
Profanity - what is it?

When we hear the expression "profanity", most people have very definite associations associated with expressions that are prohibited for use in society. But it is not so. Profanity is a broader concept.

Defining profanity

In general, profanity is vocabulary that has not yet become the norm in the literary language. It includes dialectisms, barbarism, incorrect and made-up words (author's neologisms).

Many neologisms do not take root, and some eventually enter our speech and become an integral part of the language.

For example, the word "thermometer" was coined by Mikhail Lomonosov, the word "pilot" was by Velemir Khlebnikov. The word "whip" was introduced into our speech by Ivan Panaev, and "Feel off" - Fedor Dostoevsky.

Cursing man

Obscene vocabulary

Profanity is also the so-called obscene language. The term comes from the Latin obscenus, which means lecherous, immoral, obscene. Obscene vocabulary includes foul language, profanity, obscene expressions. Obscene vocabulary is present in many languages. These are both Eastern European languages ​​- Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian, and Western European - Czech, German, English, French. One of the segments of obscene vocabulary in Russian is the Russian mat. All the variety of Russian swear words goes back to three concepts denoting female and male genitalia and directly sexual intercourse.

The woman who swears

A bit of history

There are several versions of the origin of such vocabulary in Russia. According to one of them, swear words were brought to Russia by the Tatar-Mongol invaders. However, some historians refute this. The nomads in the language did not have swear words. And during excavations in Veliky Novgorod, birch bark letters were found in which, long before the invasion, such words are present.

Another version goes back to paganism. The process of procreation and everything connected with it, was given sacred meaning by our ancestors. And these words were used as conspiracies to facilitate the process of procreation. They were also used as curses pronounced by sorcerers.

With the transition to Christianity, the system of values ​​changed, and all symbols associated with the genitals and sexual intercourse were banned. True, it must be borne in mind that the words that we define as forbidden were not always such. So, for example, Protopop Avvakum in his letters actively uses some of them.

Ivan Barkov

The scandalously famous Ivan Barkov, who was one of the most educated people of his time, did not skimp on the use of profanity in his works. He was born in 1732 in a priest's family, studied at the University at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. His knowledge of Latin delighted Lomonosov himself, and he took Barkov to his secretary. Under the leadership of Lomonosov, he wrote several scientific works.

But he was remembered not by scientific works, but by numerous poems and poems written using taboo expressions. Profanity is the basis of Barkov’s poems.

He was quoted in numerous student gatherings, in the acting environment, and even in a narrow circle of aristocratic salons.

poet Ivan Barkov

Pushkin wrote to Peter Vyazemsky:

You do not know poetry ... Barkov and are going to enter the university, it is curious. Barkov is one of the most famous persons in Russian literature; his poems in the near future will be of great importance ... For me ... there is no doubt that the first books that will be released in Russia without censorship will be the complete works of Barkov.

Pushkin even tried to imitate him. About Barkov spoke Tolstoy, Nekrasov, Bunin, Kuprin, Gorky, Pasternak,

Barkov's biography is replete with scandalous incidents and jokes. Now it is no longer possible to distinguish truth from fiction. Even regarding his death in 1768, there are several versions. One version says that he committed suicide by hanging himself in the fireplace, according to another version he died in the arms of a woman. The most popular was the option according to which Barkov drowned in a cesspool in a drunken place.

His epitaph says:

He lived sinfully and died funny.

One way or another, the use of swear words, with or without reason, in public space is unacceptable. Using profanity, a person admits his powerlessness to cope with the situation.

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