
How to choose sunglasses? Manufacturers Tricks

A modern person hardly imagines his appearance without sunglasses, especially in the hot season. Spring and summer - these are two basic, as it seems at first glance, periods when it is simply necessary to wear them.

But it is worth noting that not all accessories of this kind fulfill their functions one hundred percent. What sunglasses to choose so as not to miscalculate?


It would seem that the primary thing that should be wearing glasses is the dimming, so that we do not squint, looking at the bright rays of the sun. But it turns out that this is not so at all. Quality sunglasses perform much more functions than we think. Let's consider them in more detail.

how to choose sunglasses

How to choose sunglasses so that they really benefit our eyes? It should be borne in mind that the main criterion is far from a low price or brand. After all, the most important thing is that this accessory protects your eyes.

As for the most important function of sunglasses, they, firstly, must protect the cornea of ​​the eyes from ultraviolet radiation and direct sunlight.

Secondly, another plus is the protection against dust and dust in the organs of vision in windy weather. This is especially noticeable when resting on the sandy beaches of the hot coasts, when, with the slightest wind, the specks strive to get into unprotected eyes.

Thirdly, sunglasses can advantageously emphasize the dignity of your face and hide imperfections. The main thing is to choose the right shape and frame, but more on that later.

Suitable lenses

The first and most important thing in sunglasses is the lenses. It is they who perform the very protective function. Almost 90% of the market is represented by accessories with plastic lenses, and only a small fraction falls on products with glass lenses. How to choose the right sunglasses? And which is better - glass or plastic?

Most glasses with plastic lenses do not protect against ultraviolet radiation. Only a small fraction of such products really cope with this function.

Decent accessories are usually produced by well-known companies, sold in company stores and are not cheap. In terms of quality, they stand a level higher than similar products on the market.

As for glasses with glass lenses, they completely protect the eyes from the harmful effects of the sun. Even if you choose an accessory with almost unshaded glass, it will not pass ultraviolet light, thereby protecting your cornea from burns.

Pluses of products with plastic lenses

How to choose sunglasses with plastic lenses? Firstly, it is worth paying attention to the availability of certificates and technical characteristics of the goods. In particular, plastic lenses must be treated with special means and applied to them with special darkening films that will not only reduce the effect of sunlight on the eyes, but also protect them from ultraviolet radiation. Some manufacturers cover products with water repellents, and also use special technologies to prevent scratches.

As for the advantages of such lenses, it is worth noting that they are much safer than glass, since in the event of a fall or damage they do not break into hundreds of small fragments that can injure the eye and sensitive skin around it. Thus, sunglasses with plastic lenses can be worn by children and drivers, because the risk of damage to the lenses is very high.Also pay attention to the fact that such glasses are much lighter and more practical, in particular, they do not fog up so much and they are not affected by temperature changes.

Cons of products with plastic lenses

If we consider the shortcomings, the first and main - this is a low degree of protection against sunlight, especially for low-cost market products. Also, plastic accessories are very easily scratched, therefore, it is not recommended to transport them without a special cover. Another disadvantage is that when exposed to high temperature, the plastic may deform.

Advantages of Glass Lens Accessories

How to choose sunglasses with glass lenses? For a complete answer to this question, it is worth figuring out whether such products have advantages over plastic ones.

An undoubted advantage of glass lenses is a high degree of protection against sunlight and ultraviolet radiation. Firstly, choosing such glasses, you can not worry about the health of your eyes. Secondly, acquiring glass lenses, you can be sure of their reliability, since such products do not scratch or deform.

Disadvantages of Glass Lens Accessories

Of the negative points, it is worth paying attention to the fragility of glass lenses. If damaged by a splinter, you can get injured. Such glasses are not recommended for people involved in active sports, drivers and children.

General requirements

First of all, pay attention to build quality. The frame and temples of the glasses should be made of high quality material without any defects.

Especially serious is the degree of protection against harmful factors. In particular, pay attention to such tricks of the manufacturer as special marking on the label. There are three types of products - cosmetic, universal and special glasses.

how to choose the size of sunglasses

Cosmetic glasses (marking Cosmetic) practically do not protect from the sun. Use them only in those days when there are no scorching rays. Universal (marking - General) are suitable for daily use, perfectly prevent the harmful effects of sun exposure. Such products are considered the most suitable for residents of large cities. Special (marking - High UV-protection) glasses - the most reliable protection for your eyes. A great option for travel and recreation, since near the ponds or snow surface, the sun's rays are most active.

Determined with a suitable shape and frame

How to choose the shape of sunglasses so that this accessory fits perfectly to your image and face shape? Consider below. Remember that it is equally important to choose the right frame so that it harmonizes with the color of the skin and hair.

Blondes are perfect frames of green, black and blue. Brunettes are preferable to choose frames in bright colors - silver, gray or golden. For girls with red hair color, it is best to stay on blue, lilac or light green.how to choose men's sunglasses

How to choose the size of the sunglasses so that they fit perfectly? It all depends on some individual characteristics.

For example, girls with a square face shape should give preference to glasses with rounded lenses and a thin frame.

For owners of a rectangular face, the ideal option would be massive products with a thick rim of dark tones.

But for a triangular face shape, glasses with oval-shaped lenses with a thin metal frame are best suited. How to choose men's sunglasses? Everything is very simple: the criteria are the same as for women. It is equally important that this indispensable accessory is to your liking. Enjoy the shopping!

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