
What documents are needed for a Schengen visa? What is needed to get this document?

Documents for a Schengen visa are to be collected for every person who is going to go abroad. Without a stamp in your passport, you won’t manage to go to Europe. So all European travelers will have to go through this lengthy and not entirely problem-free procedure.

documents for a Schengen visa

For a short stay

So, for a tourist visit it is necessary to submit such documents for a Schengen visa, which every person has. Firstly, this is a civil passport. Secondly - overseas. You will also need two color photographs measuring 3.5 x 4.5 centimeters. Plus, there is a questionnaire filled out according to all standards. In the form, the data must be indicated in the language of the country where the trip is planned, and in your own native language. Also required are copies of the pages of a civil and foreign passport. It is important that these documents are valid for another three months after the visa expires.

Confirmation of your financial solvency (credit card or account statement) is also required. Also, the consulate must be sure that the tourist has a place to live (you need to print a confirmation of the hotel room reservation), as well as that he will return home (tickets to one and the other should be presented). Be sure to present insurance for 30,000 euros. Certificate of employment also needed (necessarily the original). In general, these are all documents for a Schengen visa. In general, you need to call the consulate in advance and find out everything, but rather, come there to meet to clarify all the issues.

Information for minor travelers

If the person applying for a visa is a minor, something else will need to be presented here. But only if he goes on a trip himself or with one of his parents. And this is the written agreement of the guardian / parent (s) for the child’s journey. The rest is the same. Only instead of a certificate of employment, you will have to bring a document proving that the child is studying somewhere. This is not just a reference. This is also proof that the traveler is not going to stay in the country where he intends to go.

documents for a Schengen visa

Schengen visa: what documents are needed to obtain a stamp to citizens of other states?

So, there is one more point that should be specified. The question concerns which documents for a Schengen visa must be presented to the consulate to persons who are not citizens of the Russian Federation. Such cases are frequent - when a person who has arrived in Russia from another country and has been living there for a long time intends to go somewhere, but he does not have the opportunity to deal with visa issues in his homeland. In this case, he will have to provide a Russian visa (this document allows you to return to Russia) or a residence permit. You will also need registration, which will be valid for another three months, starting from the moment the trip ends. And just like the rest of the people, it will be necessary to provide the same package of documents that was mentioned above.

 What documents for a Schengen visa

For invitational rides

Now we should talk about what documents for obtaining a Schengen visa are needed if it is possible to receive an invitation to come from the country where the trip is planned. First, you will need everything that was mentioned above. Secondly - an official invitation, both a copy and an original. Thirdly, an invitation in the form of a letter.It should contain the following information: name, surname, patronymic, phone number and address of the person who acts as the inviter. It is also mandatory to indicate the same data, but already invited. Also in this document it is necessary to specify the time, place and date of the trip.

But that is not all. Be sure to indicate which relation degree have an inviter and his potential guest. If they are not relatives, then it is necessary to confirm the fact that they have ever seen each other in reality. The letter should contain information about who will take responsibility for the financial costs associated with the trip. And, of course, the invitation must be notarized.

Schengen visa what documents are needed

Visa Application Methods

Speaking about what documents are needed to get a Schengen visa, there are several ways to get this document, which gives a way to the European Union countries. In general, there are two of them. The first is through the consulate. Then the visa will cost 35 euros (this is the amount of the consular fee). The second way is to contact an agency or visa center.

Obtaining this document there will cost more, and much more. However, there are some advantages. It will not be necessary to collect documents for a Schengen visa on their own (specialists will do this), and it is unlikely that they will have to refuse a visa (agency professionals know a lot about their business and therefore take a lot of money for work). In general - almost no hassle. But a lot of cash costs. In general, it is an individual matter. And already everyone decides which method is better to choose.

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