
How to write a dead person out of an apartment: documents, procedure

Sooner or later, many will think about how to write out a dead person from the apartment. Such an event is far from being the most positive, but it is taking place. Unfortunately, there is no escape from him. Situations are different. And so it is necessary to deal with the discharge of the deceased from the moment of death. Otherwise, you can pay huge bills for housing. After all, if you do not know how to write out a deceased person from an apartment, no one will automatically remove it from payment cards and receipts for housing and communal services. For the management company, such a person is considered alive until appropriate action. Moreover, living in a particular territory. So let's try to figure out our today's question.how to discharge from the apartment of the deceased

Is it necessary?

Despite all of the above, some ask themselves the question: is it really necessary to deal with the discharge of a person from an apartment who is no longer in the living world? The answer is unequivocal: yes. And not only because of the bills for the apartment.

Why else? For example, if you forget about everything and don’t think about how to write a dead person out of the apartment, you may be punished. For the presence of "dead souls" on the living space. According to the law, all non-residents at the place of registration must be discharged. And even more so when it comes to the departed.

Whom to do?

The discharge of the deceased from the apartment is not the most difficult, but also not a particularly simple process. The first thing to know is who should organize this action. After all, strangers do not have such a right. And it is right.

In short, the close relatives of the deceased should think about how to discharge the deceased person from the apartment. If they are not - roommates. In any case, far from strangers. It rarely happens that the deceased has absolutely, absolutely no one among relatives. Any heir or interested person with blood ties is located.

As you can see, so far there is nothing difficult or special. Everything is pretty simple. Relatives and the family of the deceased are engaged in his discharge from the apartment and all other issues related to this event. Where to start? How to organize the process so that there are no problems? Where to go?how to write a dead person out of an apartment

Fact of death

Suppose someone died in your family, and now he needs to be discharged from the living space. No matter how strange it may sound, but before the start of concrete actions, it is necessary to confirm the fact of death. In this case, one document will help. It is called a death certificate. And you must receive it without fail.

If you don’t have such paper, you can safely forget about the idea, right up to receipt. After all, the order of discharge from the apartment of the deceased necessarily involves confirmation of the fact of death. Without this, the task cannot be completed. Everything should be legally valid and evidence.

Get a certificate

A little about how you can get a death certificate of a person. As soon as the doctors or the ambulance establish the fact of the death of the person, his relatives are given a certificate. It is the main document that is needed to obtain a death certificate. Sometimes a person may be presumed dead in court. Here you will be given a decision (order) of a forensic examination with a conclusion. Also a perfectly suitable solution.death certificate

As soon as you have the appropriate certificate in hand, take along the passport of the deceased, as well as all documents that can confirm your relationship with the deceased. Without them, as a rule, a death certificate is not issued.Now go to the registry office and let us know that you would like to receive proof of the death of a person. Present all documents and certificates, hand over the passport of the deceased to the authorities and wait. Certificate must be produced within 3 business days. Of course, from the moment of submission of the corresponding request. Do not be surprised that at the registry office you will be asked to give the passport of the deceased. So it should be - from there it is transferred to the FMS. You do not need to do this yourself.

Where to go?

And now we’ll figure out where to write the deceased out of the apartment. Practice shows that not all citizens are aware of which particular authority is dealing with this issue. Honestly, everything is quite simple here - the discharge occurs in the same place as the registration. We are talking about the FMS at the place where this or that person was registered.

This usually does not cause any problems. It is enough just to prepare correctly and collect a small list of documents. It will help to avoid many problems in the future during registration and discharge. You don’t really need to be scared - no one will be demanded of you from the mountains of papers after the death of a citizen. Perhaps the most difficult thing here is to wait for your turn in the right window. Or get a death certificate from distant relatives. Relationship is sometimes very difficult to confirm.

What to take with you?

So, how to write out the deceased from the apartment? It has already turned out that the first thing you need to get a certificate in the registry office, confirming the fact of death of a person. If earlier for some reason you did not accept the passport of the deceased in the appropriate authority, you will have to take it to the FMS. The phenomenon is rare, but it occurs from time to time.where to write the deceased from the apartment

What else? For example, you will need your own ID. Any document with a photo will do, but it’s better if it turns out to be a passport. Especially if you are registered on the same living space as the deceased. In some cases, you may need documents on the ownership of the apartment, as well as extracts confirming the registration of a person. This is optional, but it is advisable to carry with you. Indeed, recently people have often been asked for documents that are not on the main list.

All is ready? Then we go to the FMS and write the corresponding application for the discharge of a person. Do not forget to attach all the documents you have to carry out the task. It is advisable to copy them and give, and the originals will remain with you. That's all, now we can only wait. After some time, the person will be discharged from the apartment.

Management Company

True, adventures in various instances are not over yet. It’s already clear what documents are required from us for an extract. Moreover, it is not a secret how exactly the idea can be implemented. But after you contacted the FMS, you will have to run a little more. Why?

For example, due to utility bills. Writing out a person is one thing. And to recalculate payments for utilities - completely different. Now very often it is necessary to go to the management company on your own after the FMS in order to solve this problem.order of discharge from the apartment

How exactly is this done? You need to bring your passport with you, as well as documents confirming your kinship with the deceased (it is better to always carry them with you until all issues are resolved). Do not forget the death certificate. If it is lost, pre-pay the state duty in the registry office and restore the document. Without it, you can’t bring the idea to life.

Now all that remains is to contact the management company (in most cases, to the accounting department or passport office, it is better to find out in one organization or another in advance) and ask for the payment documents to be recounted. For the dead they will check the debt. If you have one, you will have to pay it somehow. As a rule, the one who organizes the discharge of the deceased from the apartment does this. No more debts? In this case, you can just wait.Usually, bills for the next month come as amended. Nothing special or supernatural, right?

how to get out of a municipal apartment

Advice for owners

From now on, it is clear how to discharge one or another deceased from the municipal apartment. True, there is another feature in this matter. Housing may be privatized. And to be honest, practice shows that it’s better not to do discharge very quickly.

Why? Lawyers advise to wait until the end term of entry into the inheritance. At the moment it is 6 months. To avoid any problems, just contact the management company to recalculate all utility bills. This is an optional rule, but it exists behind the scenes. In any case, this will eliminate possible misunderstandings between people. Consider this fact.

To summarize

Now it’s clear how to discharge the deceased from the apartment. From the foregoing, we can conclude - with the proper organization of the process, everything will happen quickly and without unnecessary problems.what are the documents for discharge

When it comes to a municipal apartment, you can immediately deal with discharge. But in the presence of housing in the property do not rush. Wait for everyone to inherit. This will protect you from unnecessary misunderstanding. As you can see, not everything is as difficult as it might seem at first glance. In any case, if you try, you can arrange an extract as soon as possible. Now it’s clear how to get the deceased out of the apartment.

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