
Crimes with two forms of guilt: qualification, symptoms, responsibility

For crimes committed with two forms of guilt, the punishment is applied in accordance with Art. 27 of the Criminal Code. This norm describes these acts. Let's consider them in more detail. two forms of guilt


If grave consequences ensue as a result of a deliberate act, entailing a stricter responsibility under the law and not covered by the intent of the person, punishment occurs only in certain cases. It is provided if the subject foresaw the likelihood of their occurrence, but arrogantly counted on their prevention, not having sufficient grounds for this. Also, punishment occurs if the person did not anticipate, but should and could understand the possibility of these grave consequences. In general, a crime committed with two forms of guilt is considered intentional.

Distinctive features of acts

From the above definition, the following signs of crimes with two forms of guilt can be established:

  1. Acts are intentional.
  2. There are consequences that are not covered by the intent of the subject.
  3. The mental attitude of the attacker to the result of his actions is characterized by carelessness or frivolity.
  4. The consequences are considered grave and entail a more serious punishment.
  5. Crimes, despite the presence of consequences caused by negligence, are considered intentional.
  6. There is a connection between the behavioral acts of the person and the result.
  7. Careless consequences act as an indispensable sign of a deliberate act.

crimes committed with two forms of guilt


The Criminal Code provides for various offenses with two forms of guilt. In general, they are all subdivided into intentional acts entailing only reckless consequences, both caused by recklessness and intent. The last group, for example, should include the crime covered by part 4 of article 111 of the Criminal Code. The guilty person deliberately harms the victim under Part 1 of this norm - serious damage to health. According to Part 4, these actions entail consequences in the form of a person's death. Thus, the basic design provides for the consequences, as well as a qualified composition. The first group includes acts in which only careless consequences are present. For example, rape negligently caused the death of the victim. The main design does not provide for serious consequences.

Qualification of crimes with two forms of guilt

The presence in the Criminal Code of the rules providing for punishment for such acts gives rise to constant disputes and leads to a large number of law enforcement errors. In particular, issues such as:

  1. The rationale for the presence of guilt in two different forms in one composition.
  2. Establishing the age of the subject of the act, falling under part 4 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code.
  3. Probability attempted crimes with two forms of guilt.
  4. Definition of partners.

liability of a crime committed with two forms of guilt

According to experts, one could consider it justified not to apply legislative norms, in accordance with which punishment is established for acts with formal constructions, the qualified forms of which form careless consequences. In general, according to a number of authors, the classification of such illegal acts as intentional is illogical. In addition, such legislative recognition does not have significant practical value. Preliminary activity (attempt) and complicity in such acts are impossible.And finally, the existence of such legislative structures is not caused by criminological validity.

Enforcement errors

They are due to the complexity of the design of the crime with two forms of guilt. Most often, there are law enforcement errors in the examination of acts, which provide for both reckless and deliberate consequences. For example, there is a problem of differentiation of part 4 of Art. 111 and Art. 105. It is rather difficult to distinguish between intentional grievous bodily harm and murder. In both cases, the victim suffers grievous harm, as a result of which his death occurs. But in the first case, the act, falling under the fourth part of Art. 111, is regarded as an encroachment on health, and in the second - on life. Differentiation is carried out according to the elements of the subjective part. Crime committed with two forms of guilt, according to Part 4 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code does not imply the intention to kill the victim. offenses with two forms of guilt


Let us consider in more detail crimes with two forms of guilt, entailing consequences that have different legal significance. The basic construction of such acts is material. The qualifying element is a more serious consequence. The long-term results of the action significantly increase the threat to society. Such acts include:

  • Intentional damage / destruction of property resulting in death by negligence. This act is considered in the second part of Art. 167.
  • Deliberate harm to health resulting in the death of the victim. This crime is considered in the fourth part of Art. 111.
  • Terrorism resulting in careless death. This act is provided for in the third part of the 205th article.

These crimes with two forms of guilt share the following general characteristics:

  1. The material construction of action.
  2. The presence of intent (indirect or direct), which covers the crime and related (mandatory for the deed) consequences.
  3. The long-term results of the act are more severe. They act as a qualifying characteristic.
  4. The mental attitude of the subject to the obligatory consequences is expressed in the form of intent, to the distant - careless type of guilt. In general, such an act is considered intentional.
  5. A qualifying consequence causes damage to another direct object, different from the one to which the damage was caused in the main act. This can be explained by the example of Art. 205. In the first part of this rule, the main object will be security in society, and in part 3 it is already the health and life of a citizen.

qualification of crimes with two forms of guilt

Formal constructions

The second type of acts is characterized by heterogeneity of the mental attitude to inaction / action, which is criminal regardless of the consequences, and to the qualifying results of the subject's behavior. This category includes events whose basic construction is formal. Moreover, qualifying elements include grave consequences. They may indicate a disposition of the norm. For example, there are such formulations: the death of a person during an unlawful abortion (the third part of Art. 123), theft of a water / aircraft, train (part two of Art. 211). Such consequences can also be assessed in terms of severity (major, especially major damage). Such acts combine a deliberate criminal element and a careless attitude to qualifying consequences.

General characteristics

These signs are:

  1. The formal design of the basic structure. Punishment is provided directly for the very fact of a dangerous act for society.
  2. Intentional inaction / action.
  3. The design of a qualified kind is material. It increases social danger due to the emergence of a more serious consequences. For example, in Part 1 of Art.220 a penalty has been established for the unlawful possession, use, acquisition, destruction or transfer of radioactive elements. In the second part of this norm, the material composition is already formulated. It establishes punishment for the same actions that entailed the death of a person through negligence. In general, this act is considered intentional.

a crime committed with two forms of guilt is recognized


The results of crimes with formal compositions are described in norms in two ways. In a number of articles they are called directly. For example, the death of a person when taken hostage or in a tendency to use psychotropic / narcotic drugs. Other standards use estimates. For example, grave harm in illegal abortion, other consequences. In many articles, the careless deprivation of the life of the victim appears as a distant result. This design clearly illustrates the double form of guilt with its distinguishing feature - an imprudent assumption of consequences and a deliberate act.


The outward manifestation of double-guilty crimes can be quite complex. It may include one or more actions. In a number of cases, this can lead to a variety of severity and nature of the consequences that are dangerous. This determines the unequal mental attitude of the subject. For example, a person may injure a victim with a knife in the leg and inadvertently treat death caused by this action. This phenomenon is characteristic of crimes, the purpose of which does not coincide with the consequences that have arisen. When assessing an act, one should take into account the subjective attitude of a person directly to the actions themselves and to the results. The legal nature of the crime and public danger in such cases depend on the perception of the attacker.

A responsibility

Crimes (committed with two forms of guilt in particular) can entail not one but several consequences. Moreover, the mental attitude of the person will be different for them. When determining the punishment, all the consequences that have arisen are taken into account and their perception by the subject is evaluated. So, for example, liability is established for a crime with two forms of guilt under Part 4 of Art. 111 and h. 3 Art. 123. The mental attitude of the subject to the various consequences that have come about will indeed be different. Causing intentionally grievous damage to human health, a person may be careless about his death. signs of crime with two forms of guilt


The establishment of guilt in two forms in the cases considered above is of practical importance. It allows you to differentiate these acts from adjacent structures. The delimitation of intentional grievous bodily harm is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the subjective part. Thus, the act covered by the fourth part of Art. 111, differentiates from crimes under Articles 105 and 109 (causing reckless death). If the actions of the subject were aimed not only at causing grievous bodily harm, but also at causing death, then his actions are regarded as murder.

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