
What is a reorganization? Rules and procedure for reorganization of an enterprise

Sometimes we all get to work at a time of change. These affect every employee. You can get fired, lose your job. And what is a reorganization? How is she going? What are the opportunities and threats inherent for an ordinary specialist? Let's figure it out.

what is a reorganization

What is a reorganization?

Each organization, enterprise has a set of rights and obligations. They are prescribed in title documents. If the company decided to destroy, and its rights to transfer to another organization, then they speak of reorganization. Everything is changing. It is necessary to approve a new package of documents that relates to ownership, the order of work, structure, staffing. Understanding what reorganization is, it should be understood that rights are transferred both fully and partially. For example, a large enterprise can be divided into several small ones. Or, on the contrary, create one from several organizations, which will be engaged in the entire process of production and sale of goods in full. There are several types of reorganization:

  • merger;
  • affiliation;
  • separation;
  • transformation;
  • selection.

They are held with their own nuances and affect workers in different ways. Let's talk about each of these forms to find out how they affect people.

reorganization transformation

Reorganization Types

The first we called the merger. This is the process of combining several organizations into one. At the same time, the rights and obligations of all will be fulfilled by the new education. But in each of the firms before the merger, there were overlapping structures (accounting, human resources, technical personnel, and so on). At the new enterprise, their services in the old volume will no longer be needed. Consequently, some of the specialists will be reduced. The same is predicted when the connection is made. This is when one legal entity includes another, taking on its responsibilities. When separation takes place, several are created from one firm. At the same time, new enterprises take on part of the responsibilities of the old. In this case, the employees also switch to another job. This process is accompanied by the creation of new administrations. That is, a set of specialists. Although all individually. Sometimes unnecessary workers are being cut.


Reorganization - Transformation

This is a more complex change in the work of the enterprise. It is carried out when it is necessary to supplement the terms of reference, change the owner, and so on. The name in this case also changes. Sometimes a few letters. At the same time, new title documents are approved. A simple worker may not be aware of the process. He will only be told about the results when the authorities decide who to take on the service in the new organization and who to reduce. By the way, reorganization is often used to get rid of objectionable. Changing the structure leads to the fact that specialists are reduced. Of course, they are obliged to offer a different place. But this does not always happen. In times of crisis, owners want to reduce costs by sharing responsibilities among fewer workers.

reorganization procedure

Process of change

The reorganization procedure is simple. But it should be adhered to strictly. First of all, a decision is made to initiate the process itself. It must be submitted to the tax office within three days. And this is done by everyone who is involved in the reorganization. Further, legal entities are required to publish their decision. They are printed in the media, namely in the journal “Bulletin of State Registration”.The ad is submitted twice with a break of one month. This is strictly monitored. You must have documents confirming the fact of the announcement. In addition, lenders need to be notified of upcoming changes. This is each of the enterprises is done separately. Naturally, the fact of notifying lenders will also have to be proved in the tax. The company will not be excluded from the register, if you do not provide all of these documents confirming the completion of all stages of the process.

The subtleties of the process

In some cases, the creation of a reorganization is complicated. If there is a merger of large enterprises, it is necessary to obtain the permission of the antimonopoly committee. This item is included in the reorganization process in order to protect the consumer. Indeed, some unscrupulous entrepreneurs seek to increase profits by monopolizing the market. The state ensures that no one gets such advantages. In addition, each of the organizations involved in the process must completely end its relationship with the pension fund. This organization is warned of upcoming changes and reports are sent to it in a special form. Only after that is it possible to register a new legal entity.

reorganization of an institution

What reorganization threatens the employee?

In fact, change affects all employees. For example, the reorganization of an institution leads to a change in structure. They can add new duties and positions, while others remove. It all depends on the purpose of change. Naturally, some specialists become unnecessary in this organization. They will either lose their jobs or retrain. According to the Labor Code, people are obliged to warn in writing that the authorities (owner) are reorganizing. This is done strictly for two months, no less. Then comes the creation of a new structure, the development of staffing. People have been performing old duties all this time. At a certain time, everyone is offered a new position. It may differ from the current volume and content of duties.

However, it must be consistent with the experience and education of the employee. If a person does not agree, he must confirm this in writing. Otherwise, the person is fired by transfer to a new organization. For this, you also have to write a statement. The personnel officer will prepare a draft order, which is endorsed by the head. Very often, ordinary workers do not even notice that changes are taking place. They concern only documents, changes in functions or simply the name of the company. Therefore, not everyone understands what reorganization is. This is more faced by employees of the administration. The correctness of paperwork is their headache. After all, the state ensures that the law is not violated. Enterprises and organizations are checked from different angles, in all areas of activity.

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