
How to choose the right grinder. Which company to buy a grinder

Angle grinder, popularly referred to as the grinder, is an indispensable tool when performing a number of works. This unit allows you to grind, cut hard metals, sharpen tools, etc.

But if you are a beginner, then making the right choice will not be so difficult, due to the huge selection and various technical characteristics of each individual unit. Let's see how to choose a grinder and, most importantly, do it right.

how to choose a grinder

Professional, semi-professional or amateur?

Today, almost the entire instrument is divided into such categories. For example, professional models have high power, can work for a long time without shutting down, designed for heavy loads. While an amateur tool is not designed for such complex tasks.

Of course, such a grinder will be able to grind, grind or cut several pipes something without problems, but do not try to overload the unit. "So which grinder to choose?" - you ask. If you buy a tool for domestic use, and this is what we are talking about, then the best solution would be to purchase an amateur or semi-professional model. The latter is suitable for more intense and complex work. But as practice shows, often an amateur grinder of the middle price range is often enough.

What to look for when choosing?

And then you finally came to the store, found shelves with tools for home use. Well, what to do next? All grinders have different power, power consumption, disk size. In addition, all products from different companies are some more expensive, and some quite cheap. Agree, it will be very difficult for an ignorant person to make a choice.

Well, if you have ever dealt with an angle grinder. Then you already perfectly understand how to choose a grinder for the house and what points to pay more attention to and what you can lose sight of. Here it is necessary to take into account the range of work performed. If you are going to work more with metal, then this will be one grinder, if you need a tool for cutting siding or PVC, then it will be completely different.

which grinder to choose

Which company to choose a grinder?

With this you must decide first. This is due to the fact that even if a powerful device that meets all your requirements is made in China, then most likely you will experience big problems with such a tool. It is for this simple reason that you are serious about resolving this issue.

Today, BOSCH, Craft, Metabo and others are considered the best manufacturers. But the Ukrainian brand Fiolent grinding machines also receive a lot of positive feedback. The last manufacturer is good in that it produces a relatively inexpensive tool, compared to European counterparts, but at the same time quite high quality. With normal use, it can last 5 years or more. But which grinder to choose among all these manufacturers? Let's do a short review of several popular models.

Craft CAG 230/2200 and BOSCH PWS 750-125

The first option is really a quality example. This semi-professional tool is able to withstand extreme loads. It works with the 230th circle and has an engine power of 2200 watts. The number of revolutions is 6,000, which is quite enough for domestic use. For little money, this is a great choice.Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting only the inconvenient start key and the slow speed of the disk output at working speed.

As for the Bosch angle grinder, this is a classic inexpensive option for a circle with a diameter of 125 millimeters. The engine power here is many times less than the above angle grinder and is only 750 watts. But 11,000 rpm is undoubtedly impressive, even with such a low-power engine.

The device has several distinctive features. Firstly, the unit weighs only 1.9 kilograms, and secondly, the Vibration Control vibration suppression system is integrated. Its presence allows you to perform work more accurately, with less effort. If you ask yourself how to choose a grinder for home, then this is definitely “Bosch”. It combines German high technology, precision and quality.

Disc diameter selection

The main parameter in the grinder is not only its power, but also the thickness of the material with which the tool is able to cope. Here the size of the grinding disc or cutting wheel plays an important role. The larger the diameter, the thicker the material can be cut. Currently produced disks of the following diameter: 115, 125,150, 180 and 230 millimeters.

Do not forget that with an increase in the diameter of the circle, the mass of the grinder also grows. This may make some work difficult. Of course, a large cutting or grinding disc has many advantages over a small one, but you need to focus on the range of work performed. For operation at home, you are unlikely to need circles of 180 and 230 millimeters, so stop at 150 - this will be the best solution.

how to choose a disk for grinder

Determined with the power of angle grinders

This is one of the defining parameters, so pay more attention to the correct selection. On the market today there are grinders of small, medium and high power. The higher this indicator, the better the performance. If you take an average angle grinder, then this is an average of 1.5 kW. Although the range varies from 500 watts to 2.7 kW.

As practice shows, for household use a tool with a capacity of 800 watts and up to 1.5 kW is quite enough. This unit can work for several hours a day. After intensive 15 minutes of operation, 15-20 minutes of respite are required, otherwise you risk overloading the engine and disabling it.

Repair from a material point of view is completely irrational. It costs more than 1,000 rubles, while a new Bulgarian will cost 2-3 thousand. By the way, if your plans include cutting concrete, then it makes sense to buy angle grinders of greater power, for example, 1.7 kW. Always remember that there must be a certain supply. If the tool is operated at maximum load for a long time, this will adversely affect its service life.

Which is better to choose a grinder: one-handed or two-handed?

In the window you can find angle grinders with one or two handles. It makes sense to consider the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the features of each type. If the tool has one handle, which is located near the spindle itself, then the second is the grinder body itself. For some, this may seem uncomfortable, but in practice, everything is even nothing. In addition, the handle can be twisted and put on a side convenient for you.

Therefore, if you are left-handed, then there is nothing wrong with that. Many simply buy one-handed tools for everyday use. But there are a few nuances. If it is convenient to cut while holding the grinder with one hand, then the same cannot be said about grinding. This is due to the fact that during the performance of such work, the angle grinder is heavily skidded, so you can easily injure yourself. The same applies to units and high power. A “revolving" tool is sometimes very difficult to hold with one hand.How to choose the right grinder, you ask? Give preference to angle grinders with two handles, in any case you will not overpay a lot, but the presence of additional emphasis is a big plus.

how to choose a grinder for a summer residence

How to choose the right spindle speed?

This indicator characterizes the number of revolutions of the nozzle, which is located on the spindle of the grinder. The range is currently quite wide. The simplest and most low-power models produce only two to three thousand revolutions per minute, and a professional tool gives up to 11 thousand rpm. There are several important details. For example, disks with a small diameter rotate with a higher frequency. Accordingly, a large circle will work somewhat slower.

Most models working with a drive of 115-150 millimeters gain 11 thousand rpm, while a circle of 200-230 mm is most often limited to 6.6 thousand rpm. We will not figure out where such data came from, it is worth saying only that exceeding these marks can lead to the destruction of the disk. Shards can get into the face and other parts of the operator’s body. If you do not know how to choose a grinder for giving, then buy a tool that has a spindle speed controller. This is a very useful addition that will help to adjust the speed to the specifics of the work performed.

About tool ergonomics

What do you think is the decisive factor when choosing a hand tool? That's right, it's usability. Agree, no matter how good and reliable the angle grinder is, you will not buy it if it is not convenient to lie in your hand. And that will be the right decision. More attention needs to be paid to the weight of the tool. If you can keep the grinder without problems for one or two minutes, then after 10-15 minutes of operation the heavy unit will make itself felt.

For use in everyday life, you do not need to buy dimensional models whose weight is more than three kilograms. But weight is directly proportional to performance. So, a device with a power of 0.7-0.8 kW will weigh no more than two kilograms, and 1.0-1.4 kW - already 2-2.5 kg. Still worth paying attention to how comfortable the handle is. It is better if it is anti-vibration, so the hand will be less tired.

how to choose a grinder

Work Safety Above All

Since the main thing for us is to do our job and at the same time stay alive and healthy, we need to pay attention to how the operator is protected. Firstly, the unit must have a protective cover protecting the worker from dust, sparks and other dangerous and harmful elements. It is also desirable that there are recesses for the fingers on the handle, which will allow you to hold the unit tighter. Use gloves, glasses during operation, all this is optional, but health is more important.

We have already figured out with you how to choose a drive for the grinder, I would also like to say that it must be replaced when the outlet is disconnected. Also, the protective shield has a certain diameter, the circle should not exceed it, although this is hardly possible, but nonetheless. Do not forget that you are working with a very dangerous tool. Due to non-observance of elementary rules of exploitation, people not only crippled themselves, but also perished.


So we talked about how to choose a grinder. Angle grinder must be bought slowly. Pay attention to the smallest details, such as case material, ergonomics, etc. The manufacturer is also an important factor. The more famous the brand, the better. Although sometimes little-known companies produce very high-quality tools, sold at affordable prices. In any case, do not give preference to Chinese models, since the level of protection, and the build quality in general, are by no means impressive.

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