
Horsepower Tax. Vehicle Tax: Car Tax Calculator

The so-called horsepower tax is very important. This payment does not apply to all citizens, but only to those who own certain vehicles. Nevertheless, it is necessary to know about him. This contribution to the state treasury is usually called a transport tax. But what is it in principle? And how is it calculated? Is it necessary to pay tax without fail, or can one somehow evade it?horsepower tax


First, let's determine what a horsepower tax is. As we found out, it is also called transport. What is it? The annual payment paid by all taxpayers who own a particular vehicle. Please note: this regional tax.

What does this factor affect? The size of the final amount per horsepower. In each subject of the Russian Federation it is established individually. Yes, the Tax Code has some “input” that helps in the calculations, but this is only a kind of “support”. Transport tax is calculated according to several formulas and using some important components. In addition, there are positive aspects to this issue - the availability of beneficiaries. Some categories of citizens are either completely exempt from payment, or partially receive a discount.

About benefits

Car tax is an eternal question that worries drivers. It changes from year to year. As practice shows, in a big way. However, not all transport owners have problems with this tax. It has already been said that there are peculiar beneficiaries. They do not pay this fee.

Who belongs here? Each region even has its own rules. But regular recipients of benefits are disabled people (group 1 and 2 - 100%), veterans, military (who took part in hostilities), heroes of the Russian Federation and the USSR.horsepower tax calculator

Also, horsepower tax is not levied on organizations involved in the transportation and servicing of people with disabilities. Do not forget about companies that repair and create new roads. Such "official transport" is not taxed.

In some cases, payment should not be made by large families. This rule exists in most regions. True, large families are when a family grows from 3 or more minor children. Parents of persons with disabilities are also exempted from payment in full.

Senior citizens

Separate attention in this matter is required by pensioners. They are permanent beneficiaries in Russia. Only here the car tax for them still takes place. Pensioners are exempted from payment, but not always. Only in some cases.car tax

Most often, citizens who have gone on a well-deserved rest have a discount on transport. From 50 to 90%. Please note: this benefit applies only to one car. That is, when an elderly person owns several motor vehicles, you will have to choose which one to receive the discount on. The second payment will be paid to the state treasury without fail and in full.

An exception

There are few exceptions. For example, pensioners do not pay horsepower taxes at all if a citizen is classified as “eternal benefit”. Say is disabled. A very common scenario.

In addition, older people (and only them) do not pay horsepower tax if they own a low-powered vehicle.Typically, this is considered an engine from 70 to 150 horsepower. Please note: each region has its own rules in this regard. You must specify them without fail. And annually. Otherwise, you can lose benefits.


Often, in order to calculate the amount payable in the form of a tax on transport, special calculators are used. They are usually searched on the Internet, for each subject of the Russian Federation (and even a year) its own service is used.transport tax

Horsepower tax calculator is a modern, but not entirely accurate solution. Often there are a variety of system crashes that ultimately give you incorrect data. But you do not need to think about calculations and input information. The horsepower tax calculator, as a rule, requires only the characteristics of your vehicle, as well as information about the duration of the car. Nothing else.

In principle, if you do not want to think about the transport tax at all, you can try to calculate the amount online. Only very neat. Relying on the received data is not necessary. Instead, do the entire transportation tax calculation yourself. It is not as difficult as it may seem. It is enough to know some information for the calculations.

Tax rate

The first thing that is required of a citizen is to find out the so-called tax rate. In each city, it is installed individually. What it is?

The tax rate for vehicles is the cost of one horsepower engine. The role is played by the type of your car, as well as the engine size and place of residence. How much does horsepower cost? The tax calculated on transport depends on this rate. It has already been said that all the data will have to be found out specifically for your region of residence.calculation of transport tax

Nevertheless, there is nothing difficult in this. On average, for cars with an "average" engine, horsepower will cost 20-25 rubles. The more powerful the transport, the more you need to pay. Remember this rule.


Further, for calculations, it is useful to find out the characteristics of your transport. More precisely, engine power. This is the so-called horsepower. The more there are in the car, the higher the tax will be. It is quite normal.

Usually there is no problem with this information. Any owner knows how much horsepower is in his vehicle. If you forgot this data, look at them in the TCP. There you will find all the characteristics of your car. For hand-made calculations, they will not be useful. All that is needed is the power of the transport engine. In horsepower.


Also, in some cases, the duration of ownership of the vehicle may be useful. It affects the car tax (horsepower). Take into account the number of months of ownership is necessary when the transport is owned less than a year. It is in this case that you will have to work with a non-standard formula.

For convenience, you can immediately take the number of months the car has been in the property and divide them by 12. And remember or write down the resulting number. It will come in handy later. If the vehicle is in the ownership of 12 months or more, then the moment "falls". We do not need him.horsepower tax

For luxury

The horsepower tax is also calculated based on the cost of transport. There is such a thing as a luxury car. Applicable only to "cars". At the same time, a special value appears for such vehicles - an increasing factor.

What it is? A special fixed figure that helps with the calculation of the transport tax. It depends on the average cost of your transport, as well as on the year of manufacture of the car. Fluctuates from 1,1 to 3.

What kind of transport can be called luxurious? One that costs an average of more than 3 million rubles. Otherwise, we do not need a raising coefficient. In practice, it is needed less and less. Basically, preference is given to less luxurious passenger cars.


Now what? We need to study the formulas that will help us calculate the transport tax. There are only 4 of them. But in practice, usually only two are most often applied.

The standard formula is when the tax rate is multiplied by the amount of horsepower in the engine. The amount received - this is the transport tax due from you.how much horsepower tax is

The second option is applicable when the transport is owned less than a year. Remember, we divided the number of months of ownership by 12? Now it's time to use the figure. If you have not found the quotient before, now is the time. You need to multiply the standard formula by the resulting coefficient.

The following two methods are directly related to luxury cars. So, if you multiply the increasing coefficient by the standard formula (that is, by the number of horsepower in the engine, as well as the tax rate), you will get a tax calculation for luxury vehicles. And when multiplying the work by the number of months of ownership, divided by 12 previously, an algorithm is obtained that is relevant for similar calculations. But taking into account the fact that the car has been owned less than a year. There is nothing difficult about this. The calculation of the transport tax is made without any problems. Even a schoolboy can master it.

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