
Human resources: definition, management, features. Human Resource Management in an Organization

Human resources represent the potential of a person in terms of labor, mental or physical activity.

Definition of a concept

Human resources - this is a certain set of qualities and characteristics of a person, which characterizes his ability to activity of a certain kind. In addition, it is worth noting that this concept can be considered in the context of a single organization, region or the state as a whole.

Human resources can be considered from several points of view. So, the individual potential of an individual person is of rather great interest. If we consider this concept in the context of the team, then we will talk about the socio-psychological aspect. If it is necessary to determine the aggregate potential of society as a whole, then they speak of a sociological study.

human resources

Human resources management

Since the functioning of any enterprise is based on the human factor, there is an objective need to regulate this process. Human resources management aims at the most efficient use of staff labor in order to maximize economic benefits. This process is based not only on the ability to organize a team from a quantitative and qualitative point of view, but also on the ability to use psychological techniques.

Each manager should be prepared for the fact that personnel management is a more complex process than managing the technological part of production. This is due to the high likelihood of conflict situations on both working and personal matters.

human resource management

Human resources and staff

Quite often when exercising practice in personnel management, the boundary between the concepts of personnel and human resources is somewhat blurred. Nevertheless, this is not exactly the same thing, and therefore it is worthwhile to clearly know the difference between them.

So, speaking of personnel, it is worth noting that they include only those people who work at the enterprise on the basis of officially registered labor relations. And if we talk about the staff, then we mean a part of the employees related to operational management as well as freelancers.

A concept such as human resources is much more capacious and broad. It implies the abilities and potential capabilities of a person regarding his physical, mental and emotional activities, which help him to participate effectively in production activities.

If we consider human resources and personnel from a management point of view, it is worth noting that in the first case, global long-term tasks are solved, and in the second it is about operational programs.

human resources and staff

Human resource planning

Planning involves a clear definition of the need and cost of human resources at a certain point in time. Not only the number is estimated, but also qualification indicators.

Effective planning as follows affects the results of the enterprise:

  • optimization of the production process, which consists in determining the exact number of employees required;
  • improving staff recruitment mechanisms that allow you to hire employees who clearly meet the requirements of the organization;
  • development of a modern training system for new employees, as well as advanced training for existing ones;
  • the study of retrospective indicators and the identification of trends that make it possible to predict the future staffing situation;
  • sound policies in the field of personnel management can significantly reduce costs and increase the economic efficiency of the enterprise.

enterprise human resource

Resources as a system

Since managing people is a rather complicated procedure, it is fair to say that there is such a thing as a system of human resources. If we consider it from the point of view of the organization, we can distinguish the following main tasks:

  • assessment of available resources, as well as planning for future requirements for them;
  • study of the situation on the labor market;
  • selection of personnel according to psychological and professional characteristics;
  • taking measures to improve the efficiency of staff;
  • study of the standard of living of workers and actions aimed at improving it;
  • development of a new or improvement of the existing mechanism for motivating and stimulating employees to work effectively;
  • encouraging initiative, as well as stimulating innovative work.

human resources organizations

Resource management

The human resources management system sets itself two main goals:

  • continuous analysis of the situation with the staff in order to ensure timely organization;
  • creation of the most comfortable conditions for employees in which they can effectively realize their labor and intellectual potential.

In order for human resources management in an organization to be effective, a number of mandatory conditions must be observed:

  • goals must be clearly stated and have realistically achievable boundaries;
  • analysis of the enterprise to be deep and comprehensive;
  • personnel should be fully provided with all necessary resources for work;
  • each employee must perform those duties that correspond to the level of his qualifications;
  • the labor process must be carried out using the most modern technologies.

human resource development

Resource Development

Human potential tends to constantly increase. This is due to the fact that over time, an enterprise or organization begins to demand more and more returns from its employees. That is why the development of human resources is one of the key issues of company management.

One of the most difficult periods for any employee is his adaptation at the enterprise. Not only are newcomers required to familiarize themselves with all organizational issues, they must also take a certain place in the team and go through serious psychological pressure. Of great importance is also the introduction of a person into a new position, namely, acquaintance with official duties.

Of great importance in the course of these processes is the policy of the enterprise management on these issues. A friendly atmosphere is also important, and methodological support is required. For example, large firms have practices such as lectures and seminars for new personnel, as well as the introduction of training programs.

Enterprise Human Resource Issues

One of the most important problems facing the human resource of an enterprise is the insufficient attention paid to this issue. Nevertheless, managing people requires specialized knowledge, as well as skills and mechanisms. So, the first thing you should pay attention to is the development of leadership in the team. Moreover, this should relate specifically to the working moments, and not the personal relationships of employees. Unfortunately, domestic enterprises often neglect this.

Another important issue for the organization is the lack of attention or the complete disregard for the need to manage human resources. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to understand that frames do not have the ability to self-regulate. A clear policy should be developed on this issue.

One of the most serious shortcomings of modern management is the consideration of the organization separately from the staff. So, sometimes employees are not ready for changes in the work of the enterprise.

human resource system

HR concept

This category includes several aspects:

  • economic component;
  • strict submission to a single leader;
  • defining a clear management hierarchy;
  • development of discipline standards, as well as a system of rewards and penalties;
  • a clear definition of the area of ​​responsibility of each employee;
  • development of organizational culture, thanks to which the staff feels the unity of the work collective.

The biggest mistake can be considered underestimation of the human component in the work of the enterprise. Often it is this omission of leadership that causes serious economic problems.

Human Resource Specifics

The human resources of the organization have a number of features that distinguish them from other resources of the organization:

  • people tend to emotionally and, sometimes, unpredictably respond to certain changes in the enterprise;
  • since a person has the intellect, he constantly improves his knowledge and skills, which should be continuously supported by the efforts of the leadership;
  • employees consciously choose their occupation.

In personnel management should be guided by the principle of respect. It is also worth borrowing the experience of leading foreign companies on this issue.

Recommendations for the exploitation of human resources

In order for the use of human resources at the enterprise to be effective, managers should be guided by a number of recommendations in their activities:

  • the best motivation for employees will be a clear demonstration of the career growth of senior management (staff must set specific goals and be aware of the reality of their achievement);
  • one of the most important aspects is labor remuneration (even in the most difficult and crisis periods, employees should receive the agreed amount, be aware of their value to the organization);
  • employees should thoroughly know the comprehensive information about their company, as well as the mechanism for making a profit (employees ’knowledge should not be limited to a narrow circle of their duties);
  • in communication with each of the employees it is worth being guided by respect, because each of them has the opportunity to leave for another organization.

The role of human resources must be clearly recognized at all levels. This is one of the most important elements of the functioning of not only a single enterprise, but also the state as a whole. Man is the highest value, and the greatest interest in economic terms is his ability and intelligence.

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