
Addresses stores "Savage" in Moscow. Features and benefits of the product.

The Savage company was founded in 2010, and over the past few years it has achieved significant success in the global sales market. The brand produces only high-quality and interesting collections that dilute gray everyday life with juicy colors and accents on accessories. Savage is a popular outerwear store not only in Russia, but also in nearby countries.

Composition and materials of goods

All products of the company are made only of high-quality and natural materials that do not lose their qualities after washing or a long operating period. Most often, models of down jackets are decorated with natural or artificial fur, which does not tear and does not climb. The filler of these models of down jackets is soft and warm fluff that protects you in any weather.

Savage store addresses in Moscow

Addresses of Savage stores in Moscow can be found in this article.

Savage: consumers and description of collections

The main target audience of the clothing company of this brand includes both women and men aged 25 to 35 years. The collections are distinguished by quality, originality and excellent accents. Thanks to the wide range, you can choose for yourself exactly what is most suitable for your tastes and preferences.

Brand products are aimed at consumers who are well versed in fashion and new trends, but rely only on their own opinions. Also, when choosing clothes, do not forget about personal tastes and sensations. This is what the Savage brand seeks to convey to customers. In this store you can find a wide variety of models of fur coats, coats or down jackets. There are several differences in the length and color scheme of the models.

Savage stores in Moscow addresses

If you need high-quality outerwear, then Savage stores in Moscow will help you. Addresses in the center and on the outskirts of the capital are listed below. Manufacturers make clothes in several styles. The most popular include casual, urban and basic.

Brand benefits

A chain of stores of this brand has recently opened in the capital. Starting from the first days of the stores, they have gained regular customers and a lot of positive feedback. You ask, what is this connected with? First of all, manufacturers of outerwear of this brand strive to satisfy all the wishes of customers. That is why the goods are made only from high-quality fabrics and furs, and are also filled with natural fluff.

The next difference of the company is full compliance with current trends and innovations in the fashion industry. By purchasing a coat or jacket brand "Savage", you get a guarantee on quality, as well as long and comfortable operation of the purchased product.

The addresses of Savage stores in Moscow will be indicated below. Manufacturers have gained trust and respect from many buyers.

Savage stores in Moscow

Location of shops in the capital

As mentioned earlier, Savage stores in Moscow, the addresses of which will be indicated below, are popular among young men and women. Due to the variety of collections and affordable pricing, you can pick up a really good thing for yourself and loved ones. Also, regular customers receive a discount and a monthly sale and a reduction in the cost of goods.

So, the addresses of Savage stores in Moscow:

  • Shopping center "Gallery Airport", Leningradsky Prospekt, 2nd floor;
  • Spartakovskaya street 17;
  • Pererva street 43, shopping center "BUM";
  • Shopping center "European", the area of ​​Kiev railway station, 3rd floor;
  • Street of the Red Lighthouse, in the shopping center "Prague Passage".

All the above points of sale are the most popular addresses of Savage stores in Moscow. Also, for fans of shopping "without leaving their own home" there is an opportunity to purchase products of the Savage brand through an online store. A wide selection of assortment will not leave indifferent any fashionista. The site has a fairly convenient method of payment for purchases and a quick delivery service.

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