
Can I buy a car for maternity capital?

The topic of our article will be especially interesting to family people, as well as to those who are trying to keep abreast of current issues of the fiscal sphere in the state. It will be about buying a car for maternity capital.

Targeted use of federal funds

For more than 10 years, Russia has been operating a federal program to help families in which two or more children grow up. It is called "Maternal (family) capital." Since the launch of the project, financial assistance has been indexed several times, which resulted in an increase in the starting amount of 250 thousand rubles. almost doubled. Today it is in the range of 453 thousand rubles.

Half of the families in which the right to draw up this allowance arose have already managed to take advantage of state aid and have completely used it up. But, according to statistics, the rest of the certificate holders have not yet applied to the PF branches with a request for targeted use of funds for the needs clearly defined by law.

Certificate holders try to rationally use the indicated amount. The effectiveness of the use of maternal capital means its investment with maximum benefit for the future. Each family chooses a suitable direction for themselves to use the federal allowance. If you believe the data provided by the RF PF, more than 70% of certificate holders use it to purchase housing and improve living conditions. Every fifth holder of state aid makes a decision on investing in the education of their children. The remaining families (about 3-5%) invest this money in a future pension.

At the end of last year, the head of state proposed extending the provision of state aid to families with two or more children until the end of 2021. In addition, during the meeting, a proposal was made to consider additional targeted areas for the use of family capital funds. One of them was the provision of the opportunity for low-income families to receive monthly payments of the total federal allowance in the amount of the subsistence minimum established for the current year by the subject of the Russian Federation.

Is it possible to use maternity capital for a car

However, there are also families who are in search of alternative and useful options for applying the federal allowance. If, for example, parents are provided with housing and do not plan to spend money on education or invest in retirement, then what can they spend maternity capital on? On the car. Many Russians would like to take advantage of the state program and buy a car for their family.

Car on maternity capital

Officials have repeatedly proposed expanding areas for the targeted use of family capital and providing certificate holders with the opportunity to purchase a budget domestic car for their assets. Since the launch of the program, the State Duma has repeatedly considered the prospect of legitimizing this method of applying state subsidies, but lawmakers have not been able to reach consensus. The decision was never made.

A couple of years ago, this issue again appeared on the agenda. In 2016, the issue of buying a car for maternity capital started in the background of a protracted economic crisis that negatively affected the state of the domestic automobile industry. During one of the meetings, the Minister of Industry of Russia gave an unfavorable forecast: in the next few years, production and sales volumes will decrease to 75%.The domestic auto industry is not going through the best of times, since the Russians do not want to buy Russian-made cars for personal savings, and those who would like to purchase a budget vehicle do not have such a financial opportunity. Thus, having allowed maternity capital to be used to purchase a car, the government would have killed two birds with one stone: on the one hand, it will be possible to provide transport to needy families, and on the other, it will improve the affairs of local automobile factories.

Is there a law on buying a car in 2018?

Based on the experience of making the so-called anti-crisis payments at the expense of the federal allowance for families with children, more than 2/3 of the number of all certificate holders have used the right to receive one-time amounts. At the same time, no more than 5% of Russians send funds of capital funds for eligible expenses. This means that the remaining families also need state support, but cannot find suitable options for using the allowance.

Having come to the conclusion that the list of acceptable directions for investing in a family certificate needs to be expanded, the deputy from the Communist Party V.G. Soloviev introduced a bill that was supposed to allow parents to spend maternity capital on buying a car. The government refused to pass a law that contained several fundamental points.

Maternity capital for the purchase of a car law

The deputy insisted on the need for anti-crisis measures. First of all, the purpose of this bill was to ensure social stability and positive dynamics in the growth of the state economy. Considering the reasons for previous failures in similar bills, Soloviev provided fundamentally important points:

  • Maternal capital for the purchase of a car could be used only if the parents agreed to register the vehicle in common ownership. All family members, including minor children, should have become owners.
  • Auto did not have to be passenger.
  • For several years after the acquisition of the machine, it could not be resold.
  • It would be possible to spend maternity capital on the purchase of a car if it were produced on the territory of the Russian Federation. That is, the bill provided for the possibility of acquiring inexpensive foreign cars assembled at Russian factories.
  • It was planned to allow the purchase of only new vehicles for state aid funds.

The discussion of this project lasted more than a month, but still the Government did not adopt the law. Maternity capital cannot be spent on buying a car in 2018 - this is the official status of this issue. Unfortunately, families are still not allowed to spend money from the federal budget on buying a car.

Arguments for adopting a law

For many families in our country, buying a car is not just a dream come true, but also a real opportunity to improve the standard of living. The problem of low mobility is especially urgent for large families who live in villages, towns, villages remote from cities. Starting from 2-3 years, the child must attend educational institutions (kindergarten, school), periodically undergo preventive examinations in the clinic. Sometimes, families have to spend several hours daily to get to these places.

Maternity capital law on car purchase passed

Here are a few reasons for buying a vehicle at the expense of the state:

  • the price of a new domestic-made car corresponds to the size of the federal allowance, while when buying an apartment or a house, family capital can cover only part of the cost;
  • in families where parents have no problems with their own housing, spending finances on education and pension savings is not practical - such expenses are irrelevant due to difficulties with movement;
  • the vehicle will save parents time and money spent on regular movements;
  • the reduction of commuter rail trains over the past few years has deprived thousands of families of the opportunity to receive professional medical care, educational services, consumer services, etc.

Based on the above arguments, the car is an urgent need, not a luxury. In the end, any savings in finances, time and parental efforts will have a beneficial effect on children.

Why did the authorities refuse to pass the law?

Maternal capital cannot be used to buy a car, since in this case, officials believe, the interests of children will be ignored. According to members of the Government, the adoption of the law will entail an increase in fraudulent transactions with family capital. The most popular and unprotected legislation will be such a mechanism for cashing out funds: certificate holders will buy a car by bank transfer in order to be able to resell the car and get money on hand.

According to experts, the rejection of the adoption of the law is a consequence of the underestimation of the interests of the population and the remoteness of officials from the basic needs of the common people. Instead of supporting the family as a cell of society and taking into account the interests of its members, the authorities create obstacles to improving the living standards of the population and improving the demographic situation. The main arguments of opponents of “motorization” at the expense of maternal capital are as follows:

  • the vehicle is incorrectly compared with housing or the prospect of getting an education;
  • as children grow older, the need to increase living space will become more acute, but by the time it comes time to think about additional square meters, only the old illiquid car will remain in the family;
  • the legality of using a car purchased with federal funds is difficult to control.
You can spend maternity capital on buying a car

Thus, the adoption of the law on buying a car for maternity capital would not be a manifestation of the Government’s concern for the population, but rather a measure of lobbying for the interests of the decadent Russian automobile industry and supporting leading market players.

Now we know what arguments the officials were guided by, refusing to adopt this law. The population is still hoping for fundamental changes to the current legislation. According to the majority, the permission to use maternal capital for a car would make it possible to effectively use state subsidies for the whole family. The machine as a means of transportation can be used for daily needs, summer vacations, shopping, etc.

Ways to purchase a car at the expense of federal funds

Despite the fact that the Government of the Russian Federation does not allow the maternity capital to be spent on buying a car, in the regions you can buy a car for municipal funds. As you know, in addition to the national program to help families with children, Russia has programs at the regional (regional, republican) level. This refers to regional maternal capital. This program is implemented by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on their own terms.

The amount, as he is called, of the “governor's” allowance is usually three to four times lower than the federal one and is on average equal to 100-150 thousand rubles. At the same time, families are provided with almost complete independence in choosing the direction for its intended use. In certain constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a new car can be purchased for the assets of municipalities, adding personal savings.

Is it possible to buy a car for maternity capital

In 2008, the Smolensk region became the “pioneer”, which provided its residents with the opportunity to invest the money of the regional mother capital for the purchase of a car. To date, the interests of certificate holders have been taken into account by several regions that have provided the opportunity to spend maternity capital on the purchase of a car. These include the Kaliningrad, Oryol, Novosibirsk, Ulyanovsk regions, Mordovia, Kamchatka, and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Moreover, each region sets its own requirements and conditions for the use of regional maternity capital funds. For example, in the Ulyanovsk Region, families in which a third child was born or was adopted after 2011 will be able to purchase a car. In Kamchatka, parents are vested with the right to use regional materiel for the purpose of buying a car after the birth of their first child, and in the Oryol Region after the second. At the same time, in each of the regions it is possible to purchase a car for maternal capital both from a legal entity and from an individual. It is allowed to buy not only a new vehicle, but also with mileage. Having issued a car on credit, the holder of the RMK certificate can use the amount as an initial installment or pay off the remaining debt with it.

How to choose a car?

It would seem, what difficulties can arise here? But, as practice shows, to find a seller who would agree to sell a car for the funds of the municipal budget by wire transfer is not so simple. The thing is that the procedure for transferring funds from the local budget is not carried out immediately. Social security authorities, to which the holder of the certificate will have to apply for the use of RMK funds, check the legal purity of the transaction and confirm the authenticity of the documents submitted. This can take from 1 to 3 months.

As for the choice of a car model, here the regional authorities left all the authority to the parents. When wishing to spend maternal capital on a car, it is important to be guided by the interests of all family members. Often the choice is stopped on roomy models that allow all members of the family to comfortably move and deliver small loads.

You can use maternity capital to buy a car


With the question of providing finance, you need to contact the FIU. A certificate will be required from the certificate holder with a request to send the funds due to him to the seller’s account. Documents and written justification of their decision are attached to the application. The list of papers to be presented to the inspector includes:

  • contract of sale;
  • Title to the car;
  • car loan agreement, if the loan takes place, or a certificate of the amount of debt from the seller-individual;
  • Bank statement on the amount of the applicant’s debt;
  • details of the account to which municipal funds will need to be transferred;
  • certificate of outstanding debt.

Can I buy a car for maternity capital? Yes, but only if the property will be executed on the mother. Moreover, in fact and legally, the machine becomes the property of spouses acquired in marriage.

In what cases can there be a refusal?

In most constituent entities of the Russian Federation allowing the use of MSCs for the purchase of cars, checks are carried out on the place of residence of children. If the commission considers that the children live in unsatisfactory conditions, the dwelling needs repair, then the allocation of funds may be refused.

Is it possible to use maternity capital for a car

Legislative changes in the future

Most certificate holders hope that the State Duma will nevertheless pass a law giving the right to spend maternity capital on a car. It would be possible to bring this issue to the popular review, however, such an initiative should come from above.

At the moment, officials adhere to a single position: child education and pension savings are priority areas in the use of federal subsidies. Most families with children argue differently: funds for education will not be needed very soon, there is even more time to think about retirement taking into account raising the retirement age. A vehicle for large families is needed at the moment, right now, when the kids need to be taken to kindergartens, schools and clinics.

Perhaps in the near future the question of whether it is possible to spend maternal capital on a car will be answered positively. Experts do not exclude that applications for permission to use federal funds will be considered on an individual basis. A car under state allowance will be able to buy those families for which the vehicle is vital (for example, residents of rural areas, large families and those in which a disabled child is raised, etc.).

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