
Recruitment methods and their characteristics

Successful work of any company depends on the talent, competence and determination of its employees. That is why the search for staff for any manager is a very important issue. However, this task requires an integrated approach that takes into account the features that a particular area of ​​the organization has.

HR policy

This concept is relevant in any organization, even if its main provisions are not set forth on paper. Personnel policy is a certain set of rules and principles that predetermine efficiency in personnel management. Moreover, its main features directly indicate how attractive the company is in the labor market for potential employees.

modern methods of staff recruitmentThe main goal of any personnel policy is to provide all the structures of the enterprise with necessary employees who have certain qualifications. Moreover, such activities include the following areas, which include:

- hiring employees;
- selection and further promotion of personnel;
- training of qualified workers and their continuing education;
- staffing in accordance with the existing production system;
- analysis of the labor potential of employees.

Hiring staff

One of the most important areas of the company’s personnel policy is the formation of the necessary personnel. And the first step in this process is hiring staff. It can be described as a series of actions aimed at attracting certain candidates whose qualities are necessary for the organization to achieve its goals.

The recruitment of personnel is a whole complex of organizational measures, which include such stages as recruitment and assessment of personnel, selection of applicants, as well as their further admission to the staff of the enterprise.

The list of necessary procedures

Organizational activities involving staffing activities consist of:

1. Recruitment. This process is the creation of a database of candidates most suitable for vacant positions. In other words, it is a massive attraction of applicants.

recruitment methods2. The selection. Yes, at this stage, the most suitable candidates are selected from the reserve created during the recruitment. The selection is part of the recruitment process and represents the selection of a certain number of candidates from a large number of people who want to take this place. The goal that the personnel services are pursuing at this stage is to assess the conformity of the candidate’s personal and professional suitability with the requirements put forward by this vacant position. To solve such a problem in the shortest possible time possible using legally, ethically and economically viable means.

3. Selection. This stage represents the choice of a position or activity that contributes to the most complete realization of all the employee's capabilities. In the selection of personnel, the identity of the characteristics of the candidate and the requirements of the position, as well as the organization as a whole, are established.

4. The choice. This stage involves the adoption of a commission decision on the preference of a particular candidate, based on the results of public procedures.

Staff recruitment

This stage is the most responsible in the work of personnel services. Indeed, the mistakes made today will cost the organization tomorrow. In order to hire people suitable for the enterprise, a person engaged in the selection of personnel must have a certain talent.Indeed, when hiring worthy employees, the company will certainly work well, and the bad ones, in addition to their unsatisfactory work, will negatively affect others.

That is why the selection of personnel is a continuous and painstaking work that will require special character traits and abilities, skills and knowledge. The high professionalism of the employee engaged in the hiring of personnel implies the presence of in-depth knowledge in the fields of economics and law, psychology and sociology. In this case, certain recruitment methods should be used. The organization decides which one to choose. However, as a rule, personnel services use the most common methods of staff recruitment. Let's consider them in more detail.

Organizational Search

Sometimes with the successful work of the organization, its expansion occurs or a certain movement of employees within the company is observed. What recruitment methods can be used in such cases? One of them is the intraorganizational search. Its main goal is to select employees for the positions of top and middle managers.

personnel selection and selection methods

In such cases, the management appoints those employees who already work in the organization to vacant seats. This method has several advantages. It helps to increase the level of loyalty to the organization, and is also attractive because candidates do not have to go through the path of integration into the team. Among the shortcomings of the intraorganizational method, one can single out the restrictions in the choice of applicants, the lack of the possibility of the arrival of new forces, as well as the promotion of localism among the heads of structural divisions.

Help workers

Often the organization requires employees for ordinary positions, as well as unskilled personnel. What recruitment methods can be used in such cases? In this case, personnel services can use the help of workers. The advantages of this method include a high degree of compatibility. Among the shortcomings stands out ignorance of the employees who offered their help, the specifics of the vacancy, as well as their lack of experience in selecting personnel.

Appeal to the media

The methods of search and selection of personnel sometimes involve the use of media space. This provides the maximum possible coverage of the audience of potential applicants. Moreover, when using this method, the organization will require small financial costs. The success of such an event, as a rule, depends on the frequency of release, circulation, ease of registration on the site, ease of use, etc. But be that as it may, when placing an advertisement in the media, personnel services should be prepared for the emergence of a large number of candidates.

Employment Agency Assistance

The main methods of staff selection include this method of resolving issues with the search for employees. In the case of contacting recruitment agencies, all necessary work will be done by his consultants.

personnel selection methods in the organization

The success of such a campaign will depend on correctly and clearly formulated requirements for a person applying for a vacant position, as well as on the level of professionalism of those who deal with this issue. The main disadvantage of this method is the high cost of the services of recruitment agencies.

Attraction of self-initiative candidates

Personnel services of many organizations often encounter such applicants. These are candidates who wish to become employees of the enterprise, while not expressing their intentions to take any particular position. However, this method has many negative aspects. Indeed, the likelihood of choosing a valuable and necessary employee in this way is reduced to almost zero.

School Search

All the methods described above for recruiting personnel in an organization may not be effective enough.In addition, the company sometimes needs an influx of fresh personnel. And then the HR managers search for candidates for available vacancies in educational institutions.

innovative recruitment methods

Among the costs of the method are called the need to spend a certain time by beginners to master practical experience. Nevertheless, more and more companies use this method every year. The reason for this lies in the successful adaptation of educational institutions to the needs of the labor market. Sometimes organizations themselves even invest a lot of money in training the specialist they need, getting a highly skilled employee who has all the necessary practical and theoretical skills.

Employment Services

The main objective of this public education is to help the unemployed, reduce social tensions, and also in finding employment. However, organizations, as a rule, use only the methods described above for the selection and selection of personnel for their vacant posts. Through an employment service, an employer can only look for low-paid and low-skilled workers.

Modern methods of staff recruitment

Currently, new methods have been developed to find a suitable candidate for the vacant position of the organization. And they have already gained popularity and have firmly entered the work of personnel services of many companies. What are modern recruitment methods? Let's consider them in more detail:

1. Recruiting. This method consists in the search and selection of personnel for positions in the lower and middle management. It is held among candidates who are already in a free search for another job. Using this method, mass recruitment can also be carried out. The methods in this case can be very different depending on the region where the organization is located. But as a rule, this is an advertisement that the employer gives in the media and on specialized Internet resources. Similarly, cashiers, insurers, and many other professionals of the same type are recruited, who are required by the organization in large numbers. The selection of personnel on a rotational basis is also carried out.

2. Exclusive (direct) search. It consists in a targeted search for rare specialists, as well as personnel for senior management positions. These modern methods of staff selection are used only in those cases when you need to find a person who will have a key impact on the promotion of the company’s business. A similar search is carried out both among non-working and among employed specialists.

3. Headhunting. Innovative methods of recruitment, which involve the use of direct search, include this method. It consists in the “hunt” for a specific highly qualified specialist with the aim of luring him to the company. This is a rather complicated job, which is usually done when searching for rare key employees and top managers.

There are certain technologies and methods for selecting personnel using this method. After all, such a search will require a preliminary collection of information about a specialist, and then thorough preparation for poaching him.

Headhunting is also used in cases where the customer himself cannot indicate a specific specialist. The agency that provides these services uses sophisticated recruitment technologies, conducting a rigorous analysis of the staff of a competing company and collecting information about employees holding key positions in these organizations. Such a procedure is not only lengthy in time (on average up to six months), but also very responsible and expensive.

4. Preliminaring. This method involves the involvement of the most promising young professionals through internships and field trips.

These are the modern methods of recruiting and their characteristics. They are all good enough. But the decision to apply one or another of them should be made based on the state of affairs of the company, the situation on the labor market, the urgency of the vacancy, etc. It is believed that the most promising way, which includes modern methods of selection and placement of personnel, is preliminaring. It will allow you to find loyal young cadres who can update the established team.

Selection of the best candidates

Representatives of personnel services should be quite well versed in the methods of evaluating specialists applying for a particular vacancy. After all, correctly applied and selected methods of selection and selection of personnel will ultimately affect the entire work of the company. How to choose the best of those job seekers who have responded to the vacancy announcement? Before one or another method of selecting and evaluating personnel is chosen, an employee of the human resources department must determine the concept of "best." Indeed, for one company it is the one who from the first day will show the necessary results. Another employer prefers a set of personal qualities of the applicant and his ability to easily fit into the corporate culture. The third company will pay attention to the human qualities of the applicant for the position, without focusing on his experience.

How to choose the necessary methods for selecting and evaluating staff? There are no universal recipes in this matter. The personnel department personnel must know and master in every way perfectly, making a choice corresponding to the needs of the company.

Data collection

This method of selection of applicants allows their primary screening. It consists in meeting the applicant for the vacant position. And this is done through a candidate’s resume.

personnel selection and assessment methods

It is this written message about yourself that will allow company representatives to give an initial assessment to a specialist. However, this technique has its drawbacks. Indeed, the unification of such a technique often leads to the fact that employees of the HR department cease to carefully read the resume. Moreover, they focus on the formal side of the presentation and often miss very interesting candidates.


Often, the selection of personnel is carried out using the conversation. This interview has its own varieties, among which:

1. Conducted by telephone. This is a brief interview that takes place after studying a person’s resume. It is intended to clarify and supplement the information already received about the candidate.

2. The interview. It is a key step in the personnel selection system. Interviewing is the most common method used in the selection process of any employees.

3. Structured interview. This method is a type of interview, during which already prepared questions are asked. At the same time, they must be relevant for a particular vacancy. This method allows you to evaluate the answers of different applicants to the same questions, choosing the best one.

4. Actual conversation. This is an unstructured interview. It is used only in cases where the proposed position is creative, and there are not so many candidates for it. This applies to cases when it is impossible to get an idea about the candidate using standard questions.

5. Situational interview. It is used when choosing a candidate for a managerial position, as well as for those managerial vacancies that imply a high level of responsibility. This is a special type of interview, which is a kind of psychological test, adjusted for the requirements for the duties of the employee.

6. Group interview. The method under consideration has another name. Sometimes it is called expert.Using it, the employer creates a situation where several specialists communicate with the applicant at once.

7. Stressful interview. There are unconventional methods of recruitment. Moreover, stressful interviews are the most popular of them. Sometimes this method is also called shock. Its purpose is to determine the stress tolerance of the candidate. This methodology is fully justified in the selection of candidates applying for the position of cashiers, personal assistants, bank operators, as well as police officers. During such an interview, stressful conditions are created for the job seeker. At the same time, personnel department personnel monitor the candidate’s reaction.

technologies and methods of staff recruitment8. Interview, which in the literal translation is called "tickling brain." This method is especially popular with recruitment agencies of Western companies. Its main essence lies in the fact that the candidate should be given an answer to some intricate question or provide a solution to a logical problem. The method of recruitment under consideration is also unconventional. With its help, the employer can test the creative abilities and analytical thinking of the applicant. That is why this type of interview is intended for mental workers and creators, including advertising managers and programmers, consultants and auditors.

As you can see, there are many ways to attract and further select candidates. The choice of a specific method will always depend on various factors, including the professionalism of the personnel department employee.

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