
The minimum pension in the Moscow region. How pension is accrued for pensioners near Moscow

Pension in the Moscow region is calculated according to uniform rules that apply throughout the country. In certain cases, it is assigned even to those categories of citizens who do not have insurance experience. The amount of pension payments in different regions can vary greatly.

The government of the Moscow region, following the metropolitan authorities, is striving to improve the social sphere of the population, including in relation to all categories of pensioners. Many of them are paid only the minimum pension in the Moscow region. In this regard, they are interested in the question of whether it is possible to increase it, whether it is planned to increase the regional authorities and how it is carried out.


The main document, which the Government is guided by, is the law "On state pension provision" No. 166-FZ. There are other legislative acts affecting certain categories of pensioners.

When determining payments to non-working persons who are subject to compulsory insurance, they are guided by the law "On Compulsory Pension Insurance" No. 167-ФЗ. According to him, in the Moscow Region social payments are established from the regional treasury.

Some other laws that are relevant to the issue in question include the following:

  • "On insurance pensions" No. 400-ФЗ.
  • "On legal guarantees to insured citizens on pension insurance" No. 422-ФЗ.
  • "On funded pension" No. 424-FZ.
  • "On a special assessment of working conditions" No. 426-FZ.

Based on standards at the federal level, the regional authorities of the Moscow region adopted Law No. 179/2017-OZ. It sets the minimum cost of living for persons registered in the suburbs in 2018. This indicator is taken into account when determining surcharges for certain categories of persons up to the amount by which the minimum pension is established in the Moscow Region. In addition, Law No. 193/2016-OZ regulates the length of service for persons who worked in government agencies.

minimum pension legislation


Currently, pension calculation is based on pension points, which are multiplied by the cost of one point (or individual pension coefficient), established every year at the federal level. Such a system has been operating since 2015. A fixed payment is added to the amount received, the amount of which varies depending on the inflationary processes taking place in the country, and is uniform in all regions.

In order for a minimum labor pension to be accrued in the Moscow Region, the following conditions must be met:

  • The presence of minimum insurance experience.
  • The corresponding number of points.
  • Living in the region over 10 years.

In connection with the ongoing pension reforms, these indicators change from year to year. So, if before the reform, the minimum length of service at which an old-age pension could be assigned was 5 years, then in 2018 you need to work at least 9 years in order to be able to go on a well-deserved rest. By the end of the reform, starting in 2025, the minimum length of service will be 15 years.

The same goes for retirement points. In 2015, the minimum amount was 6.6 points. This year, this number has increased and has become equal to 13.8 points. By the end of the reform, starting in 2025, the minimum number of points for retirement should be 30.

The number of points that is added annually during employment is limited.It depends both on the size of the official salary and on whether the employee transfers part of the contributions to the funded pension or not. In 2018, the maximum number of points that can be earned per year for employees who do not receive a funded pension is 8.70, and for those who transfer funds to the funded part - 5.43. By the end of the reform, starting in 2021, the maximum number of points will reach 10.00 and 6.25, respectively.

In addition to the above indicators, the number of points is affected by the length of service, including non-insurance periods, the age at which a citizen retires, and also the amount of money allocated by the employer to the FIU on a periodic basis. All indicators are displayed on an individual personal account. Each employee can find out the number of points at the current moment by contacting the FIU or registering and logging into your personal account on the official website of the state structure.

calculation of minimum pension

The minimum social pension in the Moscow Region is assigned according to completely different parameters. All that is needed is proof of reaching an appropriate age. The length of service does not matter, and a fixed minimum pension is set in the Moscow Region. As a rule, we are talking about money that does not allow themselves to maintain a normal standard of living. Therefore, the state provides such citizens with additional support. This is done as follows:

  • Social benefits are calculated according to the rules that apply equally in all regions of the country.
  • Further, the value is compared with the cost of living of the specific region where the recipient is registered.
  • The difference is equalized upwards.

Such an indicator as a living wage may differ even in neighboring regions. It is set depending on the economic situation of the subject of the federation, the indexation percentage, average wages, prices of basic products and other data.


Many people wonder what the minimum pension is in the Moscow Region in 2018, under what conditions are payments due for old age, disability and other reasons. Different minimum pensions are set depending on the type.

minimum pension amount

Old age pension

Compared to Moscow, the minimum pension in the Moscow region is lower. However, if you compare with the dimensions in force in other regions, it turns out that it is decent for older people. In 2018, the payment is 9 527 rubles, while in the capital this amount is slightly higher and equal to 11 816 rubles. This difference only matters in terms of cost of living, since other data of the two constituent entities of the Federation are almost identical.

For a minimum old-age pension to be assigned in the Moscow Region, you need to have 9 years of work experience. Unofficial employment is not taken into account. If the calculation shows that the payment is less than the established minimum, then the regional authorities will increase it by calculating the surcharge.

State pension

There are different types of government payments. These include the following:

  • For the length of service (for government officials, military personnel, astronauts, test pilots with the necessary length of service for the relevant work).
  • By old age, for persons affected by radiation (different requirements are imposed on citizens depending on the category, type of work, time spent in this territory).
  • Disability (valid for participants of the Second World War, military personnel, astronauts and victims of the Chernobyl accident).
  • Due to the loss of a breadwinner (applies to draftees, persons exposed to radiation and astronauts).
  • Based on the law No. 166-FZ (if no experience).

Pension payments to public servants are calculated depending on the length of service, as well as rank.The basis for the calculation is 45% of the salary for the last year of service. Citizens must have at least 15 years of experience. With a longer duration, an additional payment of 3% is made for each year, but not more than 75% in total. The minimum pension in the Moscow region for a public servant is 9,489 rubles.

state minimum pension

Social pension

The social type is supplemented for pensioners whose pension is less than the subsistence level established in the Moscow Region. This difference in 2018 on average is about 2.5 thousand rubles.

Differences in payments to working and non-working pensioners

Non-working pensioners are annually indexed payments, due to which the size increases slightly. In 2018, indexation was 3.7%. In general, this indicator depends on inflation.

Previously, the same additional payments were received by working pensioners. However, for several years now, indexation of their pensions has not been carried out. Despite this, the size of the payment also increases slightly every year. But the basis is not indexation, but the recalculation of the pension points that they accrue for each year of work. In addition, all indexations will be recounted and transferred to the pensioner after retirement.

This procedure applies only to insurance payments. If the minimum pension is assigned in the Moscow region in 2018 for state provision, then indexing is also required for citizens who continue to work. The increase in payments on this basis will occur by 4.1%.

Disability benefits

Disability pension averages 8,500 rubles. But the size may vary depending on the group, availability of dependents and official employment. For example, if a disabled person of the first group is paid a pension in the amount of 10,360 rubles, then a disabled person of the second group receives only 5,180 rubles. It is clear that in the latter case, the minimum disability pension in the Moscow Region is too small to be able to live on. Therefore, a surcharge is assigned.

minimum disability benefits

Survivor benefits

In this case, the size depends on the category of citizen. A pension is granted to persons who are disabled, whose breadwinner has died. This right arises:

  • In children under the age of 18 (or undergoing full-time education - up to 23 years).
  • In children whose single mother has passed away.
  • The widowers and close relatives of the deceased, who are disabled.

The amount of the minimum pension in the Moscow region for the loss of a breadwinner directly depends on the cost of living. In 2018, it is 5,240.65 rubles. - in relation to children who have lost one of their parents, 10,481 rubles. - in relation to children who have become orphans.

Benefits and allowances

The following categories of citizens can count on additional payments:

  • Senior citizens provided that they do not work.
  • Disabled people.
  • Participants of the Second World War.
  • Civil registry office employees.
  • Civil servants.
  • Persons over 80 years old.

Some benefits apply to the following working pensioners, namely:

  • Workers in the housing sector.
  • Entrance attendants.
  • Wardrobes in public institutions.

The size of the surcharge may be from 4.5 thousand to 12 thousand rubles.

In addition to the supplement, the following types of benefits are provided:

  • Supplements up to the cost of living.
  • The allowance for persons over 80 years of age.
  • 50% reimbursement of utility bills to poor and non-working pensioners.
  • Support for targeted nature.
  • Tax reduction on own transport.
  • Free use of public transport.
  • Other benefits.
benefits and allowances for the minimum pension


In 2018, social benefits were indexed in April, as usual. Insurance pensions were indexed in January, although in previous years this operation was carried out in February.

Other innovations that began in 2018 include raising the age for retirement.The reform will be introduced gradually, as a result of which the retirement age of women will increase from 55 years to 60 years, and men - from 60 years to 65 years.

Pension registration

The minimum pension in Russia is drawn up at the territorial branch of the PFR at the place of registration. To do this, you need to collect the necessary package of documents, as well as submit an appropriate application. All documents should be prepared in advance to contact the FIU in a timely manner. You can also consult with specialists in advance to clarify all the details of the procedure. If you do this about six months before retiring, the citizen will have enough time to prepare everything for this period.

From the day the documents are submitted, specialists are given 10 working days to consider them, after which a decision must be made on the appointment of a pension or refusal. The minimum pension in Russia is accrued for the first time the following month after applying to the FIU.

Can I increase my pension?

Some residents of the Moscow region, hoping to improve their financial situation, are striving to change the Moscow region residence permit to Moscow. However, in order to prevent abuse of their rights, the city authorities introduced a special rule, which is as follows. Only upon registration in the Moscow region for more than 10 years, a municipal allowance may be assigned. Therefore, in order to receive the desired additional money, the pensioner will have to wait a long time, and until then be content with what is the minimum pension in the Moscow Region for the next year.

Pension termination

Old-age insurance benefits are assigned for life. But other types of pensions may be terminated for various reasons. For example:

  1. If a citizen transferred part of the funds to a funded pension, then it can be assigned for a limited period of time (urgently for at least 10 years).
  2. If a survivor's pension is assigned to a minor child, then upon reaching 18 years (or 23 years of full-time study at a university), it automatically ends.
  3. A person with disabilities in the third group can recover their ability to work, as a result of which the right to receive payment is lost.

There may be other reasons for the termination of payment.

pension termination


As you can see, the minimum pension in the Moscow region is different amounts, depending on the type and grounds of appointment. But even if an amount is paid that is less than the subsistence level, in some cases a regional allowance may be set, allowing the pensioner to satisfy the most necessary needs.

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