
Can father get maternity capital? Terms, documents, registration

State support in Russia is provided to many families. Especially for those who have children. The bulk of payments and benefits are made out, as a rule, for women. But fathers can claim them. For example, a newborn care allowance. Can a father get maternity capital? And if so, how to do it? About all this and not only everyone can learn further. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems.

Get the capital


What is maternity capital? This is a large payment that is issued to all families with several children. In order for the family to qualify for help from the state, it is required to bring up two or more minors.

Do they give maternal capital to the father? Such questions arise in families where dad is the only parent. Or when the mother, due to some circumstances, cannot act as the recipient of funds. What about men and government support?

Payout amount

First, find out how much money is put in as a capital. After all, everyone can get some benefits from the state, but this is problematic. Then some refuse to exercise the right to payment. Especially when it comes to getting a small amount.

In general, capital is a large payout, which is indexed from year to year. To date, the "allowance" is 453 thousand 26 rubles. Until 2020, it will not be indexed.

A similar payment has been taking place since 2015. It is possible that in the future, the capital will not increase. Nevertheless, this amount is more than the bulk of state benefits. And so families are wondering if father can get maternal capital.

Fathers and Sons

Multiplicity of requests

Suppose there is such a chance. But how many times then does the family have the right to apply for state support of the type under study?

The thing is that the mother’s capital is issued to the family only once. This is a one-time payment that cannot be reissued. One family - one allowance. And the applicant for state support has the right to act as an applicant only 1 time.

To be or not to be?

Is it possible to get maternal capital by the father of the family? And how is it generally proposed to request appropriate government support?

Under current law, any parent has the right to capital. Only in the case of the payment being studied, is the woman using the primary opportunity for receiving money? That is, the mother of the children or their adoptive parents. Then there will be no problems.

Father also has the right to capital. But only under certain conditions. They will have to be proved and confirmed in various ways. Otherwise, the funds will not be issued.

When dad gets support

Can a father arrange maternity capital? Yes, but only under certain conditions. It is worth paying attention to the fact that dad has the right to mother capital if:

  • he is the sole adoptive parent or parent of the children;
  • mother lost the right to study state support.

In other cases, claiming payment does not work. In a normal, complete family, the capital is drawn up for a woman. A man has no such right.

Registration of state support for dad

Conditions for obtaining

There are some more features that you will have to pay attention to. Maternal-type capital is the payment due to persons who meet certain conditions. What is this about?

The lump sum recipient must:

  • officially raise two or more children;
  • have a spouse (if any) of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • be a citizen of Russia.

That is, there is a mother of a foreigner, maternal capital is not allowed to father. This phenomenon is not very common in real life, but it must be remembered. After all, making payments takes a lot of time and is accompanied by paperwork.

When Mom Loses Rights

Can father get maternity capital? As we have already found out, yes, there is such a right. But it can be problematic to implement.

As already mentioned, often the right to state support for dads appears if the mother loses it. This happens when:

  • woman deprived of parental rights;
  • mom died;
  • the spouse was declared dead in court;
  • the girl committed a crime against children, which is interpreted as a "crime against the individual";
  • adoption, as a result of which a woman has the right to mother capital, was canceled.

That is, with a normal mother, a man cannot claim state support for the type under study. As we have said, the right to capital will have to be proved. But more on that later.

When a man has no rights

First, you will have to consider situations in which, theoretically, the father of the family should have the right to the payment being studied, but in reality it is absent.

Maternal capital per family

Maternity capital will be given to a father who meets the previously listed requirements. But there are exceptions. These are situations when:

  • the man is the stepfather of children;
  • after the death of the mother or deprivation of her parental rights, the children were officially recognized as orphans.

Under such circumstances, a citizen will not be able to claim the type of support mentioned. Therefore, thinking about capital formation is not necessary. If dad has the right to capital, it is worth considering the procedure for obtaining state support.

Where do they ask

Do they give maternal capital to the father? Yes, but not always. Ideally, this payment should be received by the mother of the children. But if this is not possible for a number of serious reasons, state support relies on a man in the family.

Capital is executed through:

  • multifunctional centers;
  • State Services website;
  • Pension Funds of the Russian Federation.

Nowhere else, requests of a standard form are not accepted. Therefore, each applicant must independently decide where specifically to apply with documents and with the application. The fastest service is provided in the FIU. This is better to remember. Especially if you need money as soon as possible.

Personal request action algorithm

Can a father arrange maternity capital for himself? In exceptional cases, there is such a right. But it is not as simple as it seems.

In order not to get confused in the procedure, it is important to follow the simplest instructions. They look like this:

  1. Gather evidence that a citizen has the right to receive state support.
  2. Generate a specific package of documents. We will get to know their list later.
  3. Fill out an application for maternity capital.
  4. Submit a request to the registration authority. The application is usually filled out at a pre-selected place for acceptance of documents.
  5. Wait for a response from the FIU.
  6. Get a certificate of the established sample on hand.

That's all. It would seem that the procedure does not cause any difficulties. But in fact, it is problematic for a man to apply for a state maternal certificate. This is due to the collection of necessary papers.

FIU and certificate for matkapital

Key Documents

Maternal capital for the father, if the mother is not a citizen of Russia, cannot be taken in any way. This rule is dictated by the state.

Suppose that a man received the right to state support of the type under study. What then should he prepare?

Consider the main package of documents for mothercapital. It includes the following components:

  • applicant's identity card;
  • SNILs of all family members (children and dad);
  • birth certificates of children;
  • adoption documents;
  • certificates indicating the registration of children with their father;
  • divorce / marriage certificate (usually needed for mothers);
  • application filled in personally by the applicant.

The collection of these documents does not cause any difficulties. Problems arise when it is required to prove the right to capital.

Evidence for FIUs

Therefore, we will consider documents that are useful for the implementation of the task.

Who is eligible for help?

Can a father get maternity capital? Yes, but only under the conditions described previously. And in order to prove his rights, he will have to additionally attach to the statement:

  • death certificate of a spouse;
  • court decision on the abolition of adoption;
  • court ruling on the deprivation of parental rights;
  • certificate of recognition of the deceased spouse and mother of children.

In reality, everything is not as difficult as it seems. And with preliminary preparation, a citizen will cope with the task without any problems.

It is important to remember that the abolition of adoption by the mother of the family does not deprive the state of the right to state support provided to the pope. If a man after recalling adoption by a woman remains in the status of an adoptive parent who brings up two or more children, he will be a contender for matkapital. Such situations are not too common, but they cause a lot of questions.

Service Duration

We found out if the father can issue maternity capital. Based on the foregoing, it follows that this alignment in practice takes place. But only in the form of exceptions. Ideally, the mother should receive state support of the studied type.

How long do they consider a request for an established sample and the corresponding package of documents? Regardless of who the applicant is, the FIU will study the application within 1-2 months. After that, the recipient will be handed a certificate with the previously indicated amount of money.

If we talk about the direct use of funds, then their implementation will have to spend 3-4 months. So much time, the FIU transfers money to the recipient's account. Therefore, if the family wants to use the mother capital for certain needs, it is necessary to warn the provider of the services in advance. Not all organizations accept established type certificates.

How to spend

Is it possible to arrange maternal capital for a father? If you properly prepare for the process, then such a chance will be. But not in a complete family, where the mother has all the parental rights on a par with her spouse.

For what needs can the allocated funds be spent? Fathers are allowed to use mothercapital for:

  • improving living conditions;
  • treating children;
  • teaching minors.

But the studied “allowance” cannot be sent to increase the future pension. Only women have this right.

Cashing out

We considered the issue of obtaining maternal capital by the father of the child. It is not as difficult as it seems.

Can I get a certificate for my father

Can a family cash out a certificate? Or are the funds used for cashless payments?

To date, cashing out of the capital is not available. This rule applies to both mothers and fathers. All operations on spending the allocated money are made by bank transfer and only through the Pension funds of Russia. There are no more options for the development of events.

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