
Disposition is ... Types of dispositions

Disposition is a rather controversial term, which in each sphere has completely different meanings. That is, quite often a concept can be a homonym to consonant. For example, in military affairs, disposition is a plan for deploying troops on the battlefield. But in other areas this concept means completely different things.

Difference of a polysemantic word from a homonym

Therefore, in this context, one cannot call this word one that has a large number of meanings, because a multi-valued word has all meanings approximately similar in meaning. And this does not happen in this case. This article will examine the concept of disposition in various areas of human life - both scientific and ordinary, human.

Disposition in psychology

In psychology, disposition is a person’s willingness to act in a certain way or a predisposition to commit a certain kind of actions. In certain cases, disposition is a positive phenomenon, in some cases it is negative. It all depends on what action the person is ready to perform. An example of disposition in psychology is the predisposition to alcoholism, which is expressed in the fact that under certain conditions a person can drink, and even most likely will.

The same goes for potential criminals. Understanding what dispositions a person has helps to significantly reduce the risk of any problems in society. In this regard, the concept of disposition is very actively used in social work, since this term characterizes a person as maladaptive. Accordingly, it must be resocialized and adapted so that it accepts social norms and became a full member of society.

Disposition in the right

Disposition it

Very actively, this term is used in jurisprudence. The basic concept around which everything revolves in a given science is a legal norm. By the way, it is also actively used in social work, which makes these sciences related. What is the norm? These are certain rules of conduct that are relevant for certain groups of the population.

In fact, any norm consists of three parts: hypothesis, disposition, sanction. This is especially characteristic of legal norms, where these concepts are clearly spelled out. What do these terms mean? The disposition in law is directly the norm itself, which has been established by certain social institutions. This body is a rule of conduct: what needs to be done, what cannot be done, and in what order.

The disposition of the norm

A hypothesis is a condition under which disposition begins to work. For example, if a person committed a murder, he is supposed to spend so many years in prison and enjoy life within a moldy cell and a “pleasant” company. If, in the presence of a certain hypothesis, the disposition is not observed or, on the contrary, is observed, then sanction is applied - measures aimed at punishing and educating others in the spirit of useful conformism. In general, hypothesis, disposition, and sanction are the three components of the norm, and many need to understand their differences.

Types of dispositions in jurisprudence

Disposition sanction hypothesis

Disposition is a rather complicated phenomenon. That is why it is customary to classify them into certain types that are available in this science. This is a fairly complex system. It is easiest to master it directly in the process. So what are the dispositions? Here, only the types of dispositions by the nature of the indication will be given.

  1. Obligatory and binding. In this case, there are bilateral rules of conduct.For example, a variety of binding rules are rental rules. They are characterized by both commitment and the provision of something.
  2. Binding. In this case, only one party agrees to do something. An example of such a disposition is the need to repay a debt from a debtor to a creditor. There may also be other types of payments: ship, for example. Obligatory payments are needed when a person has subscribed to such conditions. Very often this is realized in the case when one of the parties has already fulfilled all the requirements for it, and now the rest of the norm is taken by another person.
  3. Soothing. This type of disposition indicates how much action can be performed in a particular situation. For example, it is a rule that smoking at a certain distance from the stop is punishable or that at a certain place you should not smoke at all. True, with regard to a certain place, this is already a hypothesis.
  4. Recommender. These are optional rules, but such dispositions indicate what is rational to do in a particular situation.
  5. Prohibitory. This disposition, in contrast to the authorization, completely prohibits any action.

Types of dispositions

It turns out five types. A multidimensional thing, even in certain industries, is this disposition. Norms, as we see, can be completely different. As for the structural correlation, the hypothesis, disposition are usually syntactically combined concepts. That is, they can be included in one component of a complex sentence. But as for the sanction, it is submitted, as a rule, either as a full-fledged part of the proposal, or as a separate proposal - both simple and complex.

Disposition hypothesis

What is disposition in painting?

In the art of depicting something in paintings, disposition refers to how the parts of the painting are arranged. This concept is actively used by artists and quite often in military affairs. By the way, as for military affairs, this is not only the location of troops on the battlefield, but also a written decree of the military leader. Thus, we can say that in military affairs, disposition is a cross between painting and jurisprudence.

What is disposition in literature and music?

In the literature, disposition is a standard composition for the Middle Ages, that is, the structure of the composition. And in music, disposition is a list of characteristics that an organ has. These are the meanings of this word.

As you can see, indeed, disposition is a very complex term with so many meanings that it’s impossible to list everything. Therefore, the emphasis was on legal disposition, as it is the main scope of this term. However, social norms and even parental prohibitions can also be considered dispositions.

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