service. Accordingly, the decision maker will not understand the own benefits of cooperation, and this increases the likelihood of failure.

To get in touch with the decision-maker, you need to have patience and excellent communication skills, not be afraid of failures and be ready to go forward, even receiving them. After all, if today you were refused cooperation, it is possible that in the near future the client will contact you himself. That is why it is important to remain polite and friendly, even if you cannot reach an agreement.


base lpr what does it mean

It is necessary to fairly assess the situation and understand that reaching a decision maker does not always depend on employees. There are indirect factors.

This is the quality of the collected base that needs to be phoned. If there are those in it who are even potentially uninteresting in your proposal, then there can be no talk of any efficiency.

Among the additional factors are also important: the level of competence, market segment and personal position of the decision maker.

For example, getting to large companies through cold calls is extremely difficult. They already have a proven base of suppliers, where entry is closed for beginners.

You need to understand that even if you manage to agree on cooperation, this is only the first step, which does not guarantee that in the future you will have reliable and strong partnerships. It depends on many reasons, including the economic situation.

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