
How to talk with traffic cops correctly? How to build a conversation with traffic cops?

The law and order system in Russia is designed in such a way that most citizens try to keep as far as possible from any contacts with representatives of these structures. However, in the case of traffic police inspectors, such meetings can be systematic, while the integrity of the car owner affects the frequency of contacts only partially. One way or another, it is important to know how to talk with traffic cops in any situation. The authority of the inspector does not at all give him the right to commit illegal actions - this is the main thing that should be remembered in conversations with representatives of the road services. But there are other nuances, the knowledge of which will protect yourself and your vehicle from abuse by traffic cops.

If the traffic rules are violated

how to talk with traffic cops

To begin with, it is important to note that regardless of whether there was a violation or not, the employee must introduce himself, present documents and state the reasons for stopping the machine. If a violation has been committed, the inspector is required to write a fine. At this point, we should dwell in more detail in order to clarify how to properly talk with traffic cops if there really is a basis for drawing up a protocol of violation. Unfortunately, most inspectors begin to provoke drivers to give bribes. This can be expressed in phrases such as “well, what shall we do?” Falling into such a temptation is not worth it for two reasons: giving a bribe punishable by law, and statistics according to which intractable drivers are released even without a fine. Oddly enough, there are times when traffic cops simply do not want to mess with documents, and sometimes there is simply no reason for a fine, and the only thing left for them is to let the driver go.

If there was no violation

how to talk with traffic cops

The most unpleasant situation is an aggressive employee who finds a violation, although in fact he was not there. Of course, in most cases, bona fide inspectors release car owners, but this does not always happen. In a tense atmosphere, you should not only remember how to talk with traffic cops, but also be prepared for the following actions:

  • Stay in the car and not get out of it (even the driver has the right to transfer documents sitting in the car). This is important for psychological comfort.
  • At the first signs of an inspector's strange behavior, you must turn on the DVR or phone record - this is the preparation of evidence in case of further proceedings.
  • Attract witnesses to what is happening.

All described actions are required in order to confirm the possible abuse of authority by the inspector. As a rule, the tone in which a conversation is conducted with traffic cops makes it possible in the first minutes to understand the framework of legality in which they operate. Therefore, do not ignore the possibility of fixing what is happening on the camera.

If no rights

how to talk with traffic cops

Probably every driver at least once in his life, but left the rights at home. The situation is unpleasant, but here you can either run into major financial losses, or lose a few hours, but avoid imposing sanctions. This time, a lot depends on the inspector, and the law is rather harsh for forgetful motorists. To understand how to talk with traffic cops, if there are no rights on hand, two points should be considered. Firstly, the maximum penalty may be a fine of 500 rubles. (for lack of rights) and several thousand for the maintenance of the car at the parking lot.Secondly, punishment can be avoided if documents are provided before the car is evacuated. In other words, the driver’s task is to explain the situation to the traffic cop as sensibly as possible and write a petition to him with a request to provide 1-2 hours for delivery of the rights.

Complaint against a traffic cop

Although the practice of filing complaints against road inspectors is not widespread in Russia, its usefulness, if satisfied, will allow an unscrupulous employee to be punished, and possibly eliminate the risk of punishment. But to write a complaint is necessary only in cases where there really are good reasons for this. This may be the use of faulty measuring instruments, refusal to provide documents, an incorrectly drawn up protocol, etc. Given the described rules for how to talk with traffic cops in a tense situation, you should collect as much evidence as possible at the stopping point that will make the complaint more convincing. For this, again, photo and video materials are used, and, if possible, testimony. You can send your complaint to the head of the local traffic police department, the court or the prosecutor.

conversation with traffic cops

Regulatory Relationships

The view on the relationship between the traffic police officer and the car owner is also noteworthy. The inspector's behavior is governed by the rules that are prescribed in the regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to them, the traffic cop must show respect for civilians, as well as be decisive and principled in ensuring the rule of law. To understand how to talk with traffic cops, it is important to take into account the abovementioned prescriptions of the installation, but do not forget that people are different, and each employee needs an individual approach.

Continuing the topic of duties of inspectors, it is worth noting a few more positive points. Any restrictions imposed on the driver must be accompanied by clarifications. In conflict situations, traffic cops are required to delicately treat violators, giving them the opportunity to calm down and at the same time to spell out the reasons for their stop.


how to talk with traffic cops

There are no universal rules and recommendations that will allow you to get out of any meeting with a traffic cop with a minimal set of problems. On the one hand, this is impossible if there really are serious violations, and on the other, a lot depends on the personality of a particular employee, whose behavior cannot also be predicted. But you can go the opposite and give a number of examples of how to talk with traffic cops is not worth it. Any manifestation of rudeness does not contribute to a peaceful and favorable resolution of the controversial situation. Even if the driver is right, an experienced inspector in a conflict situation will try to do everything possible to annoy the car owner. But at the same time, one should not show excessive trust in traffic cops - dishonest employees feel this, and often take advantage of the fact that drivers do not know their rights.

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