
The main types of advertising, their effectiveness and good examples

No matter how a person scolds advertising, today it is impossible to live without it. How else to find out about the news? Choose a car? To buy provisions? Will you know about discounts and sales if the ad just disappears? Often, we simply do not notice it, although we perceive its message subconsciously. This is because different types of advertising haunt us not only daily, but hourly and even every second.types of advertising

Oh how much?

In our age of high technology and global abundance, there are more than two dozen varieties and types of advertising. The advertiser receives a full carte blanche, as he can choose its formats, slogan, and even the method of placement. A wide selection allows and even strongly recommends that every enterprise and every entrepreneur tell the world about themselves in order to increase recognition and ensure image growth.

Advertising has long gone out of the narrow sphere of trade and penetrated into politics, education, and culture. In fact, every working person becomes an advertiser. He sells his services and assigns a certain price for them, but in order to justify this price he uses various types of advertising.

Promoted brands spend millions on maintaining a good name, but it takes a little to make a successful company stagger. Remember the saying that a large cupboard falls louder? So here the situation is similar. The anti-advertising of the Pepsi drink comes to mind, which did not have the slightest evidence, but nevertheless frightened almost the whole of America.

In one of the cans of the drink, according to the consumer, a needle from a syringe was discovered. Manufacturers were well aware that if such a situation took place, then the vacuum would have been broken and the drink would not have been preserved, but arguing with a wave of anxiety was already pointless. The Pepsi company acted wisely and removed the batch of the drink from sale, and organized free tours for everyone who wanted to track the process of making soda. Tours were filmed to broadcast live. The audience quickly calmed down and the conflict was settled.

main types of advertising

With minimal risk

Is it possible to use only those types of advertising that do not carry any risk? Theoretically, it is possible, but in practice it is unlikely to succeed. The fact is that for each class of goods and services certain methods of advertising and dissemination of information are suitable.

So, printed forms of advertising fully reflect the characteristics of rational products, but emotional ones need the visualization provided by the Internet, TV and radio. There is always a risk, so any company should be prepared for the issue with a sub-media clue.

Ambiguous expressions are a risk, a “strawberry” on a screen is a risk, a special mistake in a word is a risk. But a good advertiser goes to him consciously, realizing that this is still an opportunity to prove himself and make himself known.types and forms of advertising

Base platform

So, the main types of advertising are classified by type of medium.

  • Advertising in print media;
  • Advertising on TV;
  • Internet advertising;
  • Advertising on the radio.

You need to choose a carrier, starting from the needs of the target audience and its interests. Each medium has a number of pros and cons. Classification by type of carrier is extremely general, but it gives impetus to further development.

In a newspaper, advertising is a thing of the past. Now it’s almost not read, except for short sale or purchase announcements. But if you have plans to buy a car or sell it, then do not lose sight of this promotion tool.Advertising in newspapers attracts with its comparative cheapness, simplicity of layout and effectiveness.

Magazine types of advertising are a little more interesting. Examples can be given from the catalogs of cosmetics. Compact format, aroma, gloss brightness - all this attracts the audience. Moreover, it is clearly prescribed here - the product is intended for women. This is their corner of perfumery and beauty. Dam attracts visibility and the ability to taste the product, at least through the sense of smell.

Many large publications, for example, Cosmopolitan magazine, adopted the test sample in magazines. This glossy “Bible” for women has established itself as a competent expert in matters of beauty, and therefore the product sample attached to the pages is of interest a priori.

Advertising of linen from Milavitsa on the pages of Cosmo, when professional models demonstrate products, can also be called successful. In men's magazines, advertising for expensive cars, luxury perfumes and cigarettes is popular.

Radio Advertising interesting for promoting services and goods that may come in handy on the go. Here the main criterion is the memorability and necessity of the product. The consumer pays attention to the sounding radio unconsciously. He can be “hooked” by a funny motive, a rhyme, a pun with an original filling. It is necessary to put everything you need in a couple of seconds so that the listener does not get bored.

Spectacular and, undoubtedly, successful can be considered advertising radio "Europe +" and radio "Mayak". Their callsigns are always attractive. If the radio tunes in the car, then most likely you will only search for those radio stations that are heard.

Advertising on TV is most popular, as it collects a significant part of the audience. Successful can be called an advertising campaign for the Coca-Cola drink with their New Year theme, signature red color and white bears. As practice shows, the campaign with the exchange of caps for glasses from the company ended long before the announced date; prize glasses were simply not enough. Advertising of M & M's sweets with a series of adventures of Red and Yellow should also be recognized as successful.

Advertising on the Internet is easiest to evaluate, since almost every website with advertising banners counts those who clicked on a link. You can recall the successful Yandex advertisement - "Buy an elephant" with a picture of this animal and a link to the sale of inexpensive and safe elephants. So what, what was the result of the sites-advertisers? The main goal - attracting attention - has been achieved!types of advertising examples

By variety

We will dive into a more detailed classification and consider the main types of advertising in terms of profitability. Every day, on the way to and from work, we drive dozens of banners, pillars and signboards. Do we pay attention to them? By all means! Over time, information settles in your head and shoots at the right time! Op-pa and we remember where to buy an apartment or which car is now the best discount.

Outdoor is a relatively new form of advertising located throughout the city. It can be seen on walls, roofs, stands, as well as on transport and even on asphalt. By the way, the last option is actively used by enterprising businessmen, leaving detailed coordinates of their points on the pavement. The method is surprisingly profitable, because hundreds of people go through such advertising, and many remember it, because they just look at their feet! Everything ingenious is simple and this successful commercial move deserves respect, as advertising eventually rinses away with rain, and does not fly apart in fragments of posters around the city.

Advertising on pillars allows you to grab a solid percentage of the population and also point them to the direction of the point. The cost of placing the pillar depends on the strength of the human flow, but the costs justify themselves. Addresses and telephones are almost not remembered, so there should be little actual information on the pillar, but visibility helps.Better to depict the store in the picture than to meticulously explain how it looks.any kind of advertising

For small cities

It is believed that in a small settlement it is easier to “untwist” a point, but is that so? On the one hand, yes, because it’s easier to calculate the layer of the target audience, to determine the places of accumulation and to form a comprehensive blow to consciousness. But all this is hypothetically simple if the correct types and means of advertising are selected. It is impossible to sell clothes without visualization and it is impossible to advertise a content manager without verbal accompaniment.

Let's try to form modern types of advertising for a small town. People in promotional costumes are always a win-win option. First off, it's fun. Secondly, it’s still unusual. Thirdly, it attracts attention. Agree, taking a hot dog in the form of a carrot from the hands of a teddy hare is at least strange, but very interesting! An advertiser in a suit can hand out flyers, record data, conduct surveys, or even cook food for sample.

One can not help but mention advertising through the speakers. If a circus comes to a small town, then what's the point of spending money on advertising in magazines ?! It’s worth letting a car with a translator on the roof in the main streets and an hour later the whole city will know about the upcoming event.

The local radio that motorists catch is a good advertisement. The types and functions of advertising are relegated to the background. Usually this is the frequency of small coverage, at which the latest news is voiced, greetings and city jokes are conveyed. Often such a wave is caught in a taxi. An unobtrusive sound, good musical accompaniment, and here it is - the context of advertising is densely stuck in the brain.

Television in small towns usually lags behind in development, so it will give a small response to large entrepreneurs. But the publication on the city portal may be effective. Do not spare money on the colorful and visual.features of types of advertising

For large areas

If you develop production in a metropolis, then the types and forms of advertising require special imagination. The main goal in this case is not to get lost in the crowd and not become familiar with the mass of billboards.

Outdoor advertising is always in trend. In some cases, it is better to go on a provocation and be remembered. So, on a banner advertising a furniture store, in one of the cities of the Voronezh region, a photograph appeared revealing the signature of one of the employees. The signature to the photo said that the girl, a former chief accountant who regularly steal from the cash register. The main message was that the thief was exposed and punished, since in this store there is a policy of truthful and fair trade. You say an immoral move? But it worked!

Sandwich people are also relevant in megacities. Remember the famous series "Sex and the City." This is just an almanac of successful advertising. In one of the episodes, a promoter in a hot dog costume agitated the heroine and began to dream about her, as he once suggested that she "eat him." A bit silly? But with humor!

Pneumofigures are the best form of advertising for street festivals, exhibitions and any cultural events. They can be of any shape and size. The main thing is their volume. The method is non-standard and therefore effective.

Targeted advertising works regardless of the addressee's place of residence. She can put in the mailbox, stick on the door of the staircase or elevator. More often than not, service managers for homes, fast food restaurants, or taxis do this. The calculation is that a person can instantly turn to the one whose services he remembered.new type of advertising

Crisis data

There has always been a crisis in Russia, but online advertising only gained momentum. On average, its popularity grows by 5% annually. It is still inferior to traditional advertising platforms, but the matter is small.

It offers effective types of advertising at affordable prices. Audience coverage is variable, as the advertising website can offer information on a variety of topics.Probably, the target audience of your product uses the Internet, which means that advertising will reach the addressee.

You can choose any type of advertising, as they are all on the Internet! Static and dynamic, musical and print, graphic, caricature, serious and in the genre of comics.

The most common so far is considered a banner, which may contain a link to the site. Text advertising can be small or an entire advertising article. Videos are the most winning option that can be remembered and evoke the right associations.

Virus to the masses

Viral is the most popular advertisement. Views and advertising features this kind of very specific. This should be not just a video, but an interesting semantic plot, causing a desire to share with a friend, save to yourself or re-read. It can be a video, music track, comic book or even an article. The main thing in it is that advertising goes a little deeper and in the foreground - the content of the plot itself.

A wide resonance was caused by the viral advertisement of BigBon chips with three main characters: Anya, Yana and Andrey. A series of videos was divided into plots, and viewers were asked to choose their development, for which they should send SMS to one or another number. In each video, the heroes had a bite to eat with one of the company's products, and at the end of the entire series the young man laid out a message with chips on the heroine.

Advertising is certainly successful. She brought additional income to the company and was remembered. Features of types of advertising (viral) in its sense. It fascinates and makes you want to smile or empathize with the main character.

A German advertisement for a condom brand is very interesting: a father and son go into a store where his son demandingly grabs a typewriter and forces his father to buy, threatening him with scandal and screaming. Father’s look is very eloquent and the inscription on the screen reflects it; it contains a warning about safer sex and the timely use of contraceptives.

Affection and association with the famous cartoon "Tom and Jerry" is caused by an advertisement for Swiss cheese, where a small mouse feasts cheese in a mousetrap. Loud clap and blackout, and then the audience sees a mouse that was slammed by a mousetrap. Another moment, and the mouse, reinforced with cheese, begins to swing the biceps in a mousetrap.

In fact

So, what can we say, analyzing the goals and types of advertising? There are many classifications, if you divide advertising for one reason or another, focusing on objects and means. In fact, the concept and types of advertising depend on the customer himself, so he will have to decide on the effect that he wants to get.

Indeed, all this is a special type of communication, the spectrum of which is determined by the target audience and the type of product being promoted. Conventionally, one can single out media and non-instant means of promotion, and only then form functional subgroups. The concept and types of advertising are supplemented by taking into account the territorial and geographical aspects.

The goals and objectives of the classification is easiest to do.

  • Advertising can inform, that is, talk about a new product or an improved product, a new field of application or the participation of modernizers, about a change in the price or features of a product. It may mention a correction or clarifying information that can dispel consumer concerns and generate loyalty to the product.
  • Exhortative advertising forms the image of the company, attracts new supporters, offers them to taste the company's products in order to get away from competitors. At the same time, the buyer is persuaded to purchase the goods immediately, or to find out the full information from the official representative in order to contact later.
  • Reminiscent advertising seems less intrusive, but it can become more stuck in the memory, as it makes the consumer an urgent need for the product now or in the near future, recalls the points of purchase of the goods of the representative company, introduces the company’s shares and emphasizes loyalty to the consumer.

Different types of advertising imply ways to accomplish their tasks.

For example, print advertising, which is the oldest form of such activity, includes an information letter addressed to a specific person and contains all the necessary information about the company, with the main directions of work and opportunities provided to potential consumers. The company can offer a trial tasting of the goods, a free sample, souvenir products or even cooperation if the addressee is of interest to the company.

A leaflet is a much simpler form of communication, as it contains only advertising information, is distinguished by its catchy design and clear message. In fact, this is a noticeable advertisement in the press, but of a larger volume and with a clearer drawing of details.

Most often large companies choose the booklet for the presentation of their services, for whom it is important to provide complete information about specific services and people. It can also be colorful, but without prejudice to content and business style.

An advertising brochure is often chosen to promote companies whose services need a visual image. For example, real estate agencies. It is important for them to have a voluminous booklet with illustrations of works on hand. Often companies issue booklets for important dates or presentations of new products. This is already a kind of corporate advertising, which may have access to the client.

A catalog is a fairly popular form of print advertising that companies choose to illustrate in detail the offered goods and services. This is a small book, beautifully designed and easy to learn. A great choice for perfume companies or furniture stores and household goods.

Finally, a press release is an advertisement for a press event. Most often, it is sent out targeted or distributed free of charge for preliminary acquaintance with the evening program and speakers' speeches.

According to statistics, creating successful print ads is easier, but you cannot remember truly successful examples of such advertising.


Analyzing the types of advertising, examples I want to mention colorful and vibrant. There are many on TV, where we turn. In the series "Sex and the City" there are surprisingly many successful advertisements for goods for women and men. After this series, women's love for Manolo Blanic shoes, Prada shirts, Apple computers, and Marlborough light cigarettes increased many times over. The secret is that the main character did not shove the products of these brands on the screen, but simply used it as an ordinary woman who loves good shoes and fashion shows.

An unsuccessful example of advertising in the series can be considered the Russian sitch Defochonki, where the fifth season was hopelessly spoiled by the motley advertising of Klinsit acne creams and gels and Fresh Bar products. Real and good advertising is not explicit or conspicuous. She is quiet and modest, but at the same time bright and professional.

In conclusion, I would like to recall a real masterpiece - an advertisement for the Panda cheese. This is a three-minute mini-film, which takes place in an ordinary supermarket, office or home. Different heroes think whether to take Panda cheese or refuse it. At a crucial moment, a cute bear appears in front of them, which shows in practice how unlucky the lovers of his cheese are.

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