
Unemployment in Russia: the cause and methods of solving the problem

Unemployment is a rather complex phenomenon in the economy of any state. In the article we will talk about this aspect.

Key Definitions

unemployment in Russia

The problem of unemployment is reflected in the literature in the form of various definitions. Here are some of them:

  • This is some part of the population in the country, which consists of able-bodied people who do not have a permanent job. Moreover, this category of people is in search of suitable work for a certain period of time.
  • Unemployment as a social problem is an economic phenomenon in which a certain proportion of the working population is not engaged in productive activities. In this case, this concept should be considered in a cyclic format, the value of which exceeds the supply of labor over demand.
  • Unemployment in Russia - lack of employment due to the presence of economic reasons at a particular moment in some part of the working population of the state who wants to work. From a theoretical point of view, this term means a certain socio-economic category that expresses the relationship between employers and employees on the implementation of human rights (for example, labor). In this case, we are talking not only about a means of ensuring a comfortable life, but also about the realization of the qualities and advantages of a person, his personality, as well as the need for constant work given by nature.

Signs of unemployment

causes of unemployment in Russia

To understand the causes of unemployment in Russia, it is necessary to clearly define the criteria for this category of people. The criteria for a person without a permanent place of work are established by the relevant law or other government documents, which may have some differences in different states.
However, there are some common symptoms:

  • able-bodied age, defined as a certain minimum age at which special legislation is allowed to work, but younger than the age at which a pension is already awarded;
  • a person does not have regular earnings for a certain period of time;
  • citizen's desire to find a job, confirmed by applying to the employment service.

Unemployment rate calculation

Only people who meet these criteria have unemployed status and are taken into account when calculating the corresponding indicator in the state. This criterion represents the share of the unemployed in the total labor force and
calculated by the following formula:

  • Unemployment rate = number of unemployed / labor force (percent).

Moreover, the dividend is determined by the data of the relevant authorities and institutions. And the divider (labor force) is calculated as the difference in the total population and some groups consisting of individuals:

  • not yet working age;
  • located in specialized institutions (e.g., psychiatric hospitals or places of detention);
  • drop out of the labor force structure (people who have lost their ability to work, and pensioners).

Types and specifics of unemployment

Unemployment in Russia, depending on the causes of its occurrence, is frictional, structural, natural, cyclical, seasonal, stagnant, hidden and technological. Let's consider some types.

Current unemployment

Current (frictional) unemployment arises when a person changes his place of work of his own free will, at the end of an educational institution, or when he enters work after a young man has served in the army. The level of this indicator is characterized by the degree of socio-economic opportunities of citizens on labor market. This type of unemployment is to some extent permissible and inevitable, as it often manifests itself during a voluntary job change. For example, the transition from low-paid to more promising and highly paid jobs, which will contribute to high incomes and a rational distribution of labor resources.

Structural unemployment

Structural unemployment in Russia is represented by underemployment. In other words, it consists of workers who are employed part-time or go on forced leave. Such unemployment is experienced by employees or small business owners during a recession.

The magnitude of structural unemployment is characterized by the degree of various structural changes. It is simply impossible to avoid, since technological progress contributes to the birth of new goods, technologies, and even entire industries. As a result of these processes, the structure of demand for labor resources undergoes significant changes. And people with obsolete professions find themselves without work.

What new qualities does unemployment require from workers?

Natural unemployment summarizes two types: frictional and structural. It is this term that is used to determine the normal level of the state of the economy. This indicator is the best among all the others, since, on the one hand, it does not have too high a value to talk about resource employment problems, but on the other hand, its value is sufficient to ensure flexibility in the labor market. Natural unemployment in Russia is a necessary reserve of labor, used if necessary.

unemployment as a social problem

Cyclical unemployment is an indicator that occurs during the recession of the economic cycle. In the process of the emergence of such a state of the economy, there is a significant decrease in production activity, the closure of individual enterprises and an increase in the number of unemployed. In this way, cyclical unemployment equal to the difference between the actual and natural levels of similar indicators.

Hidden unemployment characteristic of the Russian economy. Its essence lies in the transfer of employees to a reduced mode of operation by enterprises in the presence of an economic crisis in the country. This is expressed in part-time work or part-time work. Formally, such workers cannot be classified as unemployed, but in fact they are.

Thus, any type of unemployment is an important element of the economic system. It should be within certain limits, within which a state of economic stability and optimal growth is achieved.

Employment Comparison

The problems of employment and unemployment in Russia show that when unemployment exceeds the natural level, its cyclical type arises. If on the contrary, then the state of the labor market is defined as over-full employment, which is taken as a normal phenomenon for states in war. In all other cases, this type of employment indicates the rigidity of the labor market and high inflation in the country. Thus, over-full employment is an unfavorable economic phenomenon.

The main causes of unemployment in Russia

main causes of unemployment in Russia

Modern aspects of this concept are presented in the form of phenomena generated by development in the process of formation of market relations.

Unemployment is characterized by similar features in all countries.Over time, the attitude to unemployment as a socio-economic criterion for the state of society has changed, but the damage caused by it contributes to a significant lag of the state in economic development.

Among the main causes of this phenomenon, the following can be distinguished:

  • excess population;
  • the establishment of a high level of salary under pressure from trade unions and the socio-economic active population;
  • during the period of the scientific and technological revolution, the crowding out of labor by capital;
  • low solvency of demand.

what new qualities does unemployment require from workers

The following causes contribute to frictional unemployment:

  • geographical movement of the population - a person is unemployed when moving to a new place;
  • changes in professional interests, as well as retraining and retraining.

The causes of structural unemployment include the effects of technological progress, a decrease in demand for workers in some specialties, and an increase in demand for other professions.

Reasons for hidden unemployment:

  • managers do not follow the path of mass dismissal of workers;
  • employees do not leave enterprises independently, even if earnings are below the subsistence level.

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