
Ice rink business plan: necessary equipment and documents. How much does it cost to build an indoor ice rink

ice rink business planMore than 10 years ago, few considered the ice rink as a business.

Of course, such places of leisure have always existed, but they were organized by the municipal authorities only for the winter period under the open sky.

Today, more and more ice rinks are opening. And this is no coincidence, because such a thing with the right approach can bring a good stable income. We’ll talk about how to draw up a business plan for an ice rink today.

The main options for organizing such a thing

Ice skating rinks can be divided into three types: open-air, equipped with air support and metal construction. The first option is the cheapest, and the third, respectively, the most expensive. As a rule, in large cities and megacities, the public is more demanding, so entrepreneurs are building skating rinks equipped with metal structures.

In the regions, such places of leisure are most often built under the air-support structure, which is a large tent. As for open skating rinks, during winter time they are organized almost everywhere.

Business Documentation

The business plan of the rink should first of all include registration as a legal entity. You also need to register with the tax authorities. If you plan not to rent, but to build your own ice rink, then you will need to draw up a ton of relevant documentation: from the construction plan to the approvals in various institutions.

Who are your main customers?

The business plan of the ice rink must include an analysis of the target audience. After all, you need to understand who will be your main customers. So, regardless of the type of structure, mass skating will bring you the main income. Moreover, the price of them, as a rule, does not particularly depend on the region.

ice rink costAs for the optimal number of skiers at the same time, this number is not prescribed in any regulatory document. However, experts calculated that for a comfortable pastime on the rink one person needs about 7-8 square meters.

If more people are released onto the ice, then the level of injuries will increase. In addition, in this case, the coating itself will suffer.

In addition, ice arenas are very popular among corporate clients. However, considering the question of how much the ice rink costs for this group of visitors, it should be noted that the price of such a service varies greatly when comparing megacities and regional centers. So, for a one-hour rental of the ice arena in a large city, you will have to pay at least a thousand dollars. In the regions, this amount will be significantly lower.

In addition, the regulars of the rinks are children's figure skating schools, hockey sections, as well as groups who like to drive the puck. Most often, owners of ice arenas reduce the cost of visiting for children, although this is directly reflected in their profits.

Alternative ways of earning

The business plan of the ice rink, in addition to the main income from visiting customers, should include the possibility of additional income. So, many owners of such establishments advertise in the form of banners on the sides, drawings on the cover itself, as well as print on tickets. However, such an opportunity is most often available to ice arenas located in large cities.

Ice rink cost

There are two ways to start such a business: either rent a playpen or build it yourself. Of course, the second option will be much more expensive, but the income from it will be much higher. We suggest considering both options in detail.

indoor ice rink business plan

Building your own ice rink

In order to start the construction of such an institution, first of all, it is necessary to determine its concept. So, in the business plan of an ice skating rink in the open air, it is necessary to lay the amount for its construction in the amount of 400 thousand euros. The technology of its construction is as follows: first, on a flat surface, a laying of the refrigeration piping system takes place. The cost of equipment and work at this stage is about 65 thousand euros.

Then the laid pipelines are filled with sand, which in the cold state is not inferior in hardness to concrete. And ice will already be poured from above. The arena must be surrounded by special sides, which will require about 60 thousand euros. You will also need to place the very “heart” of the ice arena - a refrigeration unit, the cost of which is about 200 thousand euros. In addition, the business plan of the ice rink should include the purchase of an ice cleaning machine.

The second concept of the ice arena provides for an air support structure. How much does it cost to build an indoor ice rink of this type? Such an ice arena will cost several times more than the analogue in the open. So, from one to one and a half million euros will be required for its construction. This design is a kind of tent, the dome of which is supported by specially modeled directed air flows.

Such skating rinks are very popular in the regions today. They have a lot of advantages, one of which is the speed of construction: you can build an ice arena of this design in 2-3 months. Of the special equipment, it will be necessary to install a recovery system (i.e., reuse of heat), forced ice thawing, and also take care of the internal infrastructure.

how much is the rink

The third option is a skating rink under metal construction. This type includes ice arenas in shopping and entertainment centers and sports centers. So far no one has ventured to erect the metalwork exclusively for the needs of the ice rink. After all, the cost of it is very high.

So how much does it cost to build an indoor ice rink of this type? If you do not take into account the costs of erecting the metal structure itself, such an ice arena will cost you 1.5-2 million euros. Such a high cost is associated primarily with serious requirements for thermal insulation, tightness, recovery, the appearance of the arena, etc.

Rink rental

If you do not have sufficient investment to build your own ice arena, but still want to try your hand at this business, then you can find a suitable playpen for rent. However, experts note that this method of doing business is very problematic. This is due to the fact that it is very difficult to rent a state object due to bureaucracy, and private owners often ask for a very high price.

Additional costs for opening and operating the rink

Your main expenses as the owner of the ice arena will be reduced to electricity bills. So, to maintain one square meter of ice requires about 40-50 watts per hour. At the initial freezing, this amount can be safely multiplied by three.

Another consumable part is the skates. So, to service the ice arena with an area of ​​about 1800 square meters, you need to purchase about 750 pairs of skates. At the same time, 250 pairs will be used on ice, 250 will be used in drying, and 250 will be ready, so to speak, to go on ice.It should also be borne in mind that saving on the purchase of such equipment is not worth it, since low-quality products wear out very quickly. The cost of good skates is about $ 100-150 per pair. As a rule, they are enough for one season.

ice rink as a business

Skating rink staff

Without hired workers in this business can not do. However, the selection of personnel must be approached very responsibly, because, as a rule, it is the human factor that is fundamental as a client service. It is also very important that an experienced person does the ice cleaning. After all, your customers want to ride on a high-quality surface without flaws.

Ice rink opening: revenue side

When compiling a business plan for an indoor ice rink or an open ice arena, it should be borne in mind that the profitability of this business is about 30-50%. Initial investments, as a rule, pay off within 2-4 years. However, there are several examples where, thanks to the well-chosen location of the ice rink and proper management, the owners were able to compensate for all the costs of starting a business 12 months after the start of the ice arena.

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