
Can I change my passport in another city: replacement procedure

From time to time, citizens think about whether it is possible to change a passport in another city. This is a normal occurrence, especially if a person has lost his ID while traveling, or the document has been stolen. Further, legislative features in terms of exchanging civil passports will be presented. In addition, we will try to find out how and when it is necessary to replace a person's identification paper. Having understood all this, a citizen can not be afraid of upcoming operations with a passport.

Passport issuance in Russia

Reasons to replace

Can I change my passport in another city? First, find out when it is generally necessary to exchange the relevant paper.

According to the law, the following situations may be the basis for the implementation of the task:

  • reaching a certain age - 20 and 45 years;
  • theft or loss of a document;
  • detection of inaccuracies / typos in the current certificate;
  • the implementation of the operation to change gender;
  • serious changes in the appearance of a person (compared to the photo in the passport);
  • adjustment of personal data of the owner of the paper.

For the first time, a civil passport is issued at age 14. Sometimes the reason for its replacement is poor readability of information in the identification card.

Where to go for help

Thinking about whether it is possible to change a passport in another city, citizens are interested in the registration authorities that accept the relevant applications. It is also important to know about them.

Is it possible to replace a passport without registration

Today you can change your passport:

  • through the MFC;
  • in the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation;
  • in passport offices or passport and visa centers;
  • in some management companies;
  • through migration services at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Important: through the Internet, identity cards are also exchanged. You can get the service on the "State Services" portal if you have an active account and a verified identity.

Mandatory documents for receiving the service

Is it possible to change a passport in another city without registration? And if you have a temporary registration?

To get an answer to this question, citizens need to study the legislative framework of the Russian Federation and the rules for reissuing civil passports. They are not so hard to remember.

MFC and passport replacement is not registered

The thing is that without fail in the migration services from citizens when applying for the studied service they require:

  • statement;
  • several personal photos (usually 2-3 pieces);
  • birth certificate / passport or other identification document;
  • receipt of payment of the state duty for the operation (we will talk about the cost of the service later).

No information on the place of registration is needed. Accordingly, the theoretically posed problem is real. But how much?

Generally without registration

Can they change their passport in another city if a citizen does not have registration in a particular region? By law, yes. In practice, achieving the appropriate service is problematic. Migration services often refuse to exchange a passport in the absence of registration.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that a person can stay in a particular region without a permanent or temporary residence permit for 90 days. After that, you will either have to leave the city, or get registration. Otherwise, the applicant will be fined.

The lack of a residence permit in the city is not a reason for refusing passport reissue services. The procedure is carried out as in the case with the application at the place of registration. The difference is only in the speed of service, but we'll talk about this later.

FMS and passport replacement

Temporary registration

Sometimes citizens move to different cities for a while.If a person plans to stay in a particular territory for more than 3 months, he will have to get a residence permit in the region. It doesn't matter which one - temporary or permanent.

Changing a passport in another city without registration is not so simple, but it is possible. In this case, you will have to contact any registration authority. In the one in which it is most convenient to receive appropriate service.

But what if a person has a temporary registration? At the place of temporary stay, you can also exchange documents. In the circumstances, a citizen will be able to choose which registration authority to apply to.

The following layouts are possible:

  • appeal to services at the place of temporary stay;
  • filing an application for the exchange of an identity card "at the place of appeal".

It is better to choose the first scenario. It will help to get a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation faster.

Service cost

How to change a passport while living in another city? If you persevere, there will be no difficulties. It is enough to form a specific package of securities and apply to any registration authority from the previously submitted list.

Replacement of an identity card - the procedure is not free. For it will have to pay a state fee in the prescribed amount. Its size does not depend on registration.

The state duty for replacing a lost / stolen / damaged passport is 1,500 rubles. Additionally, a person may be fined up to three hundred rubles.

Passport Replacement Application

But what if the "normal" replacement of an identity card is carried out? In this case, the state duty of 300 rubles is to be faced.

Important: it is recommended to pay for the service before contacting the registration authorities. This technique will significantly reduce the time for applying to the migration services.

Terms of service

Can I change my passport in another city? Yes, but you have to remember that sometimes the corresponding service is extremely long.

If a person submits an application for registration / registration, he will be issued a new passport within 10 days. When a request is sent without registration or to any other territorial authority (excluding registration), the waiting period increases to 2 months.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude - it is better to apply for a passport by registration. Otherwise, the identity card will be produced for quite some time.

Brief instruction

How to change a passport in another city? It is not difficult to do this, especially if you prepare in advance.

Public services and passport exchange of the Russian Federation

Instructions for replacing an identity card are as follows:

  1. To form a package of documents necessary for receiving the corresponding service. In addition to the previously listed certificates, you will have to apply - child birth certificates / marriage / divorce certificates, military ID (for men).
  2. Pay for the service.
  3. Choose a registering authority and go there with certificates prepared in advance.
  4. Fill out the application and give it back.
  5. At the appointed time, pick up the finished passport.

Important: in order to expedite the procedure, certificates indicating the place of registration of the applicant can be attached to the relevant documents.

Can I change my passport in another city? Yes! And now we know how to do it. The main thing is to remember the terms of the service and your civil rights!

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