
Extradition allowance at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

To be a worthy representative and employee of the police means constantly being in suspense and understanding that the lives and destinies of the citizens of your country, their safety and faith in justice are directly dependent on your work. This service, in fact, does not have weekends and holidays. She, ideally, requires her employees to display the most excellent personality traits. This profession requires honesty, courage, responsibility, courage, endurance, fortitude and humanity.

Understanding this, I want to believe that more and more employees will be becoming more and more every year in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the highest quality standards. Therefore, the main value of any service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, of any unit, is rightfully its employees. This means that a fair assessment of their daily and dangerous work, expressed in monetary reward, is also important.

Given this, the article addresses the main issues:

  • The “length of service” for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: what is it?
  • What responsibilities are assigned by the state to the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?
  • What is the salary level of department employees?
  • What is the monthly allowance for seniority in the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: their main responsibilities

police officers in uniform

All children who want to go to work in the police should clearly understand that the profession of a policeman has a collective image.

This profession imposes a lot of responsibility and obligations on its employees. Here are just their basic daily responsibilities:

  • responsibility for order in public places;
  • frequent and close interaction with people of various professions, social strata of society, education, religion and moral values;
  • a lot of paper work for compiling various reports;
  • analysis and verification of documents with civilians;
  • close interaction with people who violate the law: their arrest and delivery to the station;
  • continuous training and strict rules for passing exams, solid knowledge of law and the ability to put them into practice.

Service in the police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not easy, but it must be borne in mind that it has many obvious advantages. For example:

  • a real chance to build a career in a reliable public service;
  • the availability of guaranteed benefits, allowances and social guarantees.

Salary "line" in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The amount of salaries in the Ministry of Internal Affairs depends directly on several factors:

  • Place of service.
  • The rank of employee (ordinary, sergeant, lieutenant, officer, colonel, or general of the Ministry of Internal Affairs).
  • Level of access to classified and sensitive information.

Of course, an ordinary soldier always gets many times less than an officer. For example, in a large metropolis, an ordinary police officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receives a salary of forty to fifty thousand rubles. While the officers claim a salary of 100,000 rubles. Such a significant difference in salaries for many ordinary employees serves as an incentive for further education and obtaining the rank of officer.

Today, in large cities, salaries are significantly higher than in the provinces. This apparent injustice is explained by the fact that there is no decent budget on the periphery, therefore management seeks to save on all public sector employees. Therefore, people there have a short length of service and more often leave the ranks of the department.

Hot questions for most employees

two cops

Many employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, having worked for many years in the department, are interested in the same issues:

  • Who is eligible for bonuses?
  • What is the salary allowance for them in the Ministry of Internal Affairs?
  • What is the length of service required to receive a material supplement?
  • How to calculate the size of the appropriate surcharge?
  • What is the allowance for seniority when leaving a well-deserved rest?

Given the relevance of these issues, let's look into them as thoroughly as possible. Perhaps this information will be useful to someone and will help in making professional decisions and understanding future prospects.

What is the “seniority allowance in the Ministry of Internal Affairs”

Photo rubles

Before delving into the details and details of this issue, you should understand what it is.

The seniority allowance at the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a specific monetary allowance. It is regularly added to the monthly salary of an employee after he reaches a certain length of service in the position for which this allowance is determined.

Such allowances serve to improve the quality of service and prevent the possible leakage of professional personnel.

What determines the percentage of the allowance for seniority in the Ministry of Internal Affairs? First of all, of course, from the length of service. Thus, the longer a person works, the greater the salary he will receive.

It is important to understand the following: it is not the salary amount that increases at all, but the amount of the surcharge to it.

Additional payment features: how it is installed

This surcharge is always set in the form of interest. This is done as follows: the monthly salary of the employee, put to him by job, is taken, and a certain percentage of him is added to it.

The size of this percentage is directly dependent on the profile of the employee and his region of service. All surcharges are taken from the federal budget. To correctly calculate this percentage surcharge, you must correctly calculate the length of service. For this, the entire work experience is summed up, even in the presence of long breaks in work.

What is included in the concept of “length of service”

The length of service of all police officers begins on the first day of their enrollment and ends on the day of their dismissal. But, for example, when reinstating in the service after a break, the length of service does not interrupt its accrual, and is not accrued again, from scratch.

For police officers, other periods are included in the length of service, in which the actual service, as it were, was not carried out:

  • Carrying out any other service for which the calculation of working experience is provided. This is the tax office, the Federal Penitentiary Service, customs, etc.
  • Period of forced interruption of service. This is an illegal dismissal, a court sentence followed by acquittal.
  • The period of forced inability to perform service. This is an occupational disease, trauma, captivity, etc.
  • Appointment of an employee to an elective position. For example, this is parliamentary activity, etc.
  • Being on maternity leave.
  • Training time, but not exceeding five years. Here the principle works - two months are equal to one.
  • Time for the trial period.

It should be noted separately that there are such service periods that are counted in the ratio: several days of service are equal to one day of actual service. This scheme always works if employees participate in hostilities, or in other situations when they fall into a risk zone and increased danger.

Figures of monthly allowance for long service

paper money

For greater clarity, we present a list of ratios showing the correspondence of seniority in the Ministry of Internal Affairs to a certain percentage premium:

  • From 2 to 5 years - 10%.
  • From 5 to 10 years - 15%.
  • From 10 to 15 years - 20%.
  • From 15 to 20 years - 30%.
  • From 20 to 25 years - 35%.
  • Over 25 years of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs - 40%.

In addition to this allowance, police officers receive a number of other surcharges. These are payments for the employee having: a certain qualification, the title of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, an academic degree, exemplary service, and also, when serving in a particularly difficult situation. All monetary allowances are summed up, but they are assigned exclusively to the main amount of the monthly salary.

Thus, the salary of a policeman today is formed of five components, such as: salary + bonus for rank + assignment of a regional coefficient + surcharge for overall work experience + bonus for complexity and danger of work.

It becomes clear that all the above components are purely individual in nature. Everything except the monthly salary.

"Service of years" when leaving for a well-deserved rest

As we all know, police officers are, first and foremost, civil servants. Therefore, according to the law, all civil servants receive pension payments. The term "length of service" should be understood as a specific period of work of a person.

There are a number of necessary conditions that must be observed when the police retire: the total length of service should be at least 20 years.

But at the same time, if the police do not have twenty years of experience in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then three conditions must be met:

  1. The minimum age for an employee is 45 years.
  2. The length of the total length of service from 25 years.
  3. The minimum period of service in the department is 12.5 years.

Since 2019, there are plans to increase the length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to obtain the right to care for a well-deserved rest, only after reaching 25 years of seniority in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

There are three types of pension payments that each employee in the Ministry of Internal Affairs receives in pension:

  • long service pension;
  • disability pension;
  • pension if the main breadwinner dies.

The time that is credited as an experience is: work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, military service and work in the fire service.

Thus, the calculation of the pension amount for police officers in 2018 according to the length of service is calculated according to four components:

  • the salary figure in the position that the person received before going to the reserve;
  • the figure of the salary corresponding to the special rank;
  • other payments due during work;
  • monthly compensation of the grocery basket in ruble terms.

For example, a policeman has 20 years of service. The amount of his pension payment will consist of 50% of the full years of work time, plus the percentage of the extra charge for the length of service in the department, at the rate of 3% for each next year.

If the employee has been working for more than a quarter of a century, then the calculation of the pension amount will be different: a person receives money equal to half the salary, and for each next year of service, 1% of the salary is added. Therefore, the minimum pension for an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can in no way be less than half of his salary.

Extra service allowance from 01.01. 2018

Since January 2018, a law has been enacted to increase bonuses for seniority. They are paid every month and are called bonuses, according to Order 1010. So, for all employees who have a quarter of a century of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, an additional bonus of twenty-five percent will be charged.

Since January 1, the percentage of accrued allowances has changed in Russia. Now it will be charged every year three percent more, but not more than 50% in total.

It is useful to know that the total budget for 2018 includes 54 billion rubles for the indexation of monthly salaries. For example, now the sergeant’s net rate will be 20,000 rubles, while that of the lieutenant general will be 55,000 rubles. We emphasize that these are net salary amounts, without taking into account any allowances.

According to the May presidential decrees, by 2018, salaries to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should have been increased by 150%. But the economic crisis erupted and these indicators became almost unattainable. The funds that were freed up after numerous layoffs and optimization of the department’s staff are not enough for such a noticeable increase in salaries. Therefore, these figures are now objective:

  • The salary of the police, who worked in the department for five years, will be about 28,000 rubles.
  • The salary of police officers with at least 10 years of total service experience will amount to 30,000 rubles.
  • The salary of employees who have worked for 15 years or more will be about 35,000 rubles.

Police officers in the rank of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from junior lieutenant to captain have a salary of at least 32,000 rubles. In leadership positions, the picture is slightly different. For employees with ranks from major to general of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the monthly salary is 40,000 rubles. and higher.

Supplement for length of service. General Information

As we understand, the allowance for length of service is closely related to the length of service and is regulated by a number of documents.

People are always interested in the question of when exactly this premium can be received by them? It is important for employees to know its size, since it always depends on the specific situation. Therefore, there is no reason to compare your allowance with that of colleagues. It will always be completely different for everyone.

The bonus for the duration of work depends on nine factors:

  • occupation - Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • seniority;
  • length of service;
  • regional co-payments and regional;
  • the salary that was earlier and exists now;
  • various allowances from the department;
  • labor conditions prescribed in the employment contract;
  • ratio in percent by years of service: up to 2.5 years - 10% of the salary; up to five years - 20%, longer than this period - 30% of the salary;
  • amounts prescribed in documents on bonuses in the department.

“Length of service” and structural units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

police officers

The definition of “length of service” actually comes down to the period of continuous professional activity, which consists of the work experience of the employee, which affects the processing of supplements to pension payments.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs, as we already understand this, does not stand aside and in every way encourages its employees for the duration of their work. Difficult labor conditions make it possible to apply for material allowances issued monthly for basic earnings.

The order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 1259 refers specifically to the regulation of these allowances. Thus, cash bonuses are paid to police officers serving in five departments of the department:

  • The central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • GU MVD metropolitan and regional.
  • Duty departments.
  • Cavalry units.

If an employee serves in the cavalry unit, caring for horses, then surcharges (allowances) to him can vary in an incredibly wide range: from 10 to 100% of the accrued permanent monthly salary.

The amount of allowances is affected by the degree of difficulty of the work, its harmfulness and danger to health, the degree of responsibility and the possibility of obtaining a professional disease.

Therefore, starting in 2011, when correctly calculating the allowance for serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a special percentage for personal success must be taken into account.

So, for example, if an employee of the department obtained a scientific degree, or there are serious documented achievements in sports, all this increases the size of the allowance for the monthly salary. The amount may vary from 10 to 30% of earnings.

Such incentives significantly improve the quality of employees and is an incentive to increase the length of service.

Increase in length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs since 2019

police go

The Ministry of Finance in 2015 proposed to increase the retirement experience for police officers by as much as five years. Accordingly, according to this proposal, to receive a pension, it will be necessary to work out not the current 20 years, but already 25.

Minister Anton Siluanov explained this proposal by saying that the majority of the military, having worked in the authorities for twenty years, are already forty, being very young, retire, are registered as retirees and receive a substantial pension from the state.

Today, a huge number of people work in the field of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the same time, the percentage of state managers in the department is growing very rapidly. So, for every 10,000 active employees, there are 100 managers in this area.

Such a huge "army" of managers, sitting in warm offices, is engaged exclusively in paper work. They keep maps, create databases, do various analyzes, etc. Then, pass on the received information to their management. Such positions are considered absolutely unproductive and do not fully fulfill their length of service, and also do not deserve the received cash allowances.

The government annually seeks to reduce as much as possible the expenditure part for providing employees of the department for seniority and is ready to take more and more unpopular measures and decisions. In the future, a significant increase in service life is possible from 25 to 30 years.So far, these are just projects, but they already exist, and it is possible that one day they will become a reality.

The government has repeatedly announced a significant reduction in civil servants of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Thus, more than 10% of current employees may soon become unemployed.

Supplements to retired police officers on seniority

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the percentages of the current surcharge. This allowance is paid in full, it is associated with three components:

  • Recipient age rating.
  • Recipient's family qualification.
  • Recipient status.

All employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who receive cash allowances during their seniority are entitled to payments:

  1. Participants of the Second World War up to 80 years + 32%; older than 80 years + 64%.
  2. Disabled people of 1 group over 80 years old + 100%.
  3. In the presence of a disabled dependent:
      1 dependent + 32%; 2 dependents + 64%; 3 or more dependents + 100%.

For example, let's look at the option of calculating a pension for an abstract employee of the department, taking into account his seniority and the allowances due:

  • Police work time is 22 years.
  • A stable salary in rank is 8500 rubles.
  • The official salary for the title of 12 500 rubles.
  • The percentage of surcharge for length of service is 30% and in the amount gives 6300 rubles.

When calculating the final payment figure, we get 27,300 rubles. Then we multiply this figure by the percentage of satisfaction and get the following indicators: 27,300 rubles. x 54% x 56%. As a result, we get the amount of 8255.52 rubles. To it, if available, the district coefficient of premium is also added.

Key findings and conclusions

police cars

You and I found out that the allowances for length of service are bonuses that have the nature of incentives. These surcharges encourage employees to increase their service life and improve its quality. The longer a person has served, the greater his length of service, which means that the percentage of the salary bonus in particular and the future pension as a whole will be more tangible.

If an employee strives for training, obtaining a higher rank, academic degree, rank in sport, etc., then his bonuses will increase significantly with each new rank, degree and rank obtained.

The size of all allowances is determined in accordance with the salary of the employee. At the same time, there is a constant increase in the length of service. The size of the premiums can be very different: from 5 to 40%.

The procedure for issuing and accruing these allowances is strictly regulated and has a well-developed scheme.

All existing allowances are divided into two categories:

  • Compensatory. These are district coefficients, incentives for working in a special climate, with danger to life and health, and so on.
  • Incentive payments. These are bonuses, service allowances.

The monthly allowance for service is established in strict accordance with the length of service and has the following dimensions:

  1. Work experience from 2 to 5 years gives a premium of 10%.
  2. Experience from 5 to 10 years gives a premium of 15%.
  3. Experience from 10 to 15 years is a premium of 20%.
  4. Experience from 15 to 20 years is a premium of 25%.
  5. Experience from 20 to 25 years is a bonus of 30%.
  6. Work experience over 25 years - 40%.

We already know, summing up all of the above, that these allowances are accrued precisely from the day the employee reaches the necessary length of service, which gives the right to it, and until the day the employee is excluded from the list of personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. An exception may be on the basis of orders from management, with the obligatory indication of the service life and the figure of the surcharge due.

The length of service for which a percentage allowance is paid includes all the time spent in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, including in federal state unitary enterprises and federal state institutions.

The length of service includes: service in the army, in tax authorities, customs, etc. Also included are periods of deputy activity in any election posts.

The main document for determining the length of service is a work book, and for dismissed employees - a military ID.

In the event that the length of service is not confirmed by the corresponding marks in the work book or military ID card, it can be confirmed by other documents, respectively executed and sealed. Such certificates are issued on the basis of documentation on the marks on the personnel of the department, its accounting.

Extracts from the minutes of the meeting with a decision on the establishment of work experience, signed by the chairman of the commission and sealed with the seal of the military unit, are drawn up for each and every employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in a double copy. The first of them is given for storage to the financial department, and the second is handed over to the employee.

Each soldier in Russia is entitled to a solid salary corresponding to his rank and position. If the employee has been serving for a long time, then he is justly given an additional right to receive a service bonus. This surcharge is accrued, as we have found, already upon reaching two years of service. The maximum possible “ceiling”, today, is a surcharge of 40% of the salary.

The exact amounts and sizes of all statutory payments are regulated by legislative acts prescribed in the 306 Federal Law.

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Reason for complaint
andrey nikitin
Why are you writing nonsense? I've served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 27.5 years. 07/01/2019 retired them. There is no severance pay, explained upon receipt of funds. Maybe tomorrow, maybe for the New Year. I will not receive a pension in July. Ahead of payments for loans, mortgages. The medical commission for the device to work is paid, to study in a chop for a fee. I'm sitting without money. I go as a loader for one-time work and payment. He went into debt. Banks do not accept the explanation that there is no money for severance pay at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition to a stroke, I had nothing in the organs.


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