
Iran: currency, its appearance, photo. What is the currency in Iran?

In 1798-1825 The rial was the official currency of the Persian state, and since 1932 - the state of Iran. The currency in one rial included one hundred dinars. By the way, it will be said that the dinar has been withdrawn from circulation due to a significant drop in rial quotes. To date, rial with a face value of 50 to 5 thousand is distributed as small change coins. Rial banknotes are issued in denominations of one hundred to 100 thousand. At the same time, the Central Bank issues bearer checks with a maximum amount of 500 thousand rials. But this security is not considered a banknote. Also interesting is the fact that the rial is the currency of Iran and Oman.

Until 1932, when the new monetary system was introduced, the fog in Iran was the national currency, which consisted of 10 thousand dinars. And today, most of the prices of goods are indicated in fogs. But now monetary Iranian currency - this is a rial. The first time officially went into circulation in Persia in 1798. Coins were issued in denominations of 1250 dinars, which amounted to 1/8 of the fog. Nevertheless, already in 1825, the rial was withdrawn from circulation, thereby giving way to fog for more than a hundred years.

It will be the way to say that the standard banknotes of 1982-1989 are still officially used, and with the release of new banknotes are withdrawn from circulation. It should be emphasized that there are no dates on banknotes, and on all bills, except 100, 200 and 500 rials, you can see the display of Ayatollah Khomeini.

Currency history and cash flow stages

The currency of Iran rial was officially put into circulation in 1798 in the form of coins in denominations of 1250 dinars, or 1/8 of the fog. From 1825 to 1932, the official currency of Persia was fog again. The first banknotes with a nominal value of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 riyals were put into circulation in 1932 by Melli Iran Bank. Currency in denominations of 1 thousand rials came into circulation three years later. In 1951, the Iranian leadership decided to start the production of banknotes with a nominal value of 200 riyals, and a year later - 5 thousand and 10 thousand riyals.

Iranian currencySince 1932, the Central Bank several times removed from circulation a banknote of a certain denomination. So, in 1940, this fate befell a bill of 5 rials, and in 1960 with a nominal value of 10 rials. In 1993, the country's main bank made a statement on the full convertibility of the country's monetary unit. Over the next more than twenty years, the national currency has had a steady tendency to permanent decline.

Appearance of banknotes in 1932-1943, 1944 - early 1979

On all banknotes issued during this period, Shah Reza Pahlavi was imprinted. His image was applied to the front area of ​​banknotes. Moreover, the portrait of Reza Pahlavi was printed both on fogs and rials from 1932.

Iranian currency isIn the period from 1944 to 1979, the last shah, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, who ruled the state from 1941 until the Islamic Revolution, was imprinted on paper banknotes. It is displayed on the front area of ​​the banknote. It is noteworthy that the portraits of the shah at first became older as he grew older, and then also grew old in parallel.Currency of Iran and Oman

The appearance of banknotes after the revolution

After the seizure of power by Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979, during the revolution, the portrait of the last monarch was crossed out with a red cross on all paper banknotes. And on those bills where the image of the shah was also used as a watermark, two red crosses were used. Then in 1980, his portraits began to be hidden with the help of a black pattern, which, with its outline, copied the image of the monarch.This need arose due to the presence of a significant number of 1974 banknotes printed but not put into free circulation in the vaults of the Central Bank of such a state as Iran. The currency of that year included the image of the monarch Reza Pahlavi, whose portraits were hated by the new government.

Banknotes cash turnover standard 1982-2011

Iran currency

Today in Iran in free circulation paper banknotes with a face value of 100, 200, 500, 1 thousand, 2 thousand, 5 thousand, 10 thousand, 20 thousand, 50 thousand, 100 thousand rials issued in different periods. In addition, there are checks worth 500 thousand rials. It should be added that obsolete bills of 1982-1989 release. still in circulation, but as the wear and printing of new banknotes are withdrawn from the circulation of the state of Iran. A currency called rial is also used in Yemen, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia.

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