
Mayer Marissa: The Moon Chronicles Book Series

The works of Marissa Mayer allow us to see in a new way fairy tales, known from childhood. Cinderella, Rapunzel, Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood ... The fate of these heroines is very different. Girls who have grown up in a fantasy world full of cyborgs, aliens and spaceships have moral values ​​that help them fight for their happiness and love.

Writer Biography

Mayer Marissa was born on February 19, 1984 in Tacoma (state of Washington) and from childhood she wanted to be a writer. At the age of 14, the girl began to watch anime, and, inspired by what she saw, began to actively invent fan fiction about Sailor Moon. At the age of 16, Marissa began working - she worked as a waitress in a restaurant where her parents once met. The writer received a bachelor's degree in creative work and children's literature, and then a master's degree in the field of printing.

mayer marissa

She worked as an editor in a publishing house, and then became a freelancer - typing and updating the text, and at the same time creating her own stories. Periodically, Mayer Marissa sent her works to various competitions, and one of her stories was published in a collection of Gothic stories. But the real fame came to the writer after the publication of her first novel, The Moon Chronicles. Cinderella ”, which became a bestseller.

“The Moon Chronicles. Cinderella"

Mayer Marissa talks about the fate of 16-year-old Zola Lin, whose story is similar to the fairy tale "Cinderella". The main character was left without parents and ended up in a family with her stepmother, who does not love her. The reason for the bad attitude is that Zola is a cyborg. Due to an accident that occurred in early childhood, chrome grafts were implanted in her body. Now she has an electronic nervous system and a metal foot and arm.

marissa mayer

Residents of New Beijing are afraid of cyborgs and do not trust them, so Zola does not have the best life. Her only joy is work, because she is an excellent mechanic, and people from all over the city come to her to repair their equipment. The hostility of the stepmother, the disapproval of ordinary citizens - everything changes when Prince Kai himself comes to her to fix his android. Now Zola has to learn about the political intrigues of the Queen of the Moon, as well as deal with their own problems. After all, Prince Kai invites the girl to the ball, not even suspecting that she is a cyborg.

“The Moon Chronicles. Little Red Riding Hood"

The second book is intertwined with its plot with the tale of Charles Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”. Scarlett and her grandmother live on a farm and lead the most peaceful way of life, growing vegetables for sale and raising bees. But when an elderly woman disappears from home, her granddaughter realizes that this is an abduction. But the police do not believe the girl’s words, believing that the grandmother simply left home or even committed suicide in the forest. The stubborn Scarlett, who constantly wears her red jacket with a hood and a gun behind his belt, finds an assistant - a street fighter nicknamed Wolf. The strange guy with his secrets remains her only hope of saving her grandmother from the hands of the kidnappers and sorting out the secrets of her own family.

marissa mayer books

The book also shows the further fate of Ash, which is now considered one of the most dangerous criminals of the entire Eastern Commonwealth. After escaping from prison, she hides from the police in the stolen ship of Captain Thorne, who was sitting in the next cell. Now even Prince Kai is betraying her, because he promised to give Ash to the Queen of the Moon, knowing that the girl is facing the death penalty.

“The Moon Chronicles. Rapunzel »

The heroine from the Grimm Brothers fairy tales - a girl with very long hair - is introduced by Marissa Mayer into her Moon Chronicles.Rapunzel, whose name is Kress, has been imprisoned since childhood, but not in a tower, but on an orbiting satellite. Being enslaved by the Queen of the Moon, Rapunzel becomes an excellent hacker and a real computer genius. The girl is allocated very long hair, which has grown due to the absence of any cutting objects on the orbiting satellite. Spying on the inhabitants of the Earth on the orders of his guardian, Kress decides to participate in the fate of Prince Kai, sharing important information with him.

lunar chronicles marissa mayer rapunzel

Meanwhile, the political intrigue of the Queen of the Moon is yielding results - the young emperor is ready to marry her to help the inhabitants of his planet, although he still has sympathy for the cyborg girl. Zola Lin herself decides to start the fight against Queen Levana, to overthrow her from the throne and end the nightmare that she arranged on Earth.

“The Moon Chronicles. Snow White"

The tale of a girl suffering from an evil stepmother has become key to the new story created by Marissa Mayer. Snow White is a dark-skinned girl with black curls. From a young age, the stepdaughter of the lunar queen was famous for its beauty. Levana ordered her to disfigure her face in order to remain the most attractive woman. Now, young Winter has several scars on one side of her face, but this does not spoil her, but even adds attractiveness. The princess has not used her magic for a long time, which is why she sees everything differently than other people, but the guard Yasin is devoted to the girl and protects her safety.

Marissa Mayer Snow White

The four girls: Zola Lin, Scarlett, Cress and Winter join forces to save the world. Against Queen Levana, courage, courage and real blasters will be used. The heroines of old tales in the new reality are still fighting for their love, resist evil and defend good.

Other works of the author

Creating the universe of the Moon Chronicles, Mayer Marissa spoke about the fate of the main characters in short stories that were not included in the main books of the series. There are five stories that describe some of the characters in more detail.

Currently, the author is preparing to publish a new book - the novel "Heartless", which tells about the fate of the Queen of Hearts before she became a nightmare of Wonderland. Young Catherine must marry the King, but falls in love with another man. The girl wants to make a choice in favor of love, but fate has plans for her.

Marissa Mayer, whose books can drag into the fantasy world of the future with her head, shows real feelings, the confrontation between good and evil, courage and self-sacrifice, as well as a completely new vision of fairy-tale heroes.

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