
Can I get a TIN at the MFC? Step-by-step instruction

In Russia, modern citizens should have quite a lot of documents. Some of them are constantly used. For example, a passport, SNILS and medical policy. But the population gets acquainted with a part of the documents after employment. These papers include the TIN. Every able-bodied citizen should have it. Many people wonder if it is possible to get a TIN at the MFC. What is generally needed to produce this document? Why is it needed? Having understood these issues, it will be possible to order a TIN without any problems.Is it possible to get a ITN at MFC


What kind of paper are we talking about? And why is it needed?

TIN is an individual taxpayer number. The document is presented by a paper on which information about its owner is written, as well as the corresponding number. The latter is assigned at birth and for life. It does not change under any circumstances.

TIN is needed:

  • at employment;
  • to open IP;
  • to search for taxpayer information faster.

Without this document, a citizen will not be able to use a number of state and municipal services. Everyone has a TIN, but not everyone has a certificate. Where and how to get it? Can this be done at the MFC?

Issuing authorities

To answer this question is not so difficult. To do this, it is enough to understand how organizations in Russia are engaged in the manufacture and delivery of appropriate paper.

Can I get a TIN at the MFC? This document may be issued:

  • to the Federal Tax Service;
  • through "State services";
  • by contacting intermediary companies;
  • in multifunctional centers.

It follows that the MFC TIN can be issued. Both primary and secondary. Today, multifunctional centers in different regions are endowed with diverse opportunities. But it is safe to say that they give out TINs in all cities of the country.Is it possible to get a Inn at MFC Moscow

The role of registration

Some believe that the design of the studied paper is possible only in organizations located at the place of registration. It is precisely human registration institutions that are often involved in the preparation of relevant civil documents.

But is this the case with the TIN? Or is the population given some freedom of choice? Can I get the TIN at the MFC at the place of registration?

Yes. Until 2012, citizens were required to apply only to institutions at the place of registration. But after the indicated period, people were allowed to come to the authorities at their actual place of residence for some documents. This fact greatly facilitated life.

Temporary registration

Is it possible to get a TIN at the MFC (Moscow) by temporary registration? What do citizens and government officials say about this?

By temporary registration you can really get a TIN. As a rule, it is necessary to apply with some documents to the Federal Tax Service at the place of temporary stay. With the MFC, the situation is similar.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that citizens can draw up a TIN in any body registering a document. The rule applies to both the initial receipt of paper and the issuance of a duplicate of it.


The next very important question concerns the cost of producing a document. Can I get a TIN at the MFC? Yes. Such a service is offered in all regions of the country. How much does it cost to produce a certificate with an individual taxpayer number?Is it possible to get a ITN at MFC St. Petersburg

The initial issue of paper does not require any costs. The service is provided free of charge at all the registration authorities listed above.

Making a duplicate TIN requires a citizen of certain costs. State duty today is 300 rubles.That is how much a duplicate with an individual taxpayer number costs. No more special expenses. The exception is cases of registration of TIN through intermediaries. Then you have to pay for the services of the corresponding company. The price tag is different everywhere. On average, you will have to pay from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles.


Can I get a TIN at the MFC? Yes, this is a fairly common service offered in multifunctional centers. How exactly to act will be described later. To begin with, it is necessary to understand which papers are useful for the implementation of the task.

All citizens who need a TIN must prepare:

  • passport (or other identification card);
  • certificate of registration (if a passport is presented, the document is not necessary);
  • application for the issuance of the TIN.

Nothing more is needed. The application, as a rule, is filled out directly at the registration authority.

For kids

Can I get a TIN at the MFC? Moscow, St. Petersburg or any other region is not so important. The main thing is that multifunctional centers of all regions are engaged in the issuance of individual taxpayer numbers. Can I get a duplicate TIN at the MFC? Yes!

A slightly different package of documents will come in handy when it comes to the manufacture of TIN for minors. Children need to prepare:

  • passport of one of the parents;
  • a statement on behalf of the legal representative;
  • certificate of registration;
  • birth certificate.

If the child is already 14 years old, then an additional passport must be provided for the minor. On this list of documents for the manufacture of TIN can be completed.Is it possible to get a tin through MFC


It’s hard to believe, but foreign citizens can also issue an individual tax number. This is a fairly common occurrence.

Can I get a TIN certificate at the MFC? Yes, anyone can do it. The foreigner must bring with him:

  • passport (copy of a translation certified by a notary);
  • migration card;
  • certificate of temporary registration;
  • statement.

For minors, a birth certificate is also required. All proposed lists of securities are relevant both for the initial production of the TIN and for obtaining a duplicate.


Can I get a TIN at the MFC SPB? No problem. The main thing is to collect certain documents and follow some instructions. In general, registration of the TIN does not require any significant knowledge and skills from a citizen.

To get the document under study, you need:

  1. Collect a package of papers necessary for a particular case.
  2. Take a queue at the MFC. To facilitate the operation, you can sign up for an example via the Internet.
  3. Write an application for the issuance of an individual taxpayer number (or its duplicate). Present prepared documents.
  4. Get a receipt indicating acceptance of documents.
  5. Wait. After being notified of the INN readiness, you can come to the MFC and pick up the document by presenting an identity card.

Turning to multifunctional centers has several advantages. For example, along with the TIN, you can draw up other documents. MFC employees also work faster, and the departments of institutions are very comfortable.Is it possible to get a certificate of inn at MFC

Registration term

Can I get a copy of the TIN at the MFC? Easy! It is enough to adhere to the proposed instructions. It is recommended to pay the state fee immediately before the visit to the MFC. Thus, it will be possible to minimize the likelihood of a return visit to the institution.

How much will the individual taxpayer number be manufactured? The exact date is difficult to name. But it is safe to say that manufacturing does not take much time.

MFC employees say that a TIN is manufactured in about 7-10 days. But most often it is recommended to focus on 5 days. The same number they issue a certificate with an individual taxpayer number at the Federal Tax Service. In any case, as soon as the document is ready, employees will quickly notify the citizen about the need to obtain a TIN.

The term for consideration of the application may increase. This is possible if a citizen applies to the organization at the place of actual residence, and not by registration. Sometimes you have to wait for the TIN 30 days. Fortunately, this is a fairly rare occurrence.Is it possible to get a duplicate ITN in MFC


Does the procedure under study have any features? Not. The only thing a citizen should remember is that the TIN does not change throughout life. Even when changing personal data, the tax number will be the same.

Receiving / exchanging a document is necessary:

  • at employment;
  • if you plan to open an IP / LLC;
  • after changing the name;
  • when changing personal data;
  • if errors are found in the previously issued TIN;
  • when the document is damaged;
  • inheritance;
  • after the loss of the current TIN.

Also, a citizen at any time can, at his own request, produce the studied paper. This is quite rare, but taking place in practice.

Accordingly, there is no minimum age at which the TIN is compulsory. The certificate is allowed to be issued to both newborns and any other citizens.

TIN can be obtained at the MFC not only after a personal appeal to the appropriate organization. Such a right is granted to all citizens working with the State Services portal. When filling out the application, the person will have to choose the organization that will issue the TIN. For example, the Federal Tax Service or the MFC. Otherwise, the procedure will be the same.

Conclusions and Conclusions

Are citizens allowed to apply for a TIN at the MFC? Yes. Everyone can contact multifunctional centers both for the initial production of the document, and for requesting a duplicate of it. In the first case, no costs are needed, in the second it is necessary to pay the state fee.Can I get a copy of the ITN at MFC

Certificate with an individual number - a document that can be issued by both citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners. Set paper is issued to both adults and children. In just a few days, you can bring your idea to life.

Which MFC should I go to? Today, the population can go to any multifunctional center to obtain a TIN or its duplicate. Compliance with the proposed course of action will greatly facilitate life.

Should I bring copies of various papers? This is not necessary. The thing is that in the MFC copies of documents can be made on the spot. Therefore, many prefer to come only with the original papers. The exception is situations when documents need to be certified by a notary. In this case, you will have to bring a copy with you.

That's all. From now on, it is clear whether it is possible to obtain a TIN at the MFC and how to do it. If a citizen decided to contact the Federal Tax Service, the procedure will be exactly the same. The only difference is that the tax authorities usually produce a TIN certificate faster.

The information presented is valid in all regions of the Russian Federation. You do not have to worry that the MFC will not issue a certificate with an individual number. All multifunctional centers are endowed with this opportunity without exception. Should I contact the MFC for this service? Yes, if you want to quickly and comfortably get a certificate with an individual taxpayer number. Can I get a TIN through the MFC? Easy!

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