
How to apply to the university: information for applicants

Today we will learn with you how to apply to the university. Almost every student will have to face this process sooner or later. In any case, it affects those who want to get a higher education. How to implement this idea? What opportunities do all those entering higher education have? What you should pay attention to? And what pitfalls can modern applicants wait for while applying for admission?how to apply to university

Choose a specialty

So, the first thing that is required of you is to decide what specialty you want to enroll in. This decision should be made long before graduation. So try to think carefully about who you want to become in the future. Your life will depend on this decision in the future.

After the decision is made (you cannot do without it), you will have to go to the next stage. No less difficult than choosing a specialty. And without it, one cannot fully answer the question of how to submit documents to a university. What is this about?


The next stage is the choice of the educational institution where you will apply. It is also an important moment that requires serious decisions from you. Explore all the possible options that offer the chosen specialty for study, it is advisable to study reviews about a particular university.

After you decide, you need to look at such an item as exams that you need to pass. And there you will see a passing score. And for admission to a contract basis, and for budget training.

How to apply to the university? To do this, you first need to choose a specialty and university, as well as get acquainted with information about exams. Here you can find out if there are any additional contests and entrance tests (in some they really take place). Ready? Now, when the information is received, you can go to the delivery of the necessary items, to receive those or other “points”, which after will be formed in the passing score and will give you the opportunity to learn. But that is not all.


Admission to the university is a responsible matter. And if you decide to graduate, you will have to get to know the process better. There are a lot of nuances that can burden admission. What should you pay attention to first of all?passing score

For example, how many universities can apply at the same time. Some tend to believe that only one. This is not at all true. Yes, the rules for admission of new applicants change from year to year. But for now, they remain similar to 2015. A modern student has the right to submit documents simultaneously to 6 universities. And nothing more.

It is also worth considering that the selection committee will work with you. An important point here is that only the applicant independently has the right to submit documents to a higher educational institution. No parents (for some reason, they come with their children to the selection committee, and also try to file "papers" for the applicants themselves). It is forbidden.

Without fail, you will have to submit documents (in full) for training in a particular specialty within the deadlines set by the university. The selection committee will take away from you everything that you leave, and will also notify you about the rating of applicants. This is where your exam scores come in handy.

Collection of documents

So, the acceptance of documents to universities began. Usually this process begins no later than June 20 and ends approximately July 25. That is, you will have a little more than a month to collect and serve.What is now required of you?

First of all, to answer the question of how to apply for a university, prepare your exam results. Depending on how many points you scored, you will be able to enroll on a contract or budget basis. It will only become clear at the end of the selection of applicants. Only originals of USE certificates are needed.selection committee

Next - a certificate. That is, documents about your education. In practice, most often this is either a high school diploma (11 grades), or a diploma on secondary specialized education earlier. Both copies and originals are needed. Most often, photocopies can not be done at all. Detailed information should be obtained specifically at your university - everywhere your own rules are established.

The next document that will help fulfill your dream (admission to college) is an identity card. Simply put, a civil passport and its copy. Without this document, they may well refuse to accept documents.

Do not forget the photos. They need 6 pieces, format 3 by 4. Tell the photo salon that you need to take photos for admission to the university. And there they will be issued quickly. Old pictures are not accepted. They must be no older than 1 year.

A statement is the last thing you need. It is compiled directly at the university, in the selection committee. It contains information about you, USE data, as well as your chosen destination for admission.

If an additional test was provided, bring the appropriate document to pass it. For example, photographs (for training on the photographer), own drawings on this or that subject and so on. In general, a portfolio. Sometimes it can help you get into budget education. If you are a beneficiary, attach "papers" confirming your special rights.admission to the University

Medical board

Take your time to rejoice. Admission to the university and preparation for this process begins long before you have compiled a complete list of documents. Another important point that has been ignored is the submission to the selection committee of a certificate of form 086-U.

What it is? Confirmation of your health. As a rule, it turns out after going through a huge list of doctors. And a health check is usually organized in large numbers, directly at school. So, applicants will not have any problems getting help 086-U. The main thing is not to forget to submit it to the selection committee.

For past years

Sometimes applicants may experience some problems with this process. Why? Because they no longer have valid USE results. How to apply to the university if you are a graduate of past years?

For these applicants, special rules are provided. You will have to pass the required exams directly during the reception of documents. On a certain day (for each subject he has his own), come to the university, where you go, pass the exam, get the result. And you are already presenting it directly to a higher educational institution. Nothing complicated.How many universities can I apply for?

The main problem here is generally to pass the exam. Often, even a minimum score in subjects cannot be obtained. Thus, the entry of graduates of past years is somewhat difficult.

Ratings and Waves

It is necessary to pay attention that after the end of the acceptance of documents in universities, the direct enrollment of applicants begins. It takes place in two waves. The first usually ends on July 30. Here, everyone who wants to get a higher education goes to this or that specialty in a general competition. True, often it is only about budgeting.

The second wave "gets" out of the remaining applicants on the basis of the scores for the exam, those who will be trained on a budget. And then he enters candidates (from those who remained) in a certain amount for contract training. Usually during the second wave you can apply for admission (if you have not had time before). This stage usually begins on August 4.


Often, applicants prefer to submit “papers” to study at several universities at once. Nobody can take this right from you. Of course, the originals will go somewhere, but somewhere you will receive copies of the assembled package. Do not neglect the rating of applicants - if you have high scores for the exam, most likely you will need to decide where exactly you want to study.admission of documents to universities

Why? If by the time the "first wave" is over you have not brought the original documents to the "primary" university, you will be weeded out. And even if you could go on a budget, that won't happen. To submit the originals you will still have a "second wave". Be careful and do not hesitate in your decisions. Now it’s clear how to apply to the university and what to prepare for.

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