
How to repay a loan if there is no money? How to quickly repay a loan? How to repay a loan with another loan?

Surely today, few have issued a loan to buy vital things, such as an apartment or a car. Unfortunately, the average person can not always afford to buy even household appliances, therefore he is forced to borrow money from banking institutions for this at very high interest rates.

Getting a loan is easy ...

Of course, at present, the process of obtaining a loan has been greatly simplified - in certain cases it is enough to present a passport, and the money, as they say, is in your pocket. However, not everything is as rosy as it might seem at first glance.

Potential borrowers are so happy that they were given the necessary amount to buy a summer cottage or garage, that they are absolutely careless in matters of legalizing the transaction. Often they sign a loan agreement, without even bothering to read it to the end, which, in fact, is a major mistake. Items written in small print can be fraught with many "unpleasant" nuances for the borrower.

How to repay a loan if not

It happens that a person loses his job. And, having lost a permanent source of income, he is not able to pay debt obligations. Once in financial bondage, the borrower begins to frantically think about how to repay the loan if there is no money. Moreover, the situation is even more complicated if the money was borrowed at once in several banking institutions.

So, is there a way by which you can solve the question of how to repay a loan if there is no money? Yes, it exists, but in any case, sooner or later you will have to “pay the bills” to those who helped you get out of debt bondage.

So, let's move on to a practical consideration of how to repay a loan if there is no money.

Ask the employer to “get into position”

If you work under a labor agreement, then it will not be superfluous to turn to your boss for help. Tell him about the difficult situation you are in.

How to repay a loan

It is possible that he will become soft and give you a certain amount of money, which will subsequently be deducted in parts from your salary. You will only have to thank the “compassionate” chef, draw up an appropriate statement in the accounting department regarding the transfer of financial resources, indicating bank details and attaching a copy of the loan agreement.

Relatives, friends and acquaintances

Are there any other options for resolving the issue of "how to repay a loan if there is no money"? Of course. Make a detailed list of all your relatives, friends and acquaintances. After that, take the phone and, without missing anyone, start phoning them with a request to provide you with financial assistance, of course, with guarantees that you will return the money. If the amount of debt is large, then you should borrow a little from each.

"Dispersal field"

Not sure how to repay a loan? If suddenly you have one more account in a bank, to which you save a certain part of money every month, for example, to rest “abroad”, then in conditions of a debt hole it’s a sin not to repay the debt by sacrificing savings. By the way, you can do this by issuing a payment order. Do not forget that for transferring money from one current account to another bank, it charges a commission.

Visit to the bank

If you have no idea how to repay a loan because of your insolvency, the most correct thing to do is to pay a visit to a banking institution that you owe and explain the complexity of the situation.It is likely that the leadership of the credit institution will make you concessions and provide a deferred payment.

A new debt repayment schedule will be drawn up for you. You must have an identification document with you, the original of the loan agreement and all receipts of payment. You will be asked to write a statement of deferment, which will feature the date by which you can make the next payment.

Without fail, you will have to document the reasons why you are not able to pay money in the previous amounts. In particular, you will need a certificate of work in the form of 2-NDFL, indicating a decrease in wages, a work book with the record that you are fired, a certificate of registration as an unemployed in the employment service, etc.

If you deliberately hide and do not answer the bank’s calls, this will only aggravate your unenviable situation: the size of fines will increase every day.

Remember that the “day of reckoning” will come for you sooner or later. And in no case do you try to pay nothing: let the amounts you deposit will be scanty, but by doing so you confirm your desire to pay off the debt to the bank. As a result, the lender may wait a while to appeal to the judiciary to protect his rights.

Repay an old loan with a new one

Currently, many are interested in the question of how to repay a loan with another loan. Yes, this is also one of the solutions to the problem. However, it should be remembered that, having chosen this way from one debt hole, a person immediately falls into another. One way or another, but still have to solve the financial problem.

Selling tangible assets

Want to know how to quickly repay a loan if there is no money? You can use the “classic” solution: sell your jewelry, jewelry and other valuables, you can also put them in a pawnshop.

In this case, you should take care in advance of finding a place where they will offer the highest price for rings and necklaces. You can repay the proceeds as a loan debt.

Part-time work

How can I repay a loan if there is no money? To increase the level of your own financial well-being and the speedy fulfillment of monetary obligations on a loan, you should get a part-time job, which you can perform, for example, on weekends.

In the near future, the law on bankruptcy of individuals will be in force, according to which a person who has issued a loan in the amount of more than 50 thousand rubles, but within 6 months for good reason who has not paid any payments for it, can be declared bankrupt. After that, a debt repayment schedule for up to five years is drawn up, and fines and penalties for this period are not charged.

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Thank you so much for the interesting and useful article! Fortunately, there is a great opportunity to have income remotely working with banks while at home. And the need for microfinance and loans will disappear by itself. If you want, I can share with you my secrets of earning.
Inna Inna
Good afternoon. Share the secret of earning.
Marina Inna
Good day!
A bunch of debts, looking for a side job, share how you can earn.


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