
How to choose a microwave? Which firm microwave to choose?

Microwave radiation is used for heating, cooking and maintaining a certain temperature in it. In addition, it is used for defrosting. All these actions are carried out within a fairly short period.

Quick cooking and thawing can preserve the gastronomic, taste and nutritional properties of products. It is these advantages that are the main reason for the active production and sale of microwave ovens. The assortment of these devices presented today is truly wide. Models differ in design, power, number of options and, of course, in cost. How not to make a mistake with the choice? Next, we will figure out how to choose a microwave.

how to choose a microwave

general information

The microwave oven is designed so that the product in it is heated due to the electromagnetic vibrations of the ultrahigh frequency water molecules. This radiation is created by a magnetron. It penetrates the product by approximately 2.5-5 cm. As a result of vibrations, water molecules are excited. The amount of heating in the radiation has a limitation.

The limit is the boiling point of water (one hundred degrees). This is an important circumstance for cooking diet food. Utensils used in microwave ovens should, of course, freely transmit radiation. The heating of a plate or bowl comes from the product. In microwave radiation, dishes can even be heated on napkins and paper utensils (soup, for example, in a cup, milk in a bag that does not contain foil).


There are various types of microwave ovens. Models differ in heating method. For example, simple devices (such as Solo) are equipped with the option of microwave radiation only. In multifunction devices, combined heating is used. In devices of the elite class, the functionality is as close as possible to advanced electric ovens and often surpass them in the speed of cooking.

To obtain a fried crust, the product should be heated to a temperature of more than 100 degrees. For these purposes, the microwave is equipped with a grill function. In such a device, cooking can be carried out in the same way as in an electric oven. The grill creates conditions similar to roasting on charcoal. For baking, making cakes and pastries in microwave ovens, conditions are created for forced air circulation using a fan (convection). In combination with the grill, this function allows you to achieve the formation of a crisp and even browning of the product.

how to choose a microwave


Today, completely different models are presented on the market. However, they are all designed to provide maximum comfort, convenience and safety when using. A wide range of design solutions allows you to choose a device in accordance with your own artistic taste and organically fit it into almost any interior.

Many decide to purchase an embedded microwave. Such models most harmoniously fit into the interior of the kitchen. Before choosing a built-in microwave oven, you should decide on the place where it will be located. In addition, the design of the device should be combined with the surrounding decor. As for the technical characteristics of the device, both simple and multifunctional microwave ovens are on the market. Which one to choose depends on the tasks that the device will perform.

Simple and complex designs

In order for the temperature of the product to increase evenly, radiation in the devices emanates from all sides. How to choose a microwave oven for heating? It should be said that simpler models are equipped with a fixed pallet. Around it is the rotation of the magnetic field.

In more complex models, the radiation is stationary at the product. During heating, the pan rotates. This ensures a uniform increase in product temperature. Many do not know how to choose a microwave. Customer reviews in this case speak in favor of those devices in which the product is rotated. Today, such models are the most popular.

how to choose a microwave oven for heating

Electric heating elements

In modern life, there is not much time left for cooking. That is why many people tend to purchase multifunctional devices. The option "grill" allows for a short period to cook a dish that is delicious in taste. In addition, the forced air circulation function can also be integrated.

Speaking about how to choose a microwave oven with a grill, it should be said that the device can be equipped with either one or two heating elements. Behind the wall of the chamber is a fan that creates convection. The grill may have tubular (heating elements - spirals inside the tubes of metal) or quartz (spiral in transparent tubes of quartz glass) heating elements.

The latter is always located on top and is rigidly fixed. Quartz elements take up much less space. Product heating occurs due to heat generation. In this case, the camera itself is less polluted. But quartz elements are more expensive. Some manufacturers produce models with a double grill. In such structures, both TENs and quartz elements are used.


To cook steamed products, many models are equipped with special dishes. All devices have a backlight. With its help, you can observe the process. Despite the fact that multifunctional devices can completely replace a traditional stove with an oven, devices are usually purchased as a supplement. Before choosing a microwave oven, you should, first of all, decide on the capabilities and needs.

When deciding to purchase a device, you need to understand what tasks the device will perform. Many consumers buy a microwave exclusively for heating. Simple, inexpensive models are suitable for this. As a rule, their design is made in a classic style. In this case, preference is given to products of LG or Samsung.

Usually, consumers do not have difficulties when deciding how to choose a microwave oven for heating. Other buyers prefer multifunctional models, as they also involve cooking. Both those and other customers always have a question: how to choose a microwave? Microwave radiation without additional options is used to defrost and give the product the required temperature. Devices equipped only with this option will be a great addition to existing kitchen equipment. Such models are inexpensive.

Cooking food

Which company choose a microwave? The number of dishes and products that can be prepared at a time will depend on the design and size of the product. How to choose a microwave for a small family with an average budget? In this case, medium-sized devices are suitable. According to the consumers themselves, the best option is not a very large microwave with grill.

In this case, the products can not only be given the necessary temperature, but also completely cook some simple dish quickly enough. Such products are very popular with buyers. As for the manufacturer, the main preference is given to Whirlpool.For families of three to five people and for those who receive guests quite often, multifunctional devices are more suitable. Typically, such furnaces are larger than those described above.

In addition to heating elements, structures are equipped with forced blowing with hot air. As the consumers themselves say, such models completely replace the usual oven. These microwave ovens offer more sophisticated dishes. In this case, Sharp products are popular with customers. Some models are equipped with additional programs containing recipes. In this case, you can automatically set the execution of a specific option. But such models, respectively, are more expensive. In general, large multifunction devices are less in demand compared to medium and small ones. This is due to the high cost of the first.

which company choose a microwave

Chamber volume

Before choosing a microwave oven, you should decide on the number of products that are supposed to fit there. In the Russian market, models with a camera volume of 16 to 41 liters are presented. Which is the best microwave? In the chamber up to 19 liters, you can put one whole chicken.

This amount is enough to cook for 1-2 people. For families of 3-4 members, more spacious appliances are recommended. The optimal volume of the camera in this case is 23 liters. The largest models are suitable for families of 5-6 people and for those who often receive guests. As a rule, such consumers purchase products with a chamber volume of 23 to 41 liters. In them you can cook a turkey, goose or make a big cake for the holiday.

Cooking modes

These options are determined by the presence of additional devices and various heating options in the device. Forced airflow provides uniform temperature equalization within the entire chamber in the range of 40-250 degrees. This eliminates burning. Forced circulation, grill and microwave radiation in combination can significantly speed up the preparation, while ensuring the preservation of nutrients and taste of products. Models differ in the number and purpose of the modes. The devices use:

  1. Microwave radiation. It is designed to give the necessary temperature to baby food, milk, drinks in packages without foil. Radiation is used for defrosting and quick cooking of simple dishes, dietary ones, including brewing coffee or tea, boiling water.
  2. Grill. This option, as mentioned above, is used to create a crisp.
  3. Forced airflow. With its help, food is heated and baked using foil or metal utensils, steamed food is cooked in specially designed utensils (not with microwave radiation).
  4. Microwave radiation and grill. This mode is used for cooking meat dishes.
  5. Microwave, grill and forced airflow. This mode is intended for the preparation of more complex and dietary dishes. It is also used to dry greens. Using this mode, vegetables are also cooked in their own juice.

Depending on the tasks, you can choose what kind of microwave oven.


With superfrequency radiation, ten levels are provided. How to choose a microwave oven by power? Each level corresponds to the task:

  1. Minimum (low). This level is about 10% of the total (full) power. It is used to maintain a certain temperature in the dish and to heat food.
  2. "Below the average". This level will be about 25% of the total capacity. Use it when defrosting, heating and cooking simple dishes.
  3. Average. This level will be about half the total power of the device. It is used in the preparation of meat or fish dishes, as well as soups.
  4. "Above the average". This level will be about 70%. It is used in the preparation and heating of poultry dishes.
  5. "Tall".It is 100% power. This level is used in the preparation of drinks, sauces, fruits or vegetables.

Rated power in W:

  1. When using a toaster - 850.
  2. For grill - 800-1515.
  3. For convection heating with a fan - 1350-2000.
  4. With microwave radiation - 750-1100.

It should be remembered that the greater the weight of the product, the more time will be required for it.

Hygienic qualities

Speaking about how to choose the right microwave oven, it should be said about the material of the inner coating in the chamber. It affects the complexity of cleaning and hygienic qualities of the product. As a rule, a special enamel or powder coating is used as the material. Such materials are easy to clean. On the question of how to choose a microwave oven, consumer reviews are of no small importance.

Customers speak positively about ceramic coating. This material lends itself well to washing. The only drawback of the coating is its fragility - when it is mechanically damaged, it cracks. But, as practice shows, strikes are unlikely. Stainless steel has good durability. But, according to consumers, in this case it is difficult to preserve the shine in the chamber, despite the fact that the material is easy to clean and can withstand a wide variety of temperatures.

 choose microwave power


You can facilitate the removal of fat with the help of a "steam bath". To do this, put a glass jar or a glass of water in the chamber and boil for five minutes. Under the influence of steam, fat softens, after which the contaminants are washed off much more easily. It is recommended to keep the container of water in the chamber constantly, in order to avoid overheating of the magnetron.


When deciding how to choose the right microwave oven, special attention should be paid to utensils. It affects not only convenience, but also the complexity of the cooking process. For products that use microwave radiation, suitable dishes made of dielectric materials. These include, in particular, ordinary ceramics and porcelain (without rims and patterns that are applied with paints containing metal), as well as heat-resistant glass.

The most convenient way, as consumers themselves say, is to purchase special sets of dishes. As a rule, they contain several items that allow you to cook various dishes. All dishes should have a steam outlet. Do not use hermetically sealed objects. Various microwave ovens are also available. One of these are the grilles. They are used in products equipped with a grill. It is convenient to use gratings of various heights. Multilevel shelves allow you to cook or heat several dishes at once on various plates for guests or family members. In this case, food is served immediately to everyone.


When deciding how to choose a good microwave, you need to pay attention to the devices with which the products are equipped. As a rule, electronic systems with touch or push-button inclusion of modes are used. Designs are also equipped with digital displays. Some models use electromechanical control. It is notable for its cheapness and reliability.

In addition, such systems are safer for children. For older people, ease of use is most attractive. The fewer buttons on the device, the easier it is to master control. A wider range of options is provided by the electronic system. It can be push-button or touch. In the latter case, the sensors are started with a light touch. It should be noted that touch control is more sensitive to voltage drops.


This item displays information about the processes that occur in the camera. Special operating indicators signal operating modes and switching on. The moment of the beginning and end of the process is fixed by the time relay. It can be presented in the form of a digital electronic display or a conventional clockwork.Some products have an interactive mode.


This indicator is influenced by several points. The noise level is determined by the quality of the product, the design of the nodes, the location of the device. In addition, it depends on the fans and the size of the camera. As a rule, the noise slightly exceeds the sound of the refrigerator, but it does not cause any special problems, since the furnace works for a short time.

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Reason for complaint
Irina Rodionova
Each mistress has her own taste. I chose a microwave for a long time. I wanted a nice powerful model. So that she cooks and fries and bakes. Plus, I wanted something beautiful. And I found such a model, most recently the Dauken XO800 microwave oven entered the market! Girls I fell in love with her at first sight. The highlight is that the mirrored front panel! I haven’t seen such a thing, neither from my friends, nor from my neighbors. It is quiet. Just the other day, a duck was baking in it. In the stove, you put it on how much, for about 2-3 hours. But in my new stove it was baked in 1.5 hours. I also really liked that it has 14 built-in programs.


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