
Forensic examination of a car: what you need to know

A forensic examination of a car is carried out before purchasing a used car. This allows buyers to protect themselves from forensic activities. Thus, you can be completely sure that you will not lose money in the event that they try to sell you, for example, a stolen car or with broken car body numbers.

forensic examination

What is being checked?

Forensic forensics involves checking a car:

  • on various bases: Interpol, GKT and traffic police;
  • for any emergency cases (if issued);
  • for crime, including before applying for a loan;
  • mandatory verification of the authenticity of absolutely all registration documents, as well as numbering units.

forensic examination of a car

Contacting the traffic police service makes it possible to avoid the purchase of a stolen car, and the forensic examination of a car makes it possible to verify that the vehicle you are purchasing is not a double, its numbers are not adjusted to certain documents, which means that the car will not be confiscated during registration or when checking on the road. From all of the above, we can say with full confidence that this is the best, accurate and effective option that allows you to protect yourself.

What is a VIN code?

As already mentioned, in the process of carrying out such a procedure, experts primarily check the authenticity and correctness of the markings registration documents, dates of production of the car. This is the main purpose of forensic expertise. After a legal audit is carried out, an appropriate certificate of inspection of the marking of the vehicle is issued.

It is worth noting that each car has its own unique VIN code, which is checked first of all on all bases: who owns it, whether the car is stolen, whether it is searched for or not, whether the data in the documents and databases of the State traffic inspectorate match. If the car is registered, then the check is carried out by state. number. In the event that the car is deregistered, it is checked by the old state and transit number, as well as the unique code of the unit, the number and series of the car passport are checked. This is the forensic examination of the car, or rather, its main principles of action.

Why do I need loan information?

At the moment, the forensic examination of the car includes checking the car for a deposit as a loan. This is an important factor, because often many scammers offer to buy cars that were taken on credit. There is still no appropriate base in our country because of certain amendments to the legislation. Check this is possible only with the written consent of the car owner.

The main problem is that after the sale of a mortgaged vehicle, banks almost always immediately pick it up, and the transaction is considered invalid. To make matters worse, finding the previous owner of the car is incredibly difficult, which means it’s almost impossible to sue him. The only correct and effective solution in this case is to check the credit history of the owner of the purchased car, and not check the credit of the car.

How mandatory is the procedure?

The forensic examination of a car before buying is far from the main requirement. So, registering a car is a mandatory and necessary procedure when purchasing any vehicle in our country. This is the only way to ensure that car owners are fully legally operating the car.This makes it possible to constantly maintain an accurate database of all vehicles in the country and conduct the correct tax calculations.

forensic examination of a car

If the car is not registered, then it can not be registered in the traffic police. That is why the timing and quality of this procedure affects when you can move around in your car and whether you have to pay late fees. If the car was bought in another region, then the forensic examination of the car and its registration is carried out in the traffic police within 5 days after the procedure of customs clearance or purchase, or the time that the transit registration sign is valid.

What documents are needed?

Remember, forensic examination must be carried out when purchasing any machine. Only in this way will you protect yourself from many problems. Naturally, this procedure takes a lot of time, because you need to collect the relevant documents: confirmation of the vehicle owner, receipts for payment of taxes on cars and the cost of special signs, certificate of registration, state registration marks, technical passport (issued when registering a car), transit numbers (if any).

forensic examination

No less complicated is the procedure for registering a machine with the appropriate authorities. First you need to contact the traffic police and get detailed information about the information and documents you need. It should be understood that if you do not have enough of at least one document or it does not correspond to reality, then you will not be able to register the machine.

After all the documents are ready, you will receive an application form. In this case, the passage of MOT will be mandatory. If the car meets all the requirements, the car is registered and issued a technical passport to the owner in the passport office. Then you can go to the traffic police.

What is the result?

forensic examination of a car before buying

As you can see, the forensic examination of the car and its registration are quite difficult events, they take a lot of time, but you just can not do without it. Naturally, you can fork out and turn to specialists in resolving this issue - you can do your own thing, and all the work will be done by qualified employees of the respective companies. But in any case, the forensic examination of a car before buying is simply indispensable and you cannot do without it, especially if you do not want to fall for the scammers.

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