
"National collection service." Professional collection of receivables

Collection services in the financial market are always in demand. This is primarily dictated by the peculiarities of activities in this area: if banks or any private companies are engaged in the issuance of loans, in any case they need to cooperate with an organization capable of establishing proper work with debtors. They are popularly called collectors, but in fact we are talking about various debt agencies and services for communicating with negligent borrowers.

In this article we will talk about one of these companies. This is “NSV” - “National Collection Service” - a professional in the field of “processing” of debtors. The agency works with people who, due to their financial capabilities, as well as for some own convictions, stop returning the loan.

About company

National collection service

To begin with, before characterizing this structure in more detail, I would like to provide some information on the company as a whole. Indeed, behind a name that resembles the name of a state institution, there is a private company. Nevertheless, she is a fairly strong player in the collection market.

The organization has been operating since 2005. As indicated on their official website, some foreign capital was invested in its creation. Since then, the right management and the most accurately selected activity strategies have allowed the company to become a leader in this field. The number of customers (more than 90 banks) confirm this.

However, again, as indicated on the NSV website, the National Collection Service operates in 83 regions (of which, however, representative offices can only be found in 72). The organization is part of various associations and associations whose key activity is the provision of debt collection services.


NSV National Collection Service

On the company’s page on the Internet, you can also find some of the goals that the “National Collection Service” strives for during its work. This is, first of all, the maximum reduction in the volume of overdue debts, obtaining such outsourcing from banks and credit communities for further servicing, improvement of financial indicators, purchase of so-called problem loan portfolios.

All this the company carries out with the help of a huge number of employees, using its 11 years of experience. Of course, to achieve its goals, the National Collection Service uses its own methods, which we will talk about a little further. In addition, we note the packages of services that are provided by the organization to other institutions.


So, the company conducts its activities in several areas at once, working with problem debtors at any stage: both pre-trial and trial. This is the main plus of the narrow profile of the company - the ability to break down the entire process into stages and work with debtors on a united front both in court and before it. True, we know a lot of stories and stories from the methods of such work from former customers of banks and other companies that did not repay the debt.

sell debt to collectors

Clients, partners

As representatives of the company indicate on the site, today about 90 large banks are working with it. This means that the agency has already formed a large portfolio of debts for them (contacts of people with whom collectors communicate).

In addition to banking institutions, the National Collection Service also serves telecom operators, housing and communal services providers, insurance companies, leasing institutions providing practical services, and large trading and manufacturing companies. All these business entities have problems with individual clients who do not repay debts, because of which the sale of the right to withdraw them is sold to the collection service.

Working methods

ooo nsv what kind of organization is this

In fact, many stories about collectors that come to people with threats and demand immediate repayment of the triple amount of debt often remain only stories and untruthful information circulated by debtors. In practice, the same “National Collection Service” operates in slightly different ways.

In particular, the specialist calls the debtor at the contacts indicated by the bank. First of all, he must inform that the right of assignment was acquired by their company from the bank. This means that the service is now a lender. Based on this fact, the company has the right to demand to pay off the debt as soon as possible. The debtor is given instructions on all the actions that await him. This is not necessarily a full repayment of the loan - you can agree with the institution, for example, on the extension of the debt, on its restructuring. Moreover, the client is given the right to choose how he would like to do in the future. That is, we conclude that the “National collection service” does not confront people with a specific fact, but rather demonstrates a fairly loyal and flexible approach.

Debtor Support

On the official website of the company there is a section devoted to information for people with debt. There, in more detail, all the steps that need to be taken if the collectors contacted you are described. As the information from it shows, it is much more profitable to make contact with representatives of the creditor than to avoid communicating with them or openly be rude. In the first case they can really help - they will offer you to postpone the due date or restructure the debt, reducing the amount of the final debt. In another option, most likely, you will have to meet with collectors in court, give a lot more money, and also compensate for legal costs.

Online chat

Here, they not only write instructions for debtors, but also offer to discuss with them the problems that arise during the work, directly with company representatives. Even if someone really receives threats from the company, you can quickly complain and, thus, calm down the caller collector a little.

ooo nsv

But, in general, it would be possible to discuss the loan issue in online mode much faster. Everyone can do this using a special chat on the site. Here, a person must indicate their contact details, as well as information about the loan agreement and the previous lender. Your question will be answered within a few hours (depending on workload). Suppose you do not have time or it is difficult for you to contact the representatives of the National Collection Service directly: you don’t know how to talk. In this case, you can write and receive a detailed answer in electronic form.

Repayment methods

Here, on the pages of their website, information is provided on how to pay off your debt. In fact, it is very simple and quite comfortable: the borrower himself can choose the way in which he will transfer the money. Here, in particular, the following options are listed: Qiwi and Eleksnet payment systems, money transfers through Russian Post, bank transfer. Please note that you need to send money in advance in order to prevent another delay and, therefore, not to get penalties from the company in relation to itself.


As noted above, NSV LLC has more than seven dozen offices throughout the country.Of course, we will not list their contact information here, since it will take an extremely long time. We only note that the main customer service center is, of course, in the capital: in the business center on Profsoyuznaya street 56, on the 10th floor. Phone by which you can clarify information on any issue: + 7 (495) 363-13-30. For people who have had an overdue loan or simply have outstanding debt, you need to call 8-800-775-80-40. Information on this number will be provided for them, again, on any issue.

national penal service how to talk

Reviews on the Internet

In order to understand how NSV LLC works, what kind of organization it is, it is necessary to study the recommendations of clients and partners. In truth, it is most likely that it will not be possible to find comments from banking institutions regarding their professional activities. But complaints from ordinary people who came across a collection bureau, we found. And they, as you know, are not the most flattering to the LLC "NSV".

What kind of organization this is, write those to whom its representatives call calling for the repayment of debts. As we understand, such calls are in the nature of pressure on the human psyche in order to force him to do something. And these conversations are very unpleasant for ordinary citizens who have obtained a loan earlier. Reviews indicate both the receipt of threats and insults. It is difficult to say how true this is (after all, it is known that collectors are forbidden to be rude to people and openly threaten). Therefore, there is doubt that the National Collection Service LLC has committed such violations.

Also very often in reviews there is information about calls to strangers - people who did not take a loan and, apparently, their number was indicated by a real debtor. As far as user comments show, even the one who really was not a client of the bank and did not apply for a loan, accidentally getting into the list of “ringing” collectors, suffers and becomes their “telephone victim”.


Most likely, citizens who are called by mistake do something wrong. On the information portal operating within the structure of NSV LLC, a whole section is allocated for those who receive calls and SMS messages by mistake. It is enough to contact him, clarify your real contacts and make the lender understand that you really did not take additional loans from any of the banks. This way, you will simply be removed from the shared database, inspected and apologized for bothering you. At least, such stories are also not uncommon, so the employees of NSV LLC know how to proceed.

how to deal with the national collection service

In addition, there is another caveat to keep in mind. Collectors are ordinary people who simply work in a rather complicated field. Therefore, it should be understood that their task is to return the money to the company, and yours (as a debtor) is to pay the full amount. Until the funds are returned, the debtor really succeeds, uses the finances of the bank. But this is wrong! Do not rack your brains on how to deal with the National Penal Enforcement Service. On the contrary, you should contact them and, first of all, find out the amount of your debt. It’s also better not to bring the matter to court, since in this case you will lose it with a high probability.

Work in a company

Another interesting point that I would like to draw attention to is the employment in the company. As you know, if a bank decides to sell debt to collectors, employees of the debt agency get more work. Given the large network of representative offices and the huge volume of paper files, new employees are constantly required here. At least, this can be understood by looking at the “Jobs” and “Career with us” departments on the site. Different positions are presented here, depending on the city in which the person wants to find a job. At the time of writing, for example, in Moscow there is a vacancy “Inspector for working with problem loans”.They officially pay 26 thousand rubles and add interest on sales. Schedule: 2/2 from 9 to 21.

Employee Reviews

On the site, which has the National Recovery Service, the reviews of employees are rather flattering: they call the work at the agency an excellent career start, the opportunity to earn a lot, learn, and develop steadily. In fact, the opinions of those who have worked here are somewhat different. Someone is really satisfied with the place of work, and part of the reviews says something completely different. For example, negative opinions indicate the need to constantly communicate with debtors in a tense format. To cope with such work in a constant mode can only be a person who is psychologically more stable than others. And he really doesn’t care what to say to whom. Therefore, most often the best collectors of "NSV" are a special category of people who are able to defend their point of view to the last. Apparently, they are the so-called commercial core of the company.


So, for organizations the option to sell debt to collectors is the most acceptable, therefore, being an NSV partner is quite profitable. As for the debtors, they have the opposite: communicating with the company leaves unpleasant memories. Therefore, you need to try to contact them and close your debts in order to stop such communication as quickly as possible. And, of course, the next time it’s more careful to take a loan.

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