
Facsimile is ... Using Facsimile

One of the significant responsibilities of managers is to sign a huge number of a wide variety of documents. This simple, at first glance, work sometimes takes a lot of time, and gives far from the most pleasant emotions. But there is a worthy solution - facsimile, this is a special stamp that exactly copies the signature. Why do I need such a seal and where to get it?

Facsimile is a Worthy Alternative to Hand Signing

Facsimile isIn many organizations, the authority to sign official papers is not only the general director, but also his deputy or deputies. However, even with such a distribution of responsibilities, the management team is not always able to timely and personally affix personal signatures to all documents requiring it. It was to solve such problems that a facsimile stamp was invented. This is the seal that most accurately repeats the handwritten signature. The word "facsimile" in the literal translation from Latin (fac simile) means - "to do this." What is especially nice, every interested leader can order such a stamp today. Let's try to figure out why it is needed and on what documents it is appropriate to use it.

Who needs a signature stamp?

Seals and stampsFacsimile is an essential companion to busy executives. Such printing allows you to certify many important papers with maximum speed or in the absence of an authorized person at the workplace. In other words, facsimile is an indispensable thing for companies with a large workflow, and managers who often go on business trips / are absent from the office for other reasons. What is especially convenient, a person leaving a seal in the form of a personal signature can be directly authorized to certify documents of this category, or someone from his assistants. Here a rather complicated point arises - how, having a facsimile, to be sure that an employee who has the right to use it will not exceed his authority? The ideal case is if the seal-signature is used only directly by its owner. But often this is not the case, and in this case one should think carefully which of the employees is permissible to authorize the use of facsimiles.

Letters of law

In the current legislation of the Russian Federation there are no detailed and comprehensive provisions and rules regarding the use of any substitutes for the author’s signature. However, having studied a number of regulatory documents, it can be concluded that facsimile seals and stamps can be used in cases stipulated by law and by agreement of the parties. In this case, in the second version, this paragraph (the possibility of replacing the signature with a print or other copying method) should be spelled out separately. It is important to understand that facsimile is a complete analogue of a handwritten autograph. Accordingly, the stamp placed on the document gives the paper the same legal importance and significance as the signature of the authorized person. Facsimile is unacceptable to use, for papers, the signing of which is fraught with material consequences and obligations for the parties. Financial documents, appeals and requests to the tax service, and federal organizations, as well as bills, letters of attorney and signature samples should always be executed in handwritten form.

When is it appropriate to use facsimiles?

Facsimile on documentsAny organization can make separate rules and regulations regarding the use of means for certification of documents replacing a handwritten signature. In this case, the use of facsimiles should be carried out with the advising norms prescribed in the charter and other regulatory documents of the company.Also, in the official documentation, it is necessary to indicate the list of persons authorized to store and use this seal. What papers can facsimiles be used for? Theoretically, these are all types of documentation, the signing of which does not entail liability. It is desirable that in the text of the documents, the possibility of this version of certification is indicated. Remember that the facsimile on the documents has the same strength as a real signature. If necessary, canceling securities approved by this method will be as difficult as manually signed ones. If it is necessary to sign some papers and the manager is not able to do this work personally, you can do without a facsimile. An alternative is to issue a temporary power of attorney on behalf of the employee authorized to certify the required type of documentation.

How to get your facsimile stamp?

Using facsimileYou can order the production of a seal that copies a personal signature at any organization offering stamping services. Similar companies are available today in all fairly large cities. Submission of any documents for ordering facsimiles is not required. What is especially nice, stamps and stamps repeating a personal signature are usually inexpensive (within 500-800 rubles), and can be made in a few days.

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