
Corrections in the sick leave: how to make in case of an error

Corrections in the sick leave is a very unpleasant procedure, if only because the error in filling out has already taken place. A sick leave certificate is a very important document, and how it was completed depends on the person’s ability to receive additional funds and not legally go to work because of temporary disability. Indeed, you must admit, it’s very disappointing if after the illness nothing is given from what is prescribed by law. But that's okay. We will understand how corrections are made in the sick leave. But from the very beginning we should figure out what a sick leave is.

Corrections in the sick leave

What is sick leave

This is a document that confirms a person’s incapacity for work on medical grounds. The reason for registration of sick leave can be either a disease or pregnancy. There is no other reason. Everything must be documented. Be sure to indicate the codes of diseases that a person has and because of which they had to fill out a sick leave. Finding them is very simple. Disease codes can be found in the International Classification of Diseases or, in short, ICD.

Disease codes

The sick leave consists of two parts. The first is filled out by a doctor. Errors in this field are not allowed. The second part is already filled out by the employer, who accepts the sick-list, he must be paid in the future. It is important to understand that few documents are as responsible as hospital documents. Why? Yes, because this type of business paper is both medical and financial. The medical part justifies why the person was absent from the workplace, and the financial part provides for insurance payments due to temporary disability.

Who has the right to issue it

Hospital sheet sample

The right to draw up a hospital document has one who for some reason has lost his ability to work. It does not have to be your illness or pregnancy. For example, a mother may order a sick leave due to the care of a sick child. The same applies to workers whose older relatives have lost their ability to work and need care. It is obvious that it is impossible to maintain working calm if the person you love is experiencing health problems. Yes, and no one canceled the departure.

There are also requirements for who should draw up sick leave. It can only be an employee of a medical institution. But even if it is such, it is still not a fact that it can take out sick leave. In fact, this document can only be issued by people who are treating. It can be ordinary doctors, paramedics, dentists.

Who does not have the right to draw up a document

Sample correction in sick leave

There are categories of medical workers who are not legally entitled to take sick leave. These are all kinds of ambulance paramedics, doctors who are in sanatoriums, medical institutions of a special type, those who are involved in blood transfusion or other activities that are not directly related to the treatment of a person who wants to arrange a sick leave for himself.

When do you need sick leave?

Correction of sick leave by employer

A sick leave certificate is necessary in a number of important cases:

  • When the person got sick. This happens to everyone. These are usually infectious diseases or other diseases. At the same time, it is important to understand that, as a rule, a sick leave for ARVI is not issued, despite the danger of symptoms and the risk of complex complications that can even endanger a person’s life.But when complications appear, this already becomes an occasion for registration of a sick leave.
  • When a woman became pregnant. But in this case, maternity leave should be issued. However, at certain stages it is too early to do. But in a hospital a person may already be on treatment.
  • When there is a relative who needs care. In this case, there is a special column on the form, where you need to indicate the name of the person who requires particularly strong care, while the performance of work duties is impossible. Only in this case is it possible to get paid for sick leave.

This information has already been outlined briefly, but at the same time its importance is quite high. Therefore, it requires a more systematic presentation. Unfortunately, everything that was listed on this list is an ideal thing. Fill out sick leave ordinary people who tend to make mistakes. How then are corrections made on the sick leave, if suddenly a misunderstanding happened? It is possible. Suppose that a doctor or employer made a mistake when filling out part of a document such as sick leave. A sample of this document is attached for clarity.

What to do if the doctor filled out the form incorrectly

How to correct sick leave

It happens that the doctor fills out the sick leave form incorrectly. In this case, everything is done very simply. Naturally, any corrections lead to the fact that the document becomes invalid. In this case, you just need to write a new sample form for temporary disability. It just makes a new sick leave, the sample of which you can see here. It happens that the doctor does not notice how the sick leave fills. What to do in this case? After all, you have already come to your boss. How to make corrections to the sick leave in this case?

What to do if an employer sees a mistake

In this case, everything is done very simply. From the very beginning, you come to your boss with your sick leave. He already takes a pen and thinks to fill out his part of this form. But at the same time he sees that there is a mistake. What should he do by law?

  • Inform the employee that he has an incorrectly completed document.
  • Refuse to fill in its part, as a document with an error is considered invalid.

In this case, the employee needs to go to his doctor and take from him a duplicate certificate of incapacity for work. The latter needs to write a copy of it with a note that this is a duplicate. Thus, corrections in the sick leave are already made on the new form. But this applies only to those cases when the doctor made a mistake.

What to do if the employer made a mistake

If it becomes necessary to make corrections in the sick leave when the employer made a mistake, then it all depends on what kind of mistake. But most often it happens that the boss fills in the column that should not be. In this case, he needs to cross out what is written there, and on the reverse side write that such and such a field should be considered empty.

Next, you need to put a signature and stamp. If some field is filled in incorrectly, then it is also necessary to cross it out, and on the reverse side write "this field should be considered erroneous." Next is the signature, seal and correct completion of the field. Nevertheless, this issue must be approached very carefully. It should be remembered that any document is valid only if it meets the requirements.


Corrections in the sick leave is a very difficult matter, which may not even work. But everything can be in this life, so you need to be prepared. In no case should not be upset, you need to continue to move forward, no matter what difficulties you are not met. There will be many more.

The sample correction on the sick leave does not look very beautiful, like everything that was corrected. It is important to understand that in no case can you use the corrector. And correction of the sick leave by the employer or the doctor is not the biggest trouble.Therefore, one should not panic in this case. It is enough just to understand approximately the procedure of how to make corrections to the sick leave.

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