
Equipment for the production of polymer sand products: manufacturing technology and characteristics of machines

Paving slabs of various colors, most types of tiles, paving stones - all this relates to polymer sand products.

At first glance, manufacturing technology is complicated. But if you choose the right equipment for the production of polymer sand products, you can soon get good profit from sales.

Manufacturing technology

The main feature of products of this type is the use of natural raw materials (sand, clay) together with polymeric substances. For this, it is necessary to mix these materials in the correct proportion and after heat treatment it is possible to make finished products.

equipment for the production of polymer sand products

Many manufacturers of polymer sand products keep the composition of their products secret. This is due to the difficulty of compiling the correct “recipe”. Depending on the type of equipment and the mode of its operation, the final product can acquire various operational properties.

However, the principles of constructing a technological scheme are the same for all types of production. It consists of the following steps:

  • Preparation of feedstock for subsequent mixing. Using crushing equipment, it is crushed to the same fraction.
  • Melting the material until plasticity is achieved.
  • Production using the mold of the final product.

When choosing equipment should pay attention to its performance, the possibility of modification, performance.

Preparation and mixing of raw materials

As the main manufacturing material, purified sand and several types of polymers are usually used. Equipment for the production of polymer sand products is designed to process almost all types of plastic, which are necessary for bundling components.

manufacturers of polymer sand products

It is best to use several types of polymer - hard (polystyrene, PET, etc.) and soft (HDPE and LDPE). In the process of heating in the melting equipment, they will gradually form a homogeneous mass.

To mix the components, a crushing machine is used, which grinds all the elements to the desired fraction. Its main parameters are the total volume of the processed mass and the degree of its grinding. When picking a line, it should be borne in mind that crusher productivity is the main parameter affecting the amount of grazed products.

After this, the resulting mass must be heated to the desired temperature.

Melting heating equipment

This processing step is required, since only in this way are high-quality polymer-sand products formed. The technology of their production consists in stepwise heating and constant mixing of the composition.

polymer sand products technology

The initial mixture is placed in a loading hopper in which the screw is located. With its help, the mass moves along the heating zones with different temperatures. With a gradual increase in the level of heating, the raw material acquires plasticity. This is due to the melting of the plastic granules. Soft polymers are plasticized at low temperatures, and hard ones when they reach a critical heating point.

The melting heating installation is selected from the calculation of the maximum possible volume of loading and the speed of obtaining the composition of the desired consistency. The average productivity of modern models is 250-300 kg / hour.


At this stage, press equipment is used for the production of polymer sand products. The heated composition is placed in molds, where under the influence of pressure the formation of future products takes place.

polymer sand production line

A line for the production of polymer sand products can produce one type of product or several. It all depends on the design of the press and the ability to quickly change molds. The main material for their manufacture is high-strength steel. Depending on the area of ​​the press, 2 to 12 paving slabs can be made simultaneously. It is noteworthy that finished products do not need additional drying. After their manufacture, the batch can be packaged and sent to the warehouse or directly to the installation site.

Organization Tips

At the first stage, it is necessary to choose the installation location of the equipment. The room should have a power line of the required power with an optimal area for the placement of machines. Equipment for the production of polymer sand products can be selected from different manufacturers. Some of them offer complexes where the heating and molding process is combined in one design. This significantly reduces labor costs, since there is no operation to move the heated mass from the melt line to the press.

The choice of a particular type of product depends on the state of demand. Currently, paving slabs are especially popular - it is used both in public utilities and in private buildings. If you need to expand the range of products, you can buy new molds. However, this step should be calculated, since their cost can reach several hundred thousand rubles.

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