
What is identification? Definition, examples

What is identification? This word is taken from the ancient Latin language. Translated into Russian means the establishment of identity, and if in one word, then identification.

what is identification

Identification in the life of all living things on Earth

Identification. Complicated and abstruse word. But if you look at it from the other side, then the property, called identification, is familiar to everyone from early childhood.

All living things have smelling organs, they see, hear, perceive taste and touch, that is, they scan the world around them. The results of this process through the nerve endings enter the brain, where they are processed. And this is identification. Depending on its results, some conclusions are made and actions are taken. Identification or, in other words, comparison or identification is made even by a baby in the womb. He recognizes her voice, defines calm classical music, calms down under it or "rages" from loud sounds.

In addition, each has his own name, surname, address of residence, in the end, his appearance. And all this can be combined into identification objects.

It can be argued that identification is an ongoing process that occurs in the brain.

identification objects

Identification concept

In the modern world, both the term “identification” and the process of identification are widely used, moreover, in many and completely different spheres of life.

What is identification? This question has occupied the minds of scientists for a long time. The study of this topic was carried out by the ancient philosophers Aristotle, Spinoza, G. Hegel, and scientists of later times, and our contemporaries.

The ancient Latin word identifico, which means “identification” in the literal translation, has the root iden, the translation of which means that it does not change for a long time. Given this, it is possible to formulate the concept of identification as a definition of conformity or similarity of something to an existing standard, taken as a basis and having certain parameters.

At the same time, it should be noted the ambiguity of this word, which makes it possible to use the term in different fields, in each of which it has its own definitions, types and systems.

types of identification

Interpretation of identification in certain fields of science

For the first time, identification as a concept was used by the mathematician L. Euler back in the 18th century. So, when researching the actions of a mathematical system, he determined and compared its kernels, and also made comparisons of the capabilities of transfer functions, that is, carried out their identification. Describing these processes, he first used the word itself.

The first application of the term in psychology shortly after mathematicians is attributed to Z. Freud, who in 1899 conducted his research on this topic.

Identification in psychology means comparing and reconciling two or more objects between themselves. Their specific qualities and features are taken as a basis. And as a result, the installation of similarity and analogy or divergence and dissimilarity.

In chemistry, identification is a whole process. In order to identify the initially unknown compound, it is analyzed, its chemical and physical properties are studied, and then they are compared with known analogues.

The term "identification" is also used in philosophy and sociology, in economics and criminalistics.

Separation of identification into types

For a more complete understanding of what identification is, you need to deal with its types. They depend on the area in which the event is held.

In forensics, there are four main types of identification:

  • by a display that has received material fixation, for example, a tread imprint on the road;
  • to establish the ownership of a part of some object, for example, a piece of cloth, a piece of a knife;
  • recognition by the image preserved in the memory, for example, of some witness;
  • comparing the previously described signs with the signs of the allegedly sought object.

We should also pay attention to the types of identification that are used with respect to a variety of products. Thus, due to consumer identification, unfit goods do not enter the market. Partnership identification is considered very difficult, which should determine the manufacturer of a given consignment. Also, identification is carried out by the goods belonging to a certain range, it is called assortment. In addition, there is a qualitative, defining product quality and varietal, with the help of which defects are detected and the variety of the product is determined. Special identification is carried out in order to identify products that are prohibited for sale, for example, genetically modified.

To determine the identity, they mainly use visual types of identification (although there are others). The most common of them is when they compare the appearance of the subject and his image in a photo in an identity document.

forensic identification

The use of identification in forensics

Forensic identification - is the commission of actions to identify a specific subject or subject on the various grounds that he has or left, from a large number of similar objects or subjects. The purpose of this identification is to conduct investigative actions or prevent crime.

Very often, in criminal office work, they carry out the process of identifying a person or an object. That is identification. Moreover, the image preserved in the memory of the identifier is identifying. And the person or object that is identified is identifiable.

The possibilities of modern identification in forensics have greatly expanded, thanks to scientific developments in this field. This not only increased the speed of crime detection, but also greatly facilitated the work of forensic scientists.

Forensic identification today uses the latest methods. These include ordological identification, that is, identification by smell. Phonoscopy is recognition by the sound left on the phone or other recording device.

Genoscopic identification is identification through the study of DNA molecules. It helps to identify in many criminal investigations, in identifying those who died as a result of disasters, as well as terrorist attacks.

Identification applied to various products

In the field of trade, the identification of goods is one of the most important steps necessary to determine their compliance with the submitted documentation, which reflects the basic information about the product, as well as with the available samples. In the process of identification, goods are marked and labeled.

With the help of identification, the authenticity of goods is revealed and confirmed. And labeling and preparation of certain documentation prevents illegal products from entering the market.

Identification of goods is carried out at each stage of production.
There are microbiological, chemical-physical and organoleptic methods for identifying goods.

Using the microbiological method, the presence of harmful microorganisms and microparticles in the product is determined. Physico-chemical method allows you to set the properties of the product. For its use, special devices and equipment.Organoleptic methods, although they have some degree of subjectivity, but they are very efficient and are also used in identification.

Personal identification

Identification as a mechanism for the accumulation and preservation of personal information

Identification of the person occurs by determining the identity of a person by a group of features when comparing them.

To identify a person, it is necessary to establish complete passport data. This includes the last name, first name and patronymic, date and place of his birth. An identification code and other data are also used, depending on the requirements of the identifying party.

There are various identification methods. This may be a lifetime number (TIN). Number that can be changed due to changes in surname or other data. And there may be several numbers, their joint presence will facilitate identification.

Identification can be centralized when all data is stored at the highest level. It can be distributed when information is stored where the subject is registered. In this case, information exchange may occur. With a hierarchical type of identification, information is available in all instances from subordinate to higher.

product identification

A variety of methods used for identification

For the identification of some objects, various identification methods are used.

The simplest method of unique naming has been known since ancient times. It is thanks to him that cities, countries, planets and so on have their special names.

Many objects that we encounter in everyday life have their own numbers. Their assignment is due to the identification method using the numbers that make up the number, which is one of the most widely used.

For the identification of products or documentation everywhere use the methods of symbols, which are divided into mnemonic, classification and mnemoclassification.

To systematize various objects and simplify the collection of necessary information about them using the classification method.

If the features of the object are identified according to certain standards described in regulatory or technical documents, then the reference identification method is used.

If a particular object is identified by describing its qualities, attributes, sizes, then a descriptive method is used.

And if we add a reference to the regulatory documentation to the description, then this identification method will be called descriptive-reference.

Identification system

Use of various systems for identification

To speed up and simplify identification, as well as to eliminate dubious manipulations, many systems have been developed, the varieties of which depend on the scope of their application.

The principle of operation is the reading or scanning of an electronic code by a device.

Its identification system is designed for chain supermarkets, when the cashier brings the code printed on the packaging to the scanner and the system reads the name of the product, its value.

Thanks to the identification system, you can use electronic keys, passes and bank cards. Here the information is printed on a magnetic line and is read by a special device.

Identification is such a diverse concept in the modern world that it is very difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of what identification is.

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