
What will be the cars of the future

The automotive world is full of talks about the transport of the future, however, as a rule, these conversations are not specific. Let's figure out what will be the cars of the near future, and what is their cardinal difference from modern models. The subject of discussion will be the numerous conceptual developments of companies that determine fashion in the field of innovative automotive industry.

Cars of the future

General information

In the coming years, the automotive market will develop based on the following areas:

  1. Fuel economy.
  2. Environmental friendliness.
  3. The increase in the usable space of the cabin.
  4. Increased security.
  5. Solving the problems of lack of space on the roads.
  6. Development of unmanned systems.

Technology change

The primary issue that engineers from around the world pore over has been and remains a question of the environmental friendliness of the motor. Today they are trying to solve it with the help of lightening the body, increasing the power of the motor while reducing its volume, installing hybrid power plants and electric motors. This to some extent allows us to reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, but cars of the future will have more productive technologies. In the end, you can completely get rid of the use of gasoline, gas and diesel fuel. It’s no secret to anyone that an electric car is the car of the future.

The main ideas of the developers of the best world car concerns in the field of environmental friendliness can be expressed by the following points:

  1. Work on the development of turbines that increase engine power by 1 liter of volume.
  2. Designing renewable engine options.
  3. The development of power supplies for electric vehicles, the disposal of which would not be so harmful.
  4. Improving technology and creating new ideas for saving and recovering energy in the car.

The car of the future, what will it be

Energy recovery and other innovations

A few years ago, motorists heard about the development of systems that recover energy during braking. Today, such a function is already found in some machines. Interestingly, they include not only electric vehicles. Recovery energy is supplied directly to the battery. In addition, cars of the future will have technologies that reduce rolling resistance and optimize torque.

Bitter Realities

While oil is being extracted, refined and sold on the planet, the development of alternative energy sources will be oppressed. Therefore, in the near future, machine manufacturers are unlikely to please us with innovative technologies in the field of environmentally friendly power plants.

Flying cars of the future

Another problem faced by car developers is the catastrophic lack of space on the roads. Of course, this problem does not concern residents of villages and small towns. But in megacities every day people are faced with traffic jams and too heavy traffic.

The first solution to this problem that comes to mind is to make cars more compact. But this will only help for a while, until the number of cars grows. Therefore, today the development of flying cars is absolutely serious. Consider the most interesting concepts that engineers of leading world companies are currently working on:

  1. Volkswagen Hover Car. This is more likely not a concept, but an idea for the near future. This car will travel through the air in electromagnetic measurements, with the support of a magnetic field. According to physicists, the creation of such a vehicle will not be too difficult.
  2. SkyCar-M400. This is a unique model that will be equipped with four turbines.Changing the direction of their work, it will be possible to move in any direction.
  3. Terrafugia Transition. Car-plane, the sale of which will begin soon. The problem is that for takeoff he needs half a kilometer of the runway.
  4. Pal-V One. This model is a helicopter car that takes off with a slight acceleration. The idea is very interesting, but not practical, as it carries a lot of dangers.

Cars of the near future

Why flying cars will not appear on the streets soon

The main problem that awaits the creators of flying cars is the lack of a legislative framework for registration and serial production of models. There is still no country in which there would be laws that allow you to fly in cars. To create such laws, a great deal of work needs to be done to develop rules, regulate and ensure safety. In addition, for flying cars you need to adjust the architecture of cities, and this is a huge cost.

Of course, flying cars of the future can solve the problem of traffic jams, but it will take a lot of time and money to implement this project. And besides, environmentally friendly motors of such machines will also have to work hard.

Unmanned cars

Today, few people can be surprised to say that a car can independently move and park. Modern technologies allow not only to alleviate the fate of the driver, but also save on fuel well, because the “smart” car knows better how to distribute the load on the motor so that it consumes as little as possible. Cars have already learned to track traffic conditions and markings, but this is only the beginning. In the future, cars will be able to drive independently. The owner will only need to set a route.

Cars of the future photo

Unmanned cars will help streamline the urban movement, because they will be impartial and tolerant. But there is a negative side to the issue. More precisely, the difficulty, the solution of which will require no less money than the creation of a smart "machine". The fact is that with the advent of unmanned vehicles, the contingent of drivers will increase significantly. Pensioners, children and people with disabilities. In addition, according to experts, in many families one unmanned vehicle will take turns delivering all family members for personal reasons. Thus, traffic congestion and emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere will increase significantly.

The car of the future as it will be externally

Auto manufacturers strive for excellence in all manifestations, so the appearance of the cars of the future will change dramatically. Design has changed dramatically over the past decades, but the fun part is yet to come. Cars of the future, photos of which cause conflicting impressions, are completely different from their "ancestors." Note the key strategies that designers will rely on in the future:

  1. Increased technology productivity in the cabin.
  2. Design designed for several years of operation. The practicality and long-term use of the car will have to be forgotten.
  3. Partial, and then full personalization of the appearance of the machine.

Flying cars of the future

Years will pass and we will be able to purchase a universal color car. Coloring and patterns will change directly from your mobile phone. Toyota is already working on such a concept. There are many ideas for creating a changing car appearance, but all of them are expensive.


Having analyzed all the key trends in the automotive industry of the future, we can conclude that only with an integrated approach can you create a vehicle that allows you to safely and comfortably travel, as well as protect nature. Today we see that over several decades the technological component of machines has changed slightly. So, it’s not at all that the ideal cars will drive through the streets.

Electric car is the car of the future

Cars of the future enter our lives slowly.This is due to the fact that their development requires a lot of money and is in every way inhibited by representatives of the oil business.

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