
Necessary documents for registration of a newborn

What documents can be useful for registering a newborn? What does registration give? And how to cope with this task? All parents, especially young ones and those who give birth to their firstborn, are asked similar questions. After all, after performing the sacrament of birth, one will have to face very serious paperwork. If you do not prepare for it in advance, you can earn a lot of problems. Therefore, further we will consider all relevant and useful information on the registration of newborns in the Russian Federation. In the end, it will turn out to cope with this task as soon as possible.

MFC and registration

What is a registration

What documents for registration of a newborn baby come in handy? We will get acquainted with the list of relevant papers later. First, a few words about what a residence permit is.

This is the name of registration migration registration of the population. In the course of receiving the service, a person is officially awarded a certain housing, but this does not mean that it becomes his property, and in this territory a citizen can live without any problems.


Documents required for registration of a newborn will be presented to attention a little later. First of all, we will study the basics of implementing the task.

What does the study documentation look like? It all depends on who you register. In newborns and children under 14 years of age, registration is provided by a certificate of the established form. After obtaining an identity card, it is a stamp affixed to certain pages of the passport.

When registering, foreign citizens are also given a paper certificate. It must be carried with you.

Registration Types

It is not difficult to collect documents for registering a newborn child in an apartment, especially if you study all the nuances of translating ideas into reality.

There are several types of registration in Russia. Namely:

  • temporary;
  • constant.

With the first option, a person is registered for a while. For a citizen for a certain period of time this or that housing is assigned. After the service is provided, a certificate of the established form is issued.

Birth certificate

With constant registration, children under 14 years of age, as we have said, are given a paper on which registration information is indicated. After this age, a stamp is put in the passport. A person is assigned housing on an ongoing basis, he can participate in its privatization.

What gives

What documents are needed to register a newborn? Fortunately, very few are required. And a little later we will figure out where to get the appropriate list of papers.

Why do I need a residence permit? If you do not take into account that the current legislation of the Russian Federation obliges all citizens to have any type of registration, the following areas of application of the document can be noted:

  • receiving services at the place of residence;
  • the possibility of privatization of housing (not always);
  • the right to receive benefits, payments and other forms of state support;
  • the possibility of attaching to the clinic at the place of residence;
  • the right to receive free medical care;
  • getting the opportunity to send the child to a specific school / kindergarten;
  • the ability to complete the bulk of documents for a citizen.

The thing is that without a residence permit in Russia it is simply impossible to live. A person will not be able to receive even basic mandatory documents - SNILS and the compulsory medical insurance policy. Therefore, registration will have to think in advance.

Where to prescribe the baby

But that is not all. Documents required to register a newborn are not the most difficult moment. The main problem during registration is the choice of the child’s place of residence.

Children, as well as adults, can be prescribed in any room suitable for living. Usually these are apartments and houses.

Application for registration

Under current law, children:

  • up to 10 years are prescribed exclusively with one of the parents;
  • from 10 to 14 years, it is possible to register a child with close relatives;
  • after 14 - get the opportunity to register anywhere with the permission of the parents.

It is these rules that each pair will have to remember. It follows that the baby can only be registered with parents (or with one of them).

Owner Consent

Another rather important point is the question of whether it is necessary to obtain the consent of the owner of the premises to register the child in it.

The answer is no. By law, newborn children must be registered with one of the parents. And therefore, the owner’s consent is not required for their registration.

That is, tenants can, without the knowledge of the landlord, register a newborn child in the apartment. Writing it will be very problematic. Therefore, such issues are recommended to be agreed in advance.

Where is the service provided?

What documents for registration of a newborn baby in Russia will each pair need? And where do they render such a service?

To date, you can cope with the task in several institutions. Namely:

  • in passport offices;
  • at the MFC;
  • in management companies;
  • in the FMS;
  • in the migration departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In addition, registration and discharge of the population is carried out in passport and visa centers. But most often, citizens turn either to the FMS or to the passport offices. This is a normal occurrence. In these bodies, the service is usually provided faster.

Action algorithm

What documents for registration of a newborn will be useful for modern parents? First, we will deal with step-by-step instructions for implementing the task.

The action algorithm for registration is as follows:

  1. To form a package of documents necessary for the implementation of the task.
  2. To write an application.
  3. Contact one of the listed authorities for the service.
  4. Hand over a package of documents to an employee of the selected service.
  5. Get help with registration at the appointed time.

In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems. But only if you approach the issue of registration of newborns in advance.

Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation

Service Duration

What documents are needed to register a newborn baby? We almost studied all the useful and relevant information on registering babies. But how long does it take to wait for the result?

It all depends on the load on the registering authority. The thing is that a certificate of registration can sometimes be obtained the very next day. But most often the service is provided for 7 days. An employee of the passport office or multifunctional center will provide more accurate information.

Package of documents

Are you planning a newborn registration? Documents in the MFC and in the passport office are presented the same. Therefore, the package of papers will be the same for all citizens.

Mandatory from parents are required the following components:

  • statement;
  • extract from the house book of the second parent stating that the child is not registered with him;
  • baby's birth certificate;
  • passports.

Additionally, the consent of the second parent to register the child with another legal representative may be required. If the couple calls for the service together, then the corresponding paper can be written on the spot. No representations are required in this case.

For temporary registration

But this package of papers is suitable for cases when it comes to the presence of parents with a permanent residence. What to do if the legal representatives of the newborn are registered at the address temporarily?

In this case, the documents for registration of the newborn will be almost the same as in the previously proposed list. The difference lies in the fact that in addition, legal representatives apply certificates with registration for the implementation of the task.

Passport and Visa Center

About passports

We found out what documents can be useful for registering a newborn in an apartment. And where to get the appropriate paper?

Identity cards must initially be in both parents. Passports are issued by the FMS. If you lost paper at the time of registration of the newborn, you will first have to get either a temporary passport or wait for the new identity card to be issued. Usually there is no problem getting this component.

Birth certificate

What documents are needed to register a newborn? The next important component is the baby's birth certificate.

It can be issued at the registry office. It is usually issued within a few hours after the parents apply for the service. Sometimes you have to wait a couple of days.

To register the baby in the registry office:

  • statement;
  • passports
  • a certificate from the hospital about the birth of a child.

As practice shows, nothing else is needed. With the listed papers, applicants will quickly receive a birth certificate. At this point, the baby will have to come up with and give a name. You need to think about this issue in advance.

Certificate of residence of the second parent

What's next? The following documentation is required only when the parents of the newborn are registered in different places. We are talking about a certificate from the place of residence of the second legal representative of the child stating that the baby is not registered with him. Without this component, services will be denied. And such an act is completely legal.

Residence permit for compulsory medical insurance

How to get similar documentation? It is usually issued in management companies. You will have to apply at the place of residence of the second parent - the one with whom the child will not be registered. You must have an identity card with you. Certificate of registration is not required, certificates of ownership of housing (if any), too.

It is enough to apply with a request (sometimes verbally) to the Criminal Code in order to receive an extract from the house book. It is also called a certificate of family composition. It is she who will indicate that the baby with the second parent is not registered.

It is also advisable to bring a birth certificate with you. He may be asked to show if there is any doubt about the purpose of using the requested paper. This is a normal occurrence. But, as a rule, parents do not ask for such documentation. Enough verbal answers to the questions asked.

A certificate of residence is issued within a few minutes. Therefore, receiving the relevant documentation does not cause any trouble.


We have already studied the documents for registering a newborn. But it’s not entirely clear where to get the relevant papers.

An application for registration of the baby is made at the place of service. Usually an employee of the relevant service helps to fill out the appropriate paper based on the proposed package of documents.

All that is required of parents is to check the correctness of the data in the application, and then sign the request for registration of the baby. Quick, easy, convenient. There is no need to fill in the mentioned paper in advance. These are unnecessary manipulations that can be avoided.

Second Parent Consent

Another document for registration of a newborn is the written consent of the second parent to register the baby not with him. Without this component, the pair may be denied registration. In particular, if the legal representatives of the child are registered in different places.

Ideally, consent is written by hand on a plain sheet of paper. In it, the second parent indicates information about the baby, as well as that he agrees to register the child at a particular address. Everything is extremely simple and clear. Such a certificate does not require certification, but its availability will confirm the validity of the paper.

As already mentioned, citizens can simultaneously apply for a child’s registration. In this case, the consent is most often written on the back of the request in the established form.At the end, the signature of the legal representative giving consent to the procedure is put.

When to register

We found out what documents can be useful for registration in a newborn’s apartment. Some are interested in how quickly it is necessary to register a baby at the place of residence.

The primary registration of newborns has no deadlines. It can be done at a convenient time for parents. But it is best to deal with the task within the next month. Why?

As we already said, without registration it will not work to draw up manuals and a number of documents necessary for the baby. Therefore, it is recommended to hurry with the implementation of the task.

Documents for registration of the baby

It is important to remember that after submitting the application of the established form to the registering authority, the birth certificate will be taken from the parents. He will be given along with a certificate of registration at the place of residence or temporary stay. All actions are completely legal.

After registration

So, registration has passed. What's next?

Now, the parents of the newborn can do further paperwork for the baby. Do not forget about benefits.

It is recommended to start with the following papers and services:

  • design of SNILS;
  • order of the compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • registration of state children's allowances and payments;
  • registration of the child in the clinic at the place of residence.

All this is extremely important. As practice shows, after receiving the listed papers and services, you can forget about paperwork associated with a newborn for a long time. If parents want to send their child to the garden, it is better to immediately put him in the queue. For example, through the MFC. Registration for this operation will also be required.

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