
The best advertisement for air conditioners. Sample ad text

Good successful advertising is one that promotes the promotion of goods. It is effective, original and quickly remembered. It’s great when an advertiser can create a topic that he loves and interests, but often you need to “promote” a very specific product. For example, what should be the advertising of air conditioners? How can you approach this product with imagination and present it in such an attractive way that a potential consumer is interested and makes a purchase? Maybe there is a secret to creating this type of advertisement?air conditioning advertising

What do we expect from advertising?

Speaking about the effectiveness of advertising, we mean its ability to sell goods. That is, advertising that leads to your customers will be successful. It can pursue the goal of forming a loyal attitude to the company and raising the image. Such advertising does not sell, but works for the future of the manufacturing company. An example is promotions according to the rules of the road, the purpose of which is to preserve the lives of drivers, pedestrians and passengers. Also an example was the social commercials about the dangers of drunkenness, domestic violence and others.

Any type of advertising has its own creation algorithm, upon compliance with which the desired efficiency is achieved. In particular, eight golden rules for creating effective advertising can be distinguished. They relate to the technical side of the issue, but the creative component defies the rules. Therefore, in the case when, for example, creative advertising of air conditioners is required, you need to conduct a real brainstorm in order to present the goods from a fresh point of view.air conditioning installation

Say no to congestion!

High-quality content is understandable and accessible to everyone, regardless of its level of development. Therefore, advertising for air conditioners should not be focused on a scientist or specialist in a narrow field. One advertising layout should have one product or service present in a situation familiar to the consumer. If this is text advertising, then you should avoid complex words, obscure terms, dull images. For the TV format, it is worth giving up excess pathos, a fresh, perfect picture. If this is an advertisement for air conditioners, then you can focus on quality, cleanliness and comfort, as was done for the Fujitsu brand, using the slogans “You won’t have to blush” and “Japanese comfort technologies”. Kentatsu air conditioners built their video in an interesting way, which offered the consumer to purchase “comfort technology”.creative advertising for air conditioners

Do not neglect the entry!

The headline is the first thing that attracts the attention of a potential client, and therefore it should be original and a little intriguing. How to make it such, if it is proposed to install an air conditioner? Advertising may begin with a question or with an undeniable statement. For example, the already mentioned company Kentatsu managed to excel. They offer "To freshen up", giving the image of a girl at the computer, who sits next to the penguin. Isn't the situation really refreshing with such a neighborhood ?! On this layout, unnecessary words are not necessary, the picture is completed on its own. If a question is asked in the title, then the plot of the video should give an answer. The appeal in the title does not sound. This is too formal and pretentious.installation of air conditioners advertising

Visualization promotes the product more actively!

Advertising of air conditioners should be bright and saturated, and therefore it is impossible to do without images in it. First of all, a person pays attention to the picture, and then to the text. The image should be associated with the product or show some algorithm of action with this product.Also, advertising can demonstrate life without a promoted product, although somewhat exaggerated. For example, in 2007, a Singapore agency Gray posted original billboards featuring indoor plants and home furnishings dressed in cozy knitted sweaters. Thus, the agency realized the idea of ​​touching care for the health of its potential customers. Indeed, with the help of simple visualization, the atmosphere of comfort is brilliantly transmitted. When viewing, a sincere smile is born. And why overload such advertising with information about innovative technologies and cooling systems ?!best air conditioning advertising

Gather Important Information

The best advertising for air conditioners should be capacious, colorful and informative. Otherwise, the sale of goods to the client will not take place. An example would be a layout Mando Machinery by Diamond Ad. This company makes somewhat frivolous advertising, but it is very memorable. In the sensational series of their layouts, the state of objects before and after turning on the air conditioners is demonstrated. Two cacti stand on a plain background, one of which is young and fresh, and the second is limp. There are no words and appeals on the layout, only below is the name of the company and a small image of the air conditioner. The meaning of advertising reaches a person immediately, but the composition causes a slight laugh. A bolder version of advertising shows male organs under the influence of a cold and warm stream of air. Will such an advertisement be remembered? Definitely! Will she make you want to make a purchase? Of course. Suppose, not momentary, but conscious.

Better advertising "with a button"

If you offer installation of air conditioners, the advertisement immediately contains the bait for a potential client. The desire to freshen up, to create the optimum temperature in the house - this is the very button that makes you pay attention to advertising and think about buying. A button, a word, a key message, or a situation played out in a commercial plays the role of a button. For example, in a video about pain pills, a manager is shown after a difficult meeting that caused a migraine. Who did not face such a situation? And the video promises an immediate relief from pain!

Here is an example of a promotional text from a brand MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC, where they took as a basis the child’s health and noise.

If you seriously care about the health of your children, then you probably know the reason why rural children are more calm and healthy than urban children. It’s all about pure rustic air and silence. How to protect your home from city noise? Double-glazed windows will save only from sound, but not from heat. Office air conditioning will make a lot of noise, which is obvious to any person working indoors. Therefore, you need to choose Mitsubishi Electric. This air conditioner will really bring fresh air to your home silently and provide your children with a sound and healthy sleep.

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