
What distinguishes the state from other political organizations? The concept and signs of the state

The political system includes many institutions, including one that has a special function and tasks. It is possible to determine what distinguishes the state from other political organizations only by studying the concept of power and its features.


So, a power is an organization of government that can control the population and its effective work through certain mechanisms. Historically, the state has always been a social institution having the structure of a pyramid, on top of which power is located. The population usually lives in a limited area. The authorities, in turn, regulate the relationship between people within the country, resolve issues and protect citizens.

Structurally, a power, like a tree, has branches: institutions and organizations, which are united in three directions: legislation, execution, and court.


So, what distinguishes the state from others political organizations? First of all, the form. Each country is sovereign, which confirms its supremacy over other institutions. In addition, it is independent and independent of other powers. The main function of the state is to represent its citizens in the international arena.what distinguishes the state from other political organizations

Taxes levied on the population serve the power apparatus.

So, what distinguishes the state from other political organizations? Three main features:

  1. Coercion - the regulation of conflict situations with the help of the legislative framework, pressure on subjects in the framework of regulatory legal acts.
  2. Sovereign - the country's power over other institutions and institutions is not limited within its territorial borders.
  3. The public - the power protects its citizens and represents their interests.

The main task of the country remains to protect its sovereignty, levy taxes and establish a legislative framework. Even if the state has an administrative-territorial division, the population is still subject to it.


Another sign that indicates what distinguishes the state from other political organizations is attributes. Each power has its own specific symbols. So, the state has:

  • Territory - borders separating one sovereign power from another.
  • The population - people protected by the country and serving for its benefit.
  • Apparatus - a complex system that helps manage society. This includes officials who are working on the formation of the legislative framework, on monitoring the implementation of these rules by society.

Historical foundation

To understand why the political organization of society received these or those signs, one should turn to the history of the state. It first appeared when society reached the stage of development at which it needed a government start.public authority

Researchers distinguish two directions in which the power developed. The first indicates that the state was formed in the process of natural development of the population and the contract between the government and citizens. The second direction gives a reference to Plato. According to these assumptions, the state is formed when a weak tribe or society submits to strong conquerors. Moreover, the number of prisoners is much larger, but less organized.

It is known that the state is the only political organization in society that arose first.Then came other institutions that regulate different areas of activity.

Versatile concept

Now it is difficult to give one definition to the concept of “state”. Sometimes it is compared directly with the population and country. That is, this concept means not just a certain territory, but also the people living on it. This option has been interpreted since ancient times.

In political science, the state is a public and governmental institution of society, the tip of the political system. As mentioned earlier, it has sovereignty, governs society, protects it and coordinates the relationship between citizens. Also a very important characteristic of a country is the protection of every person living on its territory.

Structural features

Distinctive features of the state indicate its special structure, which is not found in other associations. In addition to the main (legislative, executive and judicial) authorities, the country has law enforcement agencies that are responsible for the safety of citizens and public order, as well as working to protect sovereignty. The components should also include the armed forces.political organization of society

All of these structural elements must act within the framework of the law. But, as history shows, it is not always possible for the actions of the authorities to fit into the legislative framework. A vivid example of such violations was the deportation of the peoples of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War.

Functional Features

Any political organization is active in the state. Each has its own functions established by the government. And what tasks does the power itself perform? They can be divided into internal and external. The first include work on the regulation of society, coordination of issues arising from the differences in layers and classes of the population, as well as on the protection of government opportunities.

External tasks include state participation in the international arena as a subject that represents its society, protects territory and sovereignty.


What distinguishes the state from other political organizations? In addition to the above signs, there are the following concepts that cannot be attributed to other political institutions. So, in order not to repeat the elements already agreed upon that define the state as a special organizational formation, we will talk about additional structural parts. In addition to sovereignty, territory, taxation, the state has many resources that it accumulates. Among them are the economic sphere, social, spiritual, cultural, technological, etc.

hallmarks of the state

Another sign that has a legislative dimension is legitimate violence. This means that a power can punish offenders or make contact using force. Distinguishes the state from the social system and public authority. The country is obliged to support the interests of society, and not a specific individual.

It is also known that each independent state has its own symbols. In addition to the coat of arms, flag and anthem, an attribute of power can be used: crown, scepter, etc.

Inaccuracy of definitions

Sometimes a state is called a society, country or government. This definition is somewhat incorrect, since each of these terms has its own characteristics that are different from the state.

Society can be interpreted more broadly than the state. The association of people happens supranational, that is, the entire population of the globe, or pre-state - only separate organizations of people. The same thing in the modern concept. In this case, public authority is independent and stands a little apart from society.political organization is active in the state

Government can also not be called a state. These are only its part, which distributes and exercises political power. The country is more a cultural and geographical concept.Of course, it can be used as a contextual synonym for “state”, but these are slightly different terms. The word "country" is used, referring to climate, area, natural areas and population.

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