
Processing and use of biometric data. Personal biometric data is ...

Want to know what biometric personal data is, and what kind of system it is? Today we will talk about the implementation of biometric technologies in everyday life and explain what biometrics are, why they are needed and what are their advantages.


First you need to understand what biometrics is. This is a scientific discipline, the purpose of which is to study the various parameters of man, with which he can be identified among the entire population of the Earth. These technologies are very common in the West, as this can significantly improve the efficiency of many public services. In Russia, biometric technologies are already beginning to be gradually introduced, and fingerprint analysis is being actively used.

biometric data

What is biometric data?

To answer this question correctly, it should be understood that the benefits to society of applying biometric indicators will be enormous. Modern society is constantly evolving, and nothing can stop this process. Qualitative technological reforms occur at every level, and innovations are introduced in all spheres of human life.

Biometric personal data is the measurable behavioral or physiological data of any person. In simpler terms, this can be either an official identity document or a photograph or video in which a person is present. A huge advantage of such data is that it is completely unique. That is why they can be effectively used for personal identification. If paper documents can be very expertly falsified, then biometric data cannot be falsified in any way.

what relates to biometric personal data


There are two indicators by which such data can be grouped. Both groups are very important and significant in the quality of wearable information.

The first group is physiological biometric data that directly relates to any characteristics of the body (fingerprints, DNA analysis, scan of the hand, retina, human smell, voice, face recognition).

The second group is behavioral data that are directly related to how a person behaves in various situations (for example, gait, speech, excitability).

biometric data processing


It is impossible to describe the complete composition of biometric data, since it can be very extensive. If we summarize and give the essence of the problem, then we can say that biometric data is information that can in any way describe the physiological and biological characteristics of a person, based on them, you can establish a person’s personality, and they can be used by the operator to analyze the subject. It is worth noting that all of the above components must be present simultaneously. Biometrics is impossible without identification, we can say that this is its basic principle.

It follows that medical images or a cardiogram of the heart cannot serve as identifying data, although theoretically they belong to the physiological group of data. Once in the hands of special authorities, these data, together with other personal information, can serve as a basis for identifying a person.


The processing of biometric data according to the law can only be carried out on a fair legal basis.The specific purpose of collecting and processing data should be defined, and only for these purposes can the information obtained be used. The state prohibits combining data whose collection goals are contrary to one another or simply incompatible. It is impossible to analyze data to obtain redundant information that was not indicated at the beginning of the task as necessary.

use of biometric data

Only verified and accurate data are allowed to be analyzed, and any inaccuracies and errors are subject to double-checking or exclusion from the database. Biometric personal data is the information that can only be stored for a certain period of time necessary to achieve the collection goals. In case of achievement of the set result, all data must be destroyed or anonymized. An important point in any processing of personal information is the consent of the subject. Personal information may be made public if the entity decides to provide unlimited access to it.

data usage

What is human biometric data? This is a set of distinctive characteristics on different points. The totality or complex of these data allows you to very accurately identify a person. The value of such information is that it can be used for good purposes. The use of personal data is clearly regulated by law, and non-compliance with the rules is punishable in strict order. Collection and analysis of personal information is possible only after a person’s personal consent to it. Only the state has access to classified information; any private entities do not have the right to receive personal data of the subject.

biometric personal data is

The use of biometric technologies is a very promising area that will allow you to instantly find criminals, save sick people, provide immediate assistance with tragedies, find people much faster, etc. Such technologies are very actively used in other countries, and the level of crime, sudden mortality and etc., they are much lower, which clearly indicates the effectiveness of the method.

Public opinion

Biometrics of personal identification by passport are being actively introduced. A digital image embedded in the chip of any document will not only report standard data about a person, but also provide a whole package of information that has been collected. Some fear the introduction of biometric passports, as this resembles total control.

It’s practically impossible for an ordinary person to control the use of biometric data - all that remains is to take a word that they are reliably protected. It should be remembered that innovative chips even assume that a person can be tracked by his location, learn about his physical condition remotely, and also get complete information about what the subject is doing for a certain period of time.

What is human biometric data?

Despite the fact that the introduction of biometrics in everyday life is a huge progress in science and technology, most people still fear this kind of control. It is worthwhile to understand that the Internet is overwhelmed with fantasy information that the Secret World Government is behind all these processes. Such a panic is sown among the masses on purpose in order to intensify the situation. It is worthwhile to really assess the situation and understand that progress is occurring in all areas of life and therefore it is foolish to restrain it in a specific direction.

Of course, there may indeed be an abuse of the technology obtained, but we live in a state of law where human interests play a crucial role. In addition, a special system for the protection of personal data of a person will be introduced, the neglect of which will be liable under the law.

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Reason for complaint
Very competently written by a professional in their field. My opinion is that only the state and government agencies can have access to biometric information about a person. And all private companies should not have it. Including Banks.


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