
How do I know if I am deprived of a driver’s license? How to find out via the Internet whether a person is deprived of a driver’s license

Periodically, there are cases of traffic violations on the roads of Russia. Sometimes the vehicle owner has to put up with a status such as "deprived of a driver’s license." How to find out information about your identity card is the first thing that interests people in such circumstances. At the moment, there are several ways to obtain the necessary information.

When rights information is needed

The question: “How do I know if I am deprived of a driver’s license?” Arises in the minds of drivers, as a rule, after a traffic police officer draws up a protocol due to a serious violation, which may include the withdrawal of a license.

How to find out if I am deprived of a driver’s license

If we talk about the reasons for the deprivation of rights more specifically, a similar outcome is possible under the following conditions:

  • the driver is inactive in the hope that his administrative case will be somehow forgotten or possibly lost;
  • the owner of the car does not want to attend the court in order to avoid giving evidence in his case (the truth is that with this behavior the judge makes an indictment based on the traffic police materials);
  • the offender does not take the initiative to visit the court and waits for the summons (in some cases, the summons does not come)
  • the driver expects that the statute of limitations for the administrative violation case will expire, and you won’t have to bear responsibility.

All of the above factors are often the causes of inaction of drivers after they committed an administrative violation. The result of such behavior may be the deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle according to a court decision. It is in such a situation that information on how to find out if a person is deprived of a driver’s license is especially relevant.

Protocol writing

Such a punishment as deprivation of rights can only be applied in case of really serious violations on the part of the driver. But even if such cases were recorded, the traffic police officer has no right to seize the rights from the owner of the car. Such a measure can be implemented only after an appropriate court decision.

How to find out if I am deprived of rights

All that the inspector can do, having determined the violation for which the document can be seized, is to draw up a protocol. However, he is obliged to explain to the driver his rights. The owner of the car, for its part, can indicate in the protocol his vision of the situation and record all the necessary comments regarding the violation of traffic rules. Such actions are especially important if the driver does not plead guilty.

How to check

In order to learn about the fact of deprivation of rights to drive a vehicle, you will not need to make a lot of effort. All that is needed is to get access to the traffic police database. This is possible using the official website.

On the mentioned resource there is a special form, filling in which, you can get the necessary information. To do this, you will need to enter the initials, date of birth and driver's license number. When the information is entered and the search process for the necessary information starts, the system will display a list of violations of a particular driver.

disenfranchised how to find out

Moreover, this method may not be fully relevant within the framework of the topic: “How do I know if I am deprived of a driver’s license?” The bottom line is that this service involves obtaining information about the violation itself and the protocol, the drafting of which may include the removal of the above document.But it’s far from immediately finding out about the court’s decision. The maximum that you can count on is the receipt of such information with a significant delay, after the court has made a specific ruling.

Based on the foregoing, a simple conclusion can be made: figuring out how to find out whether they have been deprived of their rights or not, one should not put all hopes on the official traffic police resource. And if the site does not have information about the deprivation, this does not mean that the corresponding decision has not been made.

how to learn deprived of rights or not yet

But in the end, information that a particular individual was deprived of the right to drive a vehicle will still appear on the traffic police website.

Court visit

Answering the question: “How do I know if I am deprived of a driver’s license?”, You should pay attention to the possibility of obtaining relevant information directly in the court itself. This is the most reliable way to determine the status of an identity. But such an initiative may have negative consequences, which should be taken into account in advance.

how to find out whether I am denied or not

Periodically, cases are recorded when car owners, trying to figure out the situation, came to court, provided the necessary information and as a result were detained. Therefore, those who are trying to get an answer to the question: “How do I know if I am deprived of rights or not?” Should initially consider the possible consequences of some methods of obtaining information. If the violation was obvious, then it makes sense to expect an administrative arrest for fines that have not been paid.

Given such nuances, it is better to send a lawyer to the court, if there is such an opportunity. This will avoid any negative consequences and get the necessary information in the shortest possible time. If the services of such a person are not available, then it remains to use the traffic police website. Let with a possible delay, but information about a particular identity will be entered into the database of this resource.

Restoration of rights

In addition to addressing the issue of “how to find out if I am deprived of a driver’s license”, it makes sense to pay attention to the methods of restoring a license.

In order to return the rights, you must obtain a medical certificate confirming admission to driving, and write a statement. Do not forget that the accused is given 10 days to appeal the court decision.

Another chance not to lose the right is to wait the statute of limitations for non-compliance with traffic rules. It is equal to two months. But, as mentioned above, this method is quite risky. In addition, it will not work if people are injured as a result of the violation.

How to avoid certificate withdrawal

Those who are interested in the topic: “How do I know if I am deprived of rights?” Should pay attention to the possibility of preventing such a development of events.

First of all, it is important to clarify a simple truth: there is no need to refuse a medical examination offered by a traffic police officer. And the driver’s opinion that this measure was irrelevant will not help much in the courtroom.

how to find out if a person is deprived of a driver’s license

The next thing to watch out for is the rules for transporting hazardous substances. Of course, you should forget about alcohol if you have to drive. Those who like risk and are not averse to copying numbers of operational services, as well as using emergency lights, without legal grounds for this, should prepare for deprivation of rights. A similar measure can be applied if the owner of the car transferred control of the vehicle to a drunk person.


As you can see, the state allows the driver to find out whether a decision was made regarding the deprivation of his driver's license or not. But in any case, it is worth avoiding situations in which such a measure of administrative punishment would be relevant.

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