
Minimum salary in Moscow: what it depends on and how it changes over the years

The minimum wage to employees is the amount of cash payments that must be guaranteed to the employee in any circumstances. It is paid as a reward for the work done, and its value is tied to the cost of living.

The value of the minimum wage is regulated by the article of the Labor Code of Russia. The prerequisite for the payment of the minimum wage is the performance of work during the full working day and working week.

The minimum wage for the work done during the month is set by the federal authorities, but in certain regions, including Moscow, the minimum wage is more significant. The basic (federal) minimum wage is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The size of benefits and other payments depend on it.

Minimum wage in Moscow

The minimum wage in Moscow is higher than in Russia as a whole.

What is included in the minimum wage?

The minimum wage is defined as the sum of the salary and all additional payments, such as bonuses and allowances. Previously, the minimum wage existed as a conditional indicator, on which little depended. Now he is tied to the value of the subsistence level, that is, he has a real economic justification.

minimum wage in Moscow from October 1

What determines the minimum wage in Moscow

Moscow is a special region where social support of citizens is developed. It is not surprising, therefore, that the minimum value here is much higher than in the whole country. For Moscow, the following factors determine the amount of mandatory payments:

  • The size of the living wage. In Moscow, it is higher, which is associated with high transportation costs. However, at the same time, prices for a number of other things in the capital are lower than in the regions of the country.
  • Good economic situation. Financial flows are flowing to Moscow, and therefore there is a lot of money. Naturally, there are opportunities to increase the minimum wage.
  • Features of the region. Moscow is considered to be a favorable place of residence for the population, but the main drawback is transport problems and the associated losses.
  • The role of trade unions. The balance of interests of employers and trade unions, as well as the Moscow city government, is not always easy to find. Apparently, there are trade unions in Moscow, but are they in other regions of Russia?
  • High budget of the capital. Moscow has large incomes, so it is quite natural that wages are higher here.

The minimum salary in Moscow for years

The most recent data on the minimum wage in Moscow refer to November 1, 2018. The established value for this period is 18,781 rubles. The minimum wage in the capital over the years has changed very radically. So, on January 1, 2002, it amounted to only 1,100 rubles, and, for example, on May 1, 2010 - 10,100 rubles. From January 1, 2018, the minimum wage was 18,742 rubles, that is, it was close to the current value.

minimum salary in Moscow

The minimum wage in Moscow from October 1 is the same as from May 1 - 18 742 rubles.

How much the real value of the minimum wage has grown can be ascertained only by comparing data on price increases and general inflation for the corresponding period.

Payroll below the minimum wage

For unjustified payment of wages in the amount below the established minimum, employers may be held administratively liable and impose a small fine. The only loophole for the employer is to transfer the employee to a part-time job.

The organization may also refuse the regional allowance and pay the basic federal minimum wage, but only if a justified justification is provided to the local branch of the Labor and Employment Committee.Among the possible reasons is the poor financial condition of the organization, associated with the risk of mass layoffs of employees.


Thus, the minimum wage in Moscow is quite significant by Russian standards. It is higher than the whole country. This is due to a set of factors.

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