
How to make money with Google Adsense. Earning on contextual advertising from A to Z

 how to make money with google adsense

Nowadays, more and more people are interested in how to make money with Google AdSense. Many are attracted by the opportunity to earn income from sites created.

What is Google AdSense? This is a great option to monetize traffic! With it, you can make decent money, as resource owners are allowed to advertise their sites on the query results page. Ads of this kind are located above or to the right of the natural results. Advertisers are willing to pay money for every click on ads of this plan.

Real earnings

If you consider yourself among those people who do not want to constantly invest in maintaining their own site, you need to carefully understand how to make money with Google AdSense. Thus, you will not only return the investment, but also hear the ringing of real coins.

The fee credited to your account for each click depends on how many advertisers pay Google for a particular ad. The fraction of this amount that will fall into your account can be from two cents to fourteen dollars. As a rule, it is very rare to get something more than one dollar, but do not despair.

Over time, you will realize that earning from lower rates is also quite possible due to large volumes. How much exactly can you earn, hardly anyone will answer you. It all depends on the specific situation. The only thing that can be identified are certain areas that are more monetary. Among them are high-frequency queries, including the words "real estate", "auto" and "earn."

Millions of users are interested in these topics, but it will not be so easy for a newcomer to break through them because of fierce competition. For starters, it's best to choose topics for which queries are low-frequency. You will have your own audience even in this case.

Important point

How to make decent money with Google AdSense? To succeed, you need to take into account such an indicator as the targeting of traffic attracted to your site. It is equally important that the thematic focus of the resource coincides with the interests of the target audience, and the advertisement is placed thoughtfully.

Experienced people in this field advise you to create a website about what you are good at. If the project will be of real interest to you, consider that you are halfway to success.

Website creation

The more content you have, the greater the chance of successful development. How to make decent money with Google AdSense? To do this, it is not enough to launch a site with ten pages of articles. Get ready to work hard and hard.

First you need to register a domain name. After that, hosting is purchased and the site is directly filled with articles. It is important to decide whether your resource will be static or in the form of a blog.

Web hosting will provide great opportunities for placing a site, but they will not teach you how to make money on contextual advertising. To achieve success, you need to understand all the subtleties of website promotion and optimization for search engines (this will help attract much-needed traffic). Working with Google AdSense will require patience, perseverance and attention.

Secrets of Success

  • You will not be able to secure stable earnings on contextual advertising with insufficient traffic. At first, all efforts must be directed to increase this indicator.
  • Do not be afraid to experiment with the design: work on color schemes, ad sizes, images.In most cases, ads are highlighted in a different color to emphasize them, but this does not always bear fruit. Making money on contextual advertising is your goal, but try to make the ads not so flashy, let them be in tones close to the main color background. It’s best to place them on the left side of the page. Try to make the advertisement visible on the first screen of the monitor, that is, so that the user does not need to scroll the page to view it.
  • Create channels. This will help you sort out which units function best. So, if you insert a block from AdSense into the site header, create a channel with a specific name. You will have the opportunity to monitor the performance of ads through the reporting system.

To attract the maximum number of advertisers, it is important to increase the site’s CTR. If you have channels created, you can delete blocks with unsatisfactory results based on statistics.

  • Do not opt ​​for free hosting. One day your site may be deleted without explanation. You will not be able to get any clarification on this. If you are not a full-fledged host of your site, then you are unlikely to own your income either.

Why doesn’t it work?

Let's see how to get richer with Google AdSense. How much can you earn if you make gross mistakes in creating and promoting the site? Answer: a penny. Here is what can pull you to the bottom:

  • Not enough traffic. If your resource attracts less than five hundred visitors per day, then earnings on contextual advertising will be scanty. As a rule, only 1-2% of users who are interested in your site click on ads. Since each click brings, as a rule, less than one dollar, it is obvious that the more traffic, the more chances to earn.
  • Lack of relevance of displayed ads. For example, if diapers are advertised on your car website, someone is unlikely to be interested in it. Keep in mind that it will be very difficult for Google to pick up the relevant ad for a post consisting of several sentences and pictures.

Site does not pass verification

In most cases, Google AdSense does not miss a resource because of its low content. We recommend publishing at least twenty pages, with the content centered around one topic. The minimum length of an article is 700 words. Pay particular attention to the grammar and structure of the material - Google does not like sites on which nothing can be understood.

Reasons for blocking

You can get banned if Google suspects that traffic is being scammed. In this case, your account will be immediately deactivated in order to protect the money of advertisers. Previously, blocking was carried out only after fixing and confirming dishonest clicks. At present, you can be banned even when the company only anticipates a possible threat. How the potential risk is determined is not known to anyone.


  • It is not recommended to advertise on a newly created site. Wait until the resource will attract at least one hundred and fifty visitors a day.
  • Do not post a lot of ads after the headline. One will be enough.
  • Before starting cooperation with Google AdSense, connect the Yandex.Metrica option to your resource. The tool, called the “Heat Map of the Site”, will allow you to determine the “hottest” points of a resource. It is in these places that you need to place ads.
  • One cannot regularly click on advertising banners; account blocking in this case cannot be avoided. Do not rejoice in vain if for a while Google will not pay attention to it.
  • Do not be discouraged if you earned one and a half dollars yesterday, and today - 17 cents. Success is sure to come, the main thing is to make efforts to it.

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