
Active Sales Manager: duties, job description

Today manager active sales is only a seller working according to the instructions of the employer. what usually he does? Communicates with buyers - clients, concludes sales contracts, knocks out debts, runs after debtors, builds up a client base, works for interest on the transaction. He is an employee of the enterprise, bringing money. Today, without a manager, he is nowhere, he is the most important, and at the same time the most defenseless. To whom to write off unpaid debts? On the manager. But nothing, that the transaction was approved by a financial adviser and security service? Answer: did not call on time, overlooked, did not report to management.

Why do business sellers?

Today's business is not conceived without a profession with the name active sales manager. In different organizations, the names can vary, from a sales manager to a sales representative. The essence is the same - selling to existing customers in the base of the enterprise and searching for new ones.

active sales manager

It would seem that there is a product that takes its rightful place in the market. Otherwise, why is it needed at all? Marketers worked, conducted research on similar products, determined the price category, organized an advertising campaign, potential buyers looked, “felt” - no sales. What is wrong with the product? Why is the analogue in demand higher in price and worse in quality? We started checking, making calls, it turns out that there are well-functioning supply channels, discount systems, deferred payment, and just human relationships, when you don’t want to change anything, everything suits you.

active sales manager duties

How to destroy this "vicious" (from the point of view of the manufacturer or new seller) circle? And here begins the painstaking work of the active sales manager in attracting buyers to "their side." Not everything is so complicated, but not smooth!

Personal qualities of a sales manager from the point of view of business leaders

  • The ability to learn. What for? Otherwise, how can you sell if you do not know the benefits of the product. The product (its quality characteristics) requires initial development.
  • Ability to speak competently (not tongue-tied). The active sales manager must communicate (in order to “bounce off the teeth”) about the product (service) being sold.
  • External data: special representativeness is not important, the ability to position oneself is necessary.
  • Experience. In any field. Awareness of the need to become a professional "salesperson" must be formed.

active sales manager resume

In successful companies, business leaders conduct interviews with candidates themselves, because only an active sales manager working with clients brings money to the company - the rest they spend. As soon as top management begins to understand this postulate, staff turnover at the enterprise immediately ceases.

Active Sales Manager: Responsibilities

Passive sales suggest that the client himself is ripe before the purchase and he does not need to be motivated. Active sales are needed in order to deploy the client from the “alien threshold” and bring them to your company. All actions that occur between these two events are the responsibilities of the manager.

  • The study of the sold product (service) in terms of its position in this market segment.
  • Studying a potential circle of buyers.
  • Work with an existing customer base.
  • Establishing contacts with potential customers by any available means: cold - by phone, warm - at a meeting.
  • Conclusion of sales contracts developed by the lawyers of the employing company.
  • Making a deal.
  • Track payment.
  • Work on collecting debts from customers working with deferred payment.

Active sales manager: job description as a document

Any employer company seeks to clearly articulate the responsibilities of its employees. The active sales manager works according to previously worked out requirements, drawn up in the document “Job description”. This is precisely the document, because when applying for a job, it is signed on the one hand by the employer, and on the other, by the employee.

work of active sales manager

Violation of the requirements leads to sad consequences in the form of fines, and then to dismissal: the wording may be different, the essence is the same - failure to perform official duties.

So what should an active sales manager do in a company? The employee’s instructions are usually developed by the head of the sales department, adjusted by the personnel manager and signed by an authorized manager.

The composition of the job description for the active sales manager

Key points:

  • The categorization of the employee is determined (usually the manager is classified as a specialist).
  • The requirements for education and work experience are indicated.
  • The person who appoints the active sales manager is determined.
  • Subordination is established, both direct and in the absence of a leader.
  • The circle of documents that should guide the active sales manager in his work is determined. As a rule, this is the charter of the enterprise, internal regulations, various orders and instructions of the management.

active sales manager instruction

What is the regulation of knowledge by profession?

An active sales manager should know:

  • Laws of the Russian Federation defining commercial activity.
  • Pricing procedure.
  • The basics of marketing.
  • Assortment list of products (services) of the employer.
  • Accepted company reporting forms.
  • The structure of the enterprise.

Direct Manager Functions

  • Search for customers (expanding customer base).
  • Conduct of negotiations.
  • Development of conditions (within the regulated framework) of the contract, execution (conclusion).
  • Reception of client applications, execution and further transfer to the delivery service.
  • Maintaining a client on payments, on the timing of the adoption of new applications, informing about marketing activities.
  • Work with the reporting accepted in the company.

The rights:

  • Possibility of communication with the company management on: remuneration of labor, identified shortcomings, making suggestions for improving the work.
  • Opportunity to require management assistance in the work (according to the prescribed responsibilities).

The active sales manager is responsible: for failure to fulfill his work duties in accordance with the instructions signed by him, for offenses during working hours under the Criminal Code and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, for material damage caused to the company.

How to get a job

The recruitment process is always associated with the passage of the initial interview in the personnel department, the second - with the head of the sales department (or a representative of the company's management). Before talking about employment at the initial stage, the candidate should represent all the difficulties of these negotiations and requirements.

active sales manager job description

What initially characterizes a person applying for the position of “Active Sales Manager”? Resume, correctly and correctly composed.

Typically, the view of an employee of the personnel department is “catchy": the presence of a higher education, passing sales training, listing not only places of previous work, but also an indication of the success achieved. A plus may be the presence of a driver’s license, the mention of the possibility of business trips and work after school hours (irregular working hours). For this profession (for some reason) the absence of children is welcome.

An unwanted link may be work in procurement at a previous job.

Manager salary composition

Typically, the employee is presented with such options:

  • Salary and percentage of sales.
  • Percentage of sales.
  • Percentage of sales, a penalty for untimely receipt of money from a client.

The motivation of the active sales manager, based on the salary and percentage of sales, is most preferable - there is always a steady income, albeit small. The percentage for this scheme can be tied to the previous month (sales need to be increased), not all companies pay for stability (repeating the result of the previous month).

motivation of an active sales manager

If the manager works only on a percentage of sales, he should be ready for a very active search for customers, at first - the development of his client base. Then make sure that customers do not go to others. In the case of good interest, earnings can be stably high, but you need to “plow” a lot.

Usually companies do not mention fines for late payment of money from customers (they are afraid to frighten off an employee), in this case the penalty is always unexpected and extremely painful.

If a client from the category of debtors falls into non-payers (this happens with a deferred payment), and all the services of the company cannot recover this money, then the manager may be forced to pay the debt. The amounts of transactions are usually large, and the salary is small. The question is, how long will the manager pay the debt of the client?

Human qualities required for the profession

The applicant for this position should have different talents:

  • The ability to find a common language.
  • Ease of communication.
  • The ability to make decisions quickly.
  • Learnability.
  • Perseverance.
  • Lack of shyness.
  • Work by the rule: "Never offer what you do not know, study first."

If the candidate meets all these requirements, he can hope for success.

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