
What are pacts: meanings and examples

Over the history of the existence of mankind, many documents have been signed both within a single country and between two or more states. Some of these documents are commonly called pacts.

The article will let you know what constitutes a pact. The meanings of the word (examples are indicated in the article) were not always so. In modern history, such documents have often been compiled for military purposes, although there are quite “peace-loving” pacts.

Meaning of the word

The Covenant in Roman law was an informal agreement without legal protection. There were three types: attached to the contract, praetor, imperial.

In the modern world, the pact is one of the names of the international treaty, which is of great political importance. Literally from Latin, the word is translated as "contract" or "agreement".

To understand what pacts are, it is better to parse several of the existing and existing treaties that have this wording.

Molotov Pact - Ribbentrop

what is pacts

The agreement was signed by the government of Germany and the USSR (1939). By agreement, the parties undertook to refrain from attacking each other. Both states were required to maintain a neutral position of non-interference if one of them wanted to commit military action against a third party.

The pact received its name by the names of those who signed it. These were the heads of foreign affairs. This is an example that allows us to understand what military pacts are. In other words, this is a temporary agreement between the two aggressor powers.

Roerich Pact

meaning of the word pact

Pacts were drawn up not only for the purpose of waging a successful war. The contract, which is named after the name of its author, will be able to show what pacts are in the cultural sphere.

The uniqueness of the mentioned pact is that it became the first international document that fully protects cultural property. He is deprived of the clause on the need for military action.

The official project was drawn up in 1928. Artist N. Roerich, Dr. G. Shklyaverov, Professor Albert de la Pradel are involved in its preparation.

Unfortunately, international organizations did not accept the basic idea of ​​the pact, which was that culture should be a priority, not military necessity.

1966 Pact

pact meanings of the word examples

To understand what pacts aimed at strengthening civil rights is possible by the example of a document adopted by the UN in 1966. It was based on the Declaration of Human Rights and is binding on over one hundred and fifty participating States. The document was ratified in 1973 under the name of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

The implementation of the document is monitored by the Human Rights Committee. His responsibilities include examining complaints of breach of agreement.

The pact consists of a preamble and six parts. The third part is a catalog of rights, which includes 22 articles on rights and prohibitions.

Examples of articles from the rights catalog:

  • the right to live;
  • prohibition of torture;
  • prohibition of war propaganda;
  • equality.

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