
What is import and export? International trade and the global market for goods

For international trade is characteristic of its conduct in 2 directions. One of them is import, and the other is export. It is represented by the export of national goods from the country. In the same way, the implementation of services can be carried out. Exported goods are exported to other countries. More about what is import and export, the article says.

Import and export of products

Exported goods are represented by a group of products of national manufacture intended for sale on foreign markets. The opposite direction is to import foreign goods and services into the country. Import is represented by products intended for sale on the national market.

It is made taking into account the particular tastes of the inhabitants of the country for which it is intended. Also, its manufacture is based on strict adherence to international standards.

To understand what import and export are, it is enough to pay attention to foreign goods on store shelves. They usually stand out against the background of domestic products both in appearance and value. A higher price, in comparison with products of national manufacture, is associated with the cost of transportation and payment of taxes.

what is import and export

Import and export indicate the level of economic development of the country

The device of export and import is an indicator of the country's economic development. These characteristics determine its position in the division of labor in an international format.

Very often it turns out that exports exceed imports. There is an opposite situation. The size of imports and exports directly depends on the size of the value of all manufactured and purchased goods. Therefore, what is import and export, as not a very clear indicator of a country's economic success?

An active (positive) balance is characteristic of a state that exports more than it imports. And if import exceeds export, then this indicator is passive (negative).

countries export import

What products are involved in international trade

Export and import of goods is represented by various products and services. These concepts are in one way or another characteristic of each country. The direction of imports can be judged on the advantages over other states. The export structure at the same time testifies to the features of the manufacture of goods.

For a country, exports and imports are often characterized by a predominance of industrial products, of which engineering products stand out significantly. The export of goods from developed countries is characterized by high technology and technological complexity. Their import is dominated by oil, raw materials for industry, as well as natural gas.

In these countries, the import of such types of finished products is established, the production of which they prefer to avoid because of the harm caused to the external environment. Types of such products include washing powders, drugs, pesticides, paints.

Export developing countries mainly represented by food products, as well as raw materials. If the state has an underdeveloped economy, then only 1-2 goods are exported. Moreover, export is called monocultural. But imports of developing countries are represented by equipment, cars, high-quality footwear and clothing, sophisticated household appliances, good food.

export and import of goods

International organizations

International trade is the most striking manifestation of the economic part of globalization. Every year there is an increase in the turnover of foreign sales and the acquisition of various goods. In order to expand the possibilities of exchanging goods between countries, as well as simplify transactions, international organizations and unions are being created. Among the largest of them are the following:

  1. World Trade Organization;
  2. Customs Union;
  3. European Union (European Union);
  4. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).

When creating such organizations, the process of exchanging goods and services between states is greatly simplified.

export and import of Russia

International trade for the Russian Federation

Russia is not a member of only one of the organizations listed above. But this does not in the least reduce the number of trade turns and operations that are carried out between the Russian Federation and the states located in the European Union. Most (half) of the Russian turnover is in the EU countries. And every year there is a strengthening of this direction.

What is import and export, as factors that do not require special control? For this, in order to simplify the process of exchanging goods between Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, the Customs Union was created. It is supported by a large number of signed agreements aimed at the exchange of services and products.

The following goods are mainly imported to Russia:

  • cars;
  • cars;
  • means of transport;
  • car equipment.

structure of exports and imports

In the structure of imports, 47% is allocated to these goods. Then comes the products of the chemical industry. Its share in the value of imports is 15%. The third significant group of products is food. It also accounts for 15%. International trade, in particular, the export and import of Russia, is now being improved and maintained in every way.

Development trend foreign trade For Russia

The structure of exports and imports involves expanding the range of products. At the same time, sales markets need reorientation. The excess of foreign trade, as well as the influx of foreign currency from abroad, is ensured by the sale of hydrocarbons.

import export services

Developed and developing markets, which include the economies of countries such as China, Japan, Brazil, the United States, should show an increase in energy demand. Moreover, the Russian economy is characterized by the presence of a large number of competitive industries. Now they have an unrealized potential. The fact that the power of the Russian economy in the future consists in using the opportunities of unused sectors.

Thus, imports, exports, services are an indicator that indicates the level of development of the country. And attention to them is due to the desire to raise the level of the state in an international format.

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