
Classification of accidents. Reasons and significance

What is an accident, is it possible to prevent it? As practice shows, answering these questions is not always easy, given the variety of such phenomena and, most importantly, their prevalence. The classification of accidents is clearly regulated, in some aspects even by law, and fully reflects all possible options for the occurrence of these events, which, accordingly, makes it possible to correctly evaluate them.

accident classification

Accident concept

Everyday life, extreme situations, production conditions - all these are the moments that give rise to many unexpected situations, both positive and negative. One general concept that characterizes such options is accidents. They are understood as unforeseen events, circumstances that did not depend on the persons affected by them, that is, what happens not as a result of the actions of people.

Of course, the definition is quite generalized. Too many accidents can be such events. That is why there is one significant sign of accidents. When they occur, there must necessarily be serious injuries or even the death of a person, that is, someone always suffers from this not only mentally, but also physically. All this distinguishes unforeseen circumstances, determining their essence.

Accident classification

There are many options where and how a person suffers from certain events. However, theorists took this issue very seriously and revealed a number of different kinds of groups. So, the classification of accidents implies three independent groups, which have fundamental differences by the nature of their origin.

industrial accident classification

The first option is an industrial accident. A classification of such phenomena is also present, but this is the most specific and particular process, not deprived of the attention of theorists and practitioners. The second category is accidents at work. It is important to distinguish from the first option, since here we are talking about the performance of any state or public duties.

Separately, it should be noted the third group, which occurs most often. It circumvents even industrial accidents and is associated with everyday life. People often find themselves in unpleasant situations in everyday life. So, domestic accidents - all those unforeseen events that happen outside of work and enterprise.

Industrial accident: classification

This group always attracts a lot of attention. This phenomenon is represented by unforeseen events, as in any other type of accident. However, at the same time they have one very important specific feature, which distinguishes this group from the other two. This sign is the fact that everything happens in production, and not in other conditions, and classification is also distinguished from this.

accident classification reasons

Industrial accidents are divided into groups on the basis of what actions are taken and when. That is, we can say that this category has two subspecies: the first is accidents in the process of direct production with the participation of both workers and the employer. The second subtype is the exercise of other powers not directly related to production. The difference is insignificant, but can be clearly seen in practice.

Causes of accidents

Why are people at risk, regardless of their desire? Of course, unforeseen events are called so because their appearance is absolutely unexpected and uncontrollable, this affects every category that accidents classification distinguishes. The reasons for these phenomena are actually quite simple and, depending on the species, also have division.

accident classification

So what influences insurmountable, unforeseen situations? The classification of the causes of an accident defines the following types: traffic accidents, a fall from a height, the collapse of any objects or even buildings, exposure to electric current, physical overload, smoke, fire, high temperatures, drowning, and, of course, emergency situations. All of the above are the main types of causes that cause accidents in any of the categories.

The value of identifying and preventing all categories of accidents

Human life is the highest value in society. Work, life, hobbies and leisure - all this can have both positive and negative aspects. It is especially terrible when undesirable consequences occur. The classification of accidents helps to understand in which areas of life people can face danger, and knowing their causes helps even prevent those phenomena that at least give in to this. If you properly study this issue, then there is the opportunity to protect as many people as possible and teach society to take the right measures for this.

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