
I can’t get a job - what to do? How can I get a job

“I just can’t get a job!” - have you ever heard or said such a phrase? Most likely, yes, and even more than once. What is the problem of the unemployed - is it their fault or the constant unfortunate combination of circumstances? Skeptics will say that those who want to work will do this and will never stay on the sidelines of productive activities. Less fortunate or purposeful people will give them a huge amount of completely reasonable arguments and arguments, explaining why they do not hire themselves or their friends. In today's article, we will figure out when the employer's refusal is legitimate, and when he does it illegally, we will also find out what needs to be done to get the coveted employment contract.

I can’t get a job

Actual problem

In fact, finding a decent job right now, in the midst of a dire crisis, is not easy. Especially when it comes to a good position with reasonable pay. Such vacancies are usually colossal contests, very strict requirements are imposed on applicants, and a huge number of people who want to take the desired chair of the head or leading specialist gives a lot of scope for illegal actions of the employer. Therefore, if someone says: “I can’t get a job,” you should not take these words with sarcasm.

The situation on the job market is complicated by the fact that a huge number of workers from neighboring countries come to our state, who are ready to work for a lower salary and in much worse conditions than the standards require. The owners of the enterprises, of course, are “happy to try” and are happy to save on their employees, including those from the local community.

However, even in such conditions, the question of how to get a job remains open. After all, in order to start activities, you need to try very well.

work without experience

The most common mistakes made by job seekers

So, what needs to be done so that in the long run we don’t repeat again: “I cannot get a job”? You can’t just wait! Believe me, dear applicants, if you are not special in your field, which is similar to the whole country in a particular area no more than a dozen, no one will ever come after you with a request to work. If a person does not seek a place for himself, no one will want to do this for him (only for a fee).

But if you are still actively searching, it’s important to do it right. What does this mean? First of all, it is necessary to select for yourself a vacancy that is appropriate to your capabilities, education and skills. The employer’s refusal will be completely logical if you cannot answer his test questions due to low qualifications or fail to correctly complete the test task, saying something like: “I can’t”. Getting a job is easier, the better you know your responsibilities, even if it’s theoretical knowledge.

Another obstacle to obtaining a vacant position is the unreasonable requirements of the applicant himself, and here too high applications with respect to future work, and self-doubt can become a mistake. In times of crisis, it is difficult to find a position with a salary above the average, the additional benefits of which would include a full social package, normal working hours, long vacations, etc. You can’t also say to a head hunter or HR manager: “I can’t triple for work in in this area, because I don’t have enough mind, talent or strength for it. ”Such thinking is by no means conducive to success in finding a suitable job.

how can I get a job

I want and I will!

When the applicant is determined to get a job, he needs to follow a few rules and tips given by professional hunters for valuable personnel:

  • be active - water does not flow under a lying stone, so you need to constantly be interested in the situation on the labor market;
  • self-educate - even being unemployed, it is important to keep track of innovations and developments, trends related to your field of activity, it will also be useful not to stand idle, but to take advanced training courses, pass on the right, improve foreign language skills;
  • communicate with useful people - this will not let them forget about you as a professional, will help you to keep abreast and learn about vacancies on time.

Many people mistakenly believe that it is simply impossible to “seize” good jobs, because they are not fired from them, but only their people occupy them. For unlucky applicants, this will be an excellent justification for failures: “I have not been able to get a job for a year, because all the jobs that suit me are occupied.” In fact, this is not so, successful top managers do not stay in one place for life.

where can I get a job

The first steps

Employers argue that a well-written resume is the key to success on the part of the applicant. The personnel manager pays attention to him first of all, paying attention to everything: literacy, structure, submitted information, style. An experienced personnel officer can even determine whether an employee is suitable for his company using a plain white sheet of paper with dry information.

This is the first impression that the applicant makes on the potential employer, therefore, after reading the resume, the boss should not have double-digit feelings. Often this happens when the decision-maker comes to the column, which indicates the reason for dismissal from a previous place. If the applicant writes there: “I can’t get a job - they refuse everywhere” or “Poor level of communication with colleagues”, then this will lead the reader to quite logical doubts regarding the candidate for the vacant position. Honesty is good, but negativity is best avoided.

I can’t get a job for a year


Having interested the employer with an interesting resume, the applicant can count on an interview. This is a decisive moment in possible employment, because almost everything depends on the results of such a meeting.

The verdict that the candidate for the position will hear after the interview depends on what impression he will make on his examiner. The main recommendations, the implementation of which will lead to success, are as follows:

  • get ready - on the eve of the conversation you need to refresh the knowledge and characteristics of the future field of work;
  • get together - you must be extremely careful and calm during a conversation;
  • demonstrate personal advantages - this item includes punctuality, accuracy, politeness, and kindness of the applicant.

It is very important to be able to listen to the alleged chef - during the interview, he not only asks, but also talks about what work will have to be done, under what conditions. Nervousness and inattention will lead to misunderstanding and incidents.

Why can an employer refuse?

This is a very topical issue for many job seekers, especially those who often hear the word “no.” In fact, the employer does not have the right to an unjustified refusal, it is fraught with consequences for him, up to a fine, imprisonment or disqualification from a certain post. But there are cases when his actions are completely permissible and have legitimate reasons:

  • the candidate must have specific knowledge, education, a diploma confirming them;
  • an obstacle may be the state of health of the applicant (in certain conditions);
  • Applicant's age (adolescents under 14 cannot work without the permission of their parents or guardians).

Another delicate moment is the criminal past of the candidate. People who have a criminal record often turn to lawyers. “I can’t get a job, they refuse, because I was in prison. How legitimate is this? ”Is the most common question from this category of citizens. The Labor Code does not say that this is a reason for refusal. Restrictions exist only for posts that require financially responsible work, financial, banking or government activities. They may also not be hired by law enforcement agencies, but this depends on the specific situation and the article on which the person was convicted.

why don't they hire

When are head hunter actions illegal?

Unfortunately, there are several common reasons why employers refuse people who want to get a job with them, while they violate applicable law. We will consider some situations in more detail, but first we will select them in the form of a visual list. So, to whom the employer cannot refuse employment?

  • Women who are in position.
  • Women with children (a child cannot be a reason for refusing to hire).
  • To the one who came to the employer at the direction or in a written invitation, especially having left the other organization or from the post.

Any manifestations of discrimination during which the rights are violated are also unlawful:

  • disabled people (if the state of a person’s work will not impede the normal performance of their functional duties);
  • people of pre-retirement age;
  • those who have a criminal record;
  • foreigners, citizens who are not registered at the place of job search.

In addition, the employer cannot refuse admission if the applicant refuses to become a member of the trade union or aspires to a position as a result of his transfer from another department, city, region by a court decision.

can't get a job criminal record

Dear young!

Work without experience is what graduates of educational institutions most often face. Yesterday's students really find it difficult to get the coveted position, but this is not impossible, because they have many advantages compared to older people. This is fresh knowledge, and ambitiousness, and a willingness to learn in practice. Work without experience allows you to polish your knowledge and achieve good results in the future. It is better for young specialists to contact large companies, newcomers are always welcome there, especially from among the talented and result-oriented ones.

You won’t be full of honor

Another thing is where you can get a job for those who have only a few years left until retirement. This is a complex issue that public servants thought very seriously about solving. The government encourages enterprises where people are employed after forty, and even sets appropriate quotas for entrepreneurs, for the violation of which they can be fined. Employment centers provide more detailed information about such employers.

I can’t get a job everywhere they refuse

Interesting position

As we have said, pregnancy cannot be a reason for refusing employment. The only exceptions are positions involving heavy physical labor or work in harmful conditions. By the way, a woman in a position cannot be dismissed from an enterprise; an employer cannot do this as long as his employee is on a maternity leave decree.

Of course, all these nuances of labor legislation are largely observed in enterprises with state ownership, alas, privateers, alas, most often neglect them.

Doubly complicated

No one will argue that drawing up an employment contract is now very difficult, many grab at any opportunity to earn money, but it is even more difficult to get a job in a specialty. "Can't or don't want to?" - someone will ask. In fact, this is a very common problem for many graduates. You can get a good education, but it is important that the acquired specialty is in demand.

The current labor market is oversaturated with applicants for the positions of “white-collar workers” of all stripes and abrasions, while many job vacancies remain open for months. This is a mistake of vocational schools that do not explain to school graduates, future applicants that those who create something with their own hands will always be valuable personnel. Now locksmiths can have a salary no lower than the head of the department in the office, and therefore you should not be afraid of getting a working specialty, because it is profitable, prestigious and valuable at all times, despite the crises, sanctions and political structure of the country.

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Reason for complaint
Elena Shabanova
In fact, it’s difficult to find work even because employers lie and do not know what they want. I swung at the IT company, met the requirements, and during the interview it turned out that they needed not just an editor, but an editor who wrote in English. Another case when one zp is declared, and they divide it into hours, days, norm, text, and a completely different figure is obtained. Well this is my experience, if that. I found work in a digital agency through Avito, now on a test, but so far everything suits


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